Patch-ID# 113819-09 Keywords: c++ 5.5 cc 5.5 s1s8cc Synopsis: C++ 5.5_x86: Patch for S1S8CC C++ compiler Date: Aug/27/2004 Install Requirements: None Solaris Release: 7_x86 8_x86 9_x86 SunOS Release: 5.7_x86 5.8_x86 5.9_x86 Unbundled Product: Sun ONE Studio 8 Compiler Common C Unbundled Release: 5.5_x86 Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: i386 BugId's fixed with this patch: 4306137 4418403 4425760 4490609 4546337 4626777 4633191 4654146 4680534 4685154 4707650 4771162 4793373 4805442 4811728 4813819 4821792 4825898 4825964 4828018 4828443 4829121 4829197 4829209 4829743 4830398 4831381 4832308 4832354 4832804 4835891 4835927 4836806 4839858 4840194 4842849 4843278 4843654 4844512 4845816 4845881 4845925 4846299 4846427 4846480 4846530 4847745 4848247 4848795 4848935 4850637 4851759 4852754 4853566 4853946 4854179 4854627 4854778 4856138 4856723 4857064 4857968 4858441 4859090 4859404 4864149 4864189 4867794 4867846 4869524 4873908 4875349 4875437 4876793 4878628 4883963 4884516 4884661 4886193 4886310 4888883 4891985 4892932 4894898 4895571 4901279 4902739 4911276 4916333 4918858 4919175 4919536 4926147 4927418 4927422 4928572 4930287 4930712 4942568 4945288 4945629 4949404 4951542 4951760 4951789 4953520 4953582 4953639 4955571 4956174 4956234 4957102 4961377 4965215 4967319 4967333 4969797 4973702 4974366 4984339 4988508 4991454 4997504 4997672 4999685 5001937 5003074 5006907 5018343 5019613 5024692 5052200 5053579 5053671 5054750 5057297 5065625 5066565 Changes incorporated in this version: 4957102 4997504 5052200 5057297 5003074 4919175 4425760 5054750 5053671 5066565 4997672 4811728 5065625 5053579 4857968 5001937 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: 112756-04 or greater Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /SUNWspro/lib/ /SUNWspro/prod/bin/CC /SUNWspro/prod/bin/ccfe /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/fstream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/iostream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/iostream.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/istream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/limits /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ostream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/rw/iotraits /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/sstream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/stdcomp.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/streambuf /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/string /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/strstream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/rw7/rw/compiler.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/rw7/rw/xdrstrea.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/rw7/std/rw/compiler.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/iostream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/iostream.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/ostream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/ostream.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/stl/_threads.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/using/h/iostream.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/using/h/ostream.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/using/iostream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/using/ostream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/wrap_std/h/iostream.h /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/wrap_std/iostream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC/stlport4/wrap_std/ostream /SUNWspro/prod/include/CC4/iostream.h /SUNWspro/prod/lib/libCrun.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/libCstd.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/libiostream.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/libp/libCrun.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/libp/libCstd.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/libp/libiostream.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES/SUNW_SPRO_SC_ccfe.error_help.html /SUNWspro/prod/lib/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES/SUNW_SPRO_SC_ccfe.msg /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/CC4/libp/librwtool.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/CC4/librwtool.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/CC4/ /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/CC4/librwtool_dbg.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/libp/librwtool.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/librwtool.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/ /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/librwtool_dbg.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/std/libp/librwtool.