---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Florida SunFlash Corrections (EZ-admin and Khoros) SunFLASH Vol 38 #4 February 1992 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two corrections: It should be noted the corrected that the number for Pacific Access the company that carry's EZ-admin is (800) 742-8282 not 800-628-6161. Khoros is NOT a public domain system. It is an open environment and is restricted by a copyright. Those who obtain Khoros are bound by the University of New Mexico copyright notice. The Khoros project is supported via the Khoros Consortium whose members have rights over and beyond those stated by the copyright. -johnj ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For information send mail to info-sunflash@sunvice.East.Sun.COM. Subscription requests should be sent to sunflash-request@sunvice.East.Sun.COM. Archives are on solar.nova.edu, paris.cs.miami.edu, uunet.uu.net, src.doc.ic.ac.uk and ftp.adelaide.edu.au All prices, availability, and other statements relating to Sun or third party products are valid in the U.S. only. Please contact your local Sales Representative for details of pricing and product availability in your region. Descriptions of, or references to products or publications within SunFlash does not imply an endorsement of that product or publication by Sun Microsystems. John McLaughlin, SunFlash editor, flash@sunvice.East.Sun.COM. (305) 776-7770.