X2 Support Group Game Development Archives
Directory: /pub/msdos/programming/gamesrc
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Go back to /pub/msdos/programming Name Last modified Size Description
00index.html 21-Oct-102 07:31 0.0 bytes this file in HTML
00index.txt 03-Dec-101 19:14 5.3 kB *** Games and their source code
2ktetris.zip 07-May-95 10:00 8.7 kB SmallTetris 1.0 source (asm)
3dtictac.zip 07-May-95 10:01 6.0 kB 3D tic-tac-toe (basic)
abermud.zip 07-May-95 10:00 151.3 kB AberMUD II - multiuser (16) adventure system (C)
ablast20.zip 15-Dec-101 12:27 124.4 kB Shoot'em up space game in mode13h (with source code for TP)
abusesrc.zip 05-Oct-97 15:33 2.4 MB Source code for Abuse by crack.com (MAC/SGI/Linux/AIX/MSDOS)
adv350.zip 07-May-95 10:00 125.9 kB Adventure - The original 350 point Adventure (fortran)
antiq027.zip 04-Jan-96 21:17 190.3 kB Alpha-version of a freeware Civilization Sequel
aqdev027.zip 04-Jan-96 21:18 315.0 kB Source code for a freeware Civilization sequel
arasan_s.zip 07-May-95 10:01 314.6 kB Arasan 1.2a source - Chess by Jon Dart (windows) (BC++)
arena20.zip 28-Jun-95 18:49 148.2 kB Arena 2.0 by B.Peterson - tilebased SVGA strategy game
ark.arj 13-Jul-95 14:20 100.0 kB Arkanoid 1.02 - mode 13h, 386+, SB, Italian comments (pascal)
arsrc21.zip 19-Jun-95 13:09 48.0 kB Arena 2.1 - SVGA strategy game by B.Peterson (C++)
asteroid.zip 07-May-95 10:01 34.9 kB Asteroid.c (Part 1) by David Stafford - Computer Shopper Oct 1994 (C)
battle.zip 05-Oct-96 15:02 1006.3 kB Battleships game (C)
bd.zip 10-Mar-98 12:29 246.5 kB The classic Boulder Dash game. Includes graphical Level Editor (asm)
beersrc.zip 04-Jan-96 20:51 100.7 kB Source Code of Game THE LAST EICHHOF
bg_rel.zip 07-May-95 10:00 59.9 kB Backgammon 2.3 - the game itself
bg_src.zip 07-May-95 10:00 85.4 kB Backgammon 2.3 - genetics, neural network (C)
blowup.zip 07-May-95 10:00 29.8 kB DOS minesweeper - BGI 640x480x16 (C)
boboli.zip 14-Jun-96 18:22 443.0 kB BOBOLI - action game by Mike Hommel - full C source (DJGPP)
c_pong.c 09-Aug-94 16:47 14.5 kB classic game of Pong (Megamax C - Macintosh)
capspace.zip 03-Dec-101 17:07 20.4 kB Game Action Space Flying 2D with Turbo C source
cave.zip 01-Sep-95 18:22 106.8 kB Cave Dweller beta - wolf3d, mode 13h,pmode,VOC/PCX (pascal)
connect4.zip 23-May-97 19:59 13.0 kB Efficient Connect-4 algorithm and code by K.Pomakis, v3.4 (C)
defender.zip 04-May-96 15:12 22.8 kB Qbasic version of the classic Defender game (Qbasic)
deth_src.zip 08-May-95 00:38 30.0 kB DeathRoids 0.99b source - 386+, SVGA, VESA, SB (C)
dethroid.zip 08-May-95 00:41 258.0 kB DeathRoids 0.99b executable - SVGA Asteroids by A.Roman
dragrace.zip 13-Jul-95 14:20 2.8 kB DragRace - 256byte drag racing game (asm)
earthqua.zip 07-May-95 10:01 116.0 kB Earthquake Simulator 1.0 - SVGA/BGI, by M.Koshelev (C/C++)
egasnarf.zip 07-May-95 10:01 61.1 kB Snarf - 640x350x16 collect-stuff-in-maze by Everett Kaser (C)
elim10.zip 03-Dec-101 19:01 41.4 kB ELIMINATOR v1.0 - simple game with Turbo C++ source.
falldn10.zip 03-Dec-101 19:12 888.7 kB falldown 3D V 1.0 C++ sources (VC++5.0), requires DirectX6.0+
fakeultima.zip 03-Dec-101 17:34 68.4 kB An Ultima 5 -like game with C sources.
