Patch-ID# 117398-01 Keywords: sun fire 15k setbus Synopsis: SMS 1.3: setbus patch Date: Jul/01/2004 Install Requirements: Reconfigure after installation Solaris Release: 8 9 SunOS Release: 5.8 5.9 Unbundled Product: System Management Services Unbundled Release: 1.3 Xref: Topic: SMS 1.3: Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 4793542 Changes incorporated in this version: 4793542 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.3/bin/setbus Problem Description: 4793542 attach-ready message will get truncated if the message is too long. Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 8-9 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. See Also: System Management Services (SMS) 1.3 Installation Guide Part No. 816-5320-10 Chapter 4, SMS 1.3 Additional Software Instructions Available at: Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- Follow these steps when installing on the SC: 1. Record which SC is the main SC. 2. Disable failover on MAIN SC (setfailover off). 3. Stop the SMS processes on both SC's simultaneously. /etc/init.d/sms stop 4. Install the patch on both SC's. 5. Start the SMS processes on the previous main SC first. /etc/init.d/sms start 6. After all the sms processes have started (i.e. you're able to run the showenvironment command and get all the system's status), start the SMS processes on the Spare SC next. 7. Enable failover on MAIN SC (setfailover on). README -- Last modified date: Thursday, July 1, 2004