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/std/librwtool.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/std/ /SUNWspro/prod/lib/rw7/std/librwtool_dbg.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/stlport4/libp/libstlport.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/stlport4/libstlport.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/stlport4/ /SUNWspro/prod/lib/stlport4/libstlport_dbg.a Problem Description: 5053671 warning about no return value sometimes disappears 5066565 113817-05: C++ 5.5 ccfe hangs and consumes one cpu, when using -O3, or above 4997672 ccfe loops at -xO3 4811728 Debugging a 64-bit executable using RTC shows RUI error 5065625 compiler assertion in file ../lnk/, line 339 5053579 -mt or -xautopar -xO3 causes runtime hanging in mercury & venus 4957102 C++ compile with -mt -xarch=v8plus -library=stlport4 generates core 4857968 uncaught_exception() broken 4997504 Problems with istream::readsome() in libCstd 5001937 dlopen/dlclose a C++ shared lib causes MT C program to SEGV 5054750 Undefined inline template instance 5003074 parens around function declarator not recognized 5052200 fail to compile plumhall testcase 4919175 syntax errors on a qualified dtor call 4425760 compiler does not recognize pointer-to-function as template parameter 5057297 build libstlport.a with PIC (from 113819-08) 5024692 Regression observed in compilation time with C++ 5.5 as compared to F7 & F6U2. 5019613 ostrstream writes NULL terminator into char array 5018343 pointer-to-function template parameter type not handled (from 113819-07) 4878628 missing run-time type information - Undefined __RTTI symbol 4892932 C++ preprocessor doesn't properly include files w/ same name diff direcortors 4955571 c++ compiler generates erroneous errors 4988508 app crashes at runtime w/ -features=tmplife and inlining, when unwinding stack 4991454 friend declaration not matched to template function in namespace 4999685 Problem with nested template class specialization 5006907 SUNWspro/inventory/v11n1/SPROstl4h does not exist (from 113819-06) 4945288 Sdtimage crash when opening *.tif and *.gif file. 4967333 internal use of clog/__clog in -lC/-liostream should bind to its own copy 4973702 C++ 5.5: cg error (as) : location counter not on doubleword boundary 4984339 libiostream is always linked statically (from 113819-05) 4918858 incorrect use of "typename" in standard headers 4919536 libCstd does not provide enough overloads of operator>() for fpos 4927422 Compilation error about local variable not being defined 4967319 RWBTreeOnDisk insertKeyAndValue function fails with SIGSEGV in strncmp 4969797 ccfe "Assertion: (../lnk/, line 69" upon missing definition 4974366 regression of 113817-04, Error: Different types for "?:" (? and void) (from 113819-04) 4828018 unexpected "could not find match" error 4843654 Template type induction failure 4927418 A "control G" character appears after preprocessing some macro. 4930287 Unable to build isvapp mico 4942568 destructor of compiler generated temp variable called twice 4945629 Symbol referencing error if no optimization, rtti and "-xldscope=symbolic" 4949404 numeric_limits doesn't understand 64 bit integers 4951542 volatile attribute lost during cast 4951760 C++ compiler cannot match overload operator template definition 4951789 incorrect value for numeric_limits::is_modulo 4953520 C++ 5.5 ccfe dumps core due to stack overflow 4953582 stringstream::seekg() does not set the current pointer at the designated positio 4953639 istream::getline reads upto n-2 characters where n is buffer size 4956174 RWBTreeOnDisk find functions fail with SIGSEGV in strncmp 4956234 missing extern C++ overloads for qsort (and bsearch ?) 4961377 illegal operation on operator== with enumeration template instance 4965215 cerr hanging if interupted by a signal (from 113819-03) 4916333 C++ 5.4/5.5: Segmentation Fault in ccfe 4926147 RW Tools.h++ headers broken for Solaris 9 4928572 patch 113819-nn missing hard dependency on latest rev of 112756-01 4911276 Incorrect offsetof() in presence of overloaded "&" operator 4930712 Assignment inside the return() seems to return incorrect value (from 113819-02) 4546337 called function cannot be defined inline 4829121 BOOST: Assertion: (../lnk/, line 999) 4842849 C++ 5.4 with patch 111715-05 and 111715-06 consumes too much memory. 