fring11.lzh 23-Apr-94 00:18 39.6 kB FringDus game + map/sprite maker sources (pascal)
gnuchess.lzh 20-Nov-94 16:43 201.2 kB GNU Chess 3.1 - portable chess game (C)
goodie.zip 31-Dec-94 17:19 50.1 kB The Goody Picker by Tin Blaskovic - XLib 5.0, 286+ (C)
gravwar2.zip 07-May-95 10:01 39.4 kB GravityWars - 640x480x16 by Sohrab Ismail-Beigi (pascal)
hunchy.zip 07-May-95 10:00 88.7 kB Hunchback by Robert Schmidt - CGA (pascal)
invadr11.zip 02-Nov-95 13:06 26.7 kB Space Invaders 1.1 - mode13h (asm)
ladders.zip 18-Jul-95 19:16 162.3 kB Ladders - aniVGA, maze by S.Ockers (pascal)
lander1b.zip 30-Dec-96 19:35 110.4 kB Lander. DOS game w/ source by Joe Lambert. 320x200x256 Mode13h
mancala.zip 07-May-95 10:01 7.3 kB Mancala: intro by Scott Sauyet and source by Bill (C)
mario.zip 28-Feb-98 17:55 155.5 kB an unfinished clone of super mario 4, asm sources
maze2a.zip 07-May-95 10:01 43.4 kB generate and solve a maze - by James Dean (C)
mmmmaze.zip 07-May-95 10:01 39.7 kB Mad Mad Mad Mazes 1.0 - by Frederick Volking (basic)
mor55286.zip 21-May-95 16:29 204.8 kB PC Moria 5.5 (umoria) - The Dungeons of Moria, 286+
mor5588.zip 21-May-95 16:29 205.7 kB PC Moria 5.5 (umoria) - The Dungeons of Moria, 8086+
mor55src.zip 21-May-95 16:29 399.5 kB PC Moria 5.5 (umoria) - The Dungeons of Moria, source (C)
mtsrc13.zip 17-Jun-95 21:19 5.1 kB Mars Trooper 1.3 - 253-byte game for rgp contest (asm)
mymud21.zip 22-Aug-95 12:34 266.1 kB LiveSystems MyMUD 2.1 - multiuser LAN game (Novell)(pascal)
myprogs.zip 07-May-95 10:02 87.7 kB puzzle, centipede, 2x tetris - by C.Vidal, French (pascal)
othello.zip 07-May-95 10:02 15.0 kB portable othello source (DeSmet C) by Bennett Todd (C)
pacman01.zip 27-Apr-99 06:19 68.9 kB A small PacMan game in Turbo C
pacmes.zoo 18-Jul-95 18:07 64.3 kB PacMes - text mode PacMan clone by Arjan de Mes (curses) (C)
pinbsrc.zip 04-May-96 15:04 1.2 MB PC Spiel Pinball Game (pascal TP6.0)
pcgamn6.zip 07-May-95 10:01 81.4 kB PC-Gammon IV 6.0 - text mode backgammon by David Oshel (C)
qmatrix1.zip 17-Nov-96 19:13 23.9 kB QB Matrix 1.0, Full featured Tetris variant for Qbasic
reversem.zip 07-May-95 10:01 182.4 kB Reversem 1.0 by Erich Gatejen - othello 386,vga,mouse (BC++)
roads15.arj 05-May-94 14:58 51.0 kB 4-way scrolling tilebased world (C - FastGraph)
robots3.zip 07-May-95 10:01 46.6 kB Unix robots game - ascii, graphics and realtime (C)
rocksvga.zip 07-May-95 10:00 16.4 kB asteroids clone source by Paul Kahler (pascal)
roll5.zip 07-May-95 10:01 60.0 kB Roll 5 version 2.0 - Yahtzee (basic)
rpixels.zip 27-Apr-99 06:13 265.6 kB The great game of racing pixels (2 player)
rtankasm.zip 07-May-95 10:01 84.3 kB Robotank background tiles and screen stuff (asm)
rtankexe.zip 07-May-95 10:01 136.0 kB Robotank executable (CGA) and manual by Alexander Walsh
rtanksrc.zip 07-May-95 10:01 130.1 kB Robotank front end and the game itself (C)
sc_ttt.zip 07-May-95 10:02 2.7 kB Tic-Tac-Toe by S.Chapel - minimax, alpha-beta pruning (C)
shuffl11.zip 14-Dec-96 17:45 658.9 kB Shuffle puck clone with Mode-X graphics, DJGPP source
simulate.zip 07-May-95 10:01 9.3 kB Flight Sim Subsonic Jet Aircraft 4.26 by T.Brewster (pascal)
slowruns.zip 01-Feb-99 18:08 589.7 kB Slow Runnings 1.5 Copyrighted Freeware - Copyright 1997 (C src)
spadv.zip 07-May-95 10:00 113.5 kB Space Adventure 2.01 by Robert Schmidt - CGA (pascal)
subchase.zip 07-May-95 10:01 4.3 kB SubChase 1.0 - (basic)
tank11.zip 07-May-95 10:00 59.3 kB Super Tank 1.1 source (asm/C) by Kevin Dahlhausen (mode 13h)
tetris.zip 24-Mar-97 23:06 145.3 kB Tetris clone done using DJGPP and Allegro (C/C++/DJGPP/Allegro)
tictac.zip 07-May-95 10:01 39.4 kB 3D ticTacToe by Timur Fanshteyn - mouse, mode 13h (asm/C)
trissrc.zip 14-Jun-96 22:08 10.1 kB partial TETRIS-sources for WATCOM C by Michael Haar (C)
troffii.zip 07-May-95 10:01 59.1 kB Troff II - snakes & blockade by Nicholay Soumarokov (pascal)
wall2.zip 16-Nov-96 18:51 551.0 kB Multiplayers game with source code (pascal/asm)
wallgame.zip 07-May-95 10:00 15.7 kB Wallgame by Jari Karjala - breakout game (pascal)
wandr330.zip 24-Mar-97 23:37 148.2 kB Boulder dash game port for MSDOS using curses. (C)
wandr401.zip 16-Nov-97 16:24 386.4 kB same as wandr330 but nicer graphics and sound
wd_src.zip 07-May-95 10:02 44.1 kB WolfDoom demo source - by Mike Dussault (C++)
wolfsrc.zip 07-Aug-95 14:16 563.4 kB Wolfenstein 3D source code - by Id Software (asm/C)
worldsrc.zip 07-May-95 10:01 99.2 kB World - text adventure (C)
wsnake.zip 23-May-96 17:06 15.0 kB Snake game for MS-DOS, v1.00 by Fredrik Wangel (C++)
xbd2_src.zip 07-May-95 10:01 172.3 kB Xboulder-dash - 640x480x16 (C)
Compilation Copyright 2002
by X2 Support Group
Index2html V1.4 PL 01 (17 Jun 1998) by X2 Support Group (x2ftp@x2ftp.oulu.fi.NO.SPAM)