4857064 Assertion: (../lnk/, line 1172) 4859090 error on function template return type 4859404 C++ 5.3 compiler corrupts object pointer in inline destructor when goto is used. 4864149 QS: C++ compiler fails with specializing error 4867794 QS: Numerical escapes support needed in UCS-2 characters 4867846 QS: Single macro for these USC-2 character and string literal features 4869524 C++ 5.3 and -xO2 : compiler(iropt) error: connect_labelrefs: undefined label 4873908 explicit specialization not found for default template parameter 4875349 Assertion: (../lnk/, line 957) or 999 4875437 C++ 5.6 regression, cannot build fortran compiler 4876793 second argument to deallocate() should be the strings capacity NOT length 4883963 cafe fails to detect ambiguous overloaded functions call 4884516 libCstd vector class does not pass correct size to deallocator 4884661 S1 Studio 8 C++ chooses wrong conversion operators 4886193 CC -xOn -g0 (n>0) does not emit N_SLINE stabs 4886310 Overloading ambiguity error with usage of template function with const vector 4888883 incorrect ambiguity error on conversion to bool 4891985 problem with Partial specialization 4894898 the fixes for bugs 4856138 and 4876793 break binary compatibility 4895571 Invalid version string for ccfe 4901279 Assertion in with virtual function in template class 4902739 assertion ../links/, line 65 due to missing constructor (from 113819-01) 4840194 CC driver refuses to invoke the linker without .o or .a on link line 4844512 QS: C++ dirver doesn't pass prof_lib.o to linker. Results in unresolved symbols. 4845925 C++ driver does not pass -D_REENTRANT when passed -xopenmp 4850637 String "Forte Developer" is remaining. 4851759 -xlang=f77 problem in K2 4828443 incorrect number of characters outputed after fix of bug 4747931 4825898 C++ runtime performace standard iostream is much slower than classic iostream 4853946 static template class variable must be __global when use -xldscope=symbolic 4856138 libCstd string class does not pass correct size to deallocator 4306137 ccfe allows access to copy constructor of private base class 4680534 cafe fails to detect prohibited implicit pointer conversion 4654146 compiler fails to diagnose a const-correctness violation 4831381 assertion ../lnk/ in CC 5.4 4835927 OpenMP-CC: enindex_node bad tag error for correct code 4835891 static member functions in derived class collide due to using-declarations 4805442 cpp-perf: compiler should keep track address not taken static variables 4830398 test compiled with -g SF in some cases 4793373 Bug with using-declarations and virtual functions 4836806 CC OpenMP: OpenMP for loop decision variable temporaries at offset zero 4832354 problem with changing the name of template parameter 4832804 Inherited class does not seem to get the default destructor nobugid_1 C++ OpenMP: In some cases the use of std::coutin a parallel region causes compile error. 4829209 PCH: #error directive is not allowed in viable prefix 4821792 PCH: incorrect viable prefix when declaration used in main source 4829197 PCH: problem in pragma support 4829743 OMP-CC: threadprivate within class message is somewhat inaccurate 4707650 CC -E should emit #1 directive when reading a new file 4846427 C++ OpenMP: Calling inline functions generates spurious leaves. 4813819 OMP-CC: unreference leafs in arg seg 4839858 valid conversion to base class rejected 4846480 Signal 11 with -xdumpmacros 4848247 incorrect result from extracting float type with stdargs 4848795 Assertion error in mangler in 5.3 and 5.4 C++ compiler 4832308 Need to turn off data fragementation for TLS 4633191 bogus warning with exception specification 4847745 implicitly declared operator= is not created 4845881 QS: Macro expansion interferes with STLport headers. 4843278 PCH: C++ detects error on the valid code 4825964 PCH: a variable defined in .h file is not found by C++ 4848935 PCH: string following #pragma ident should be ignored in the viable prefix 4685154 Illegal use of '<>' in primary template declaration not reported by ccfe 4845816 QS: Need to allow symbol scoping to the template class definition. 4852754 +w yields warnings in the standard library 4854627 build failure due to new template warning 4846530 QS: Need capacity to force references to have global linker scoping 4853566 Strange conditional expression (?:) bug (core at runtime) 4626777 template partial specialization missed as friend 4858441 C++ 5.6 fails to build with math library 111721-04 4856723 OMP-CC: run time segment fault using cout and -xipo 4771162 OMP-CC: invalid atomic expression gives incorrect message 4854778 111685-14: regression: CC fails to compile operator declared forward in template 4854179 modena testcase c1120403 failed when compile with Nightly and K2 patch compiler 4418403 Using address of template function must instantiate 4490609 C++ 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3 initializing problem. nobugid_2 Assertion from when exception is thrown by old compat=4 code. 4864189 numeric_limits denorm_min incorrectly returns zero 4846299 111685-13: destructor called when there was no constructor while unwinding stack Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 7-9 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/106326-01 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- none. README -- Last modified date: Friday, August 27, 2004