Patch-ID# 112945-28 Keywords: embeddedobject mofformatter xml api wbem cli gui Synopsis: SunOS 5.9: wbem Patch Date: Oct/08/2004 Install Requirements: Reboot after installation Solaris Release: 9 SunOS Release: 5.9 Unbundled Product: Unbundled Release: Xref: This patch available for x86 as patch 114193 Topic: SunOS 5.9: wbem Patch Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 4486297 4496120 4626762 4639638 4641801 4641818 4641851 4643267 4644880 4645051 4645080 4645105 4645146 4645315 4645581 4645811 4647508 4648811 4649058 4654765 4655882 4656941 4658145 4674537 4682188 4686244 4696284 4699585 4700539 4701067 4720857 4739720 4742164 4742960 4754758 4759233 4766098 4766971 4768461 4769053 4769612 4769791 4769795 4769860 4769889 4770013 4770017 4770024 4770027 4771207 4771466 4771469 4771476 4773485 4777931 4781761 4782465 4786712 4786891 4792126 4795642 4796483 4796491 4796519 4796556 4807821 4809906 4810642 4813116 4824518 4834362 4845276 4847816 4848759 4866907 4867928 4883742 4914834 4931247 4931702 4945068 4946973 4964126 5064520 Changes incorporated in this version: 4946973 5064520 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: 113829-04 114724-01 Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /etc/init.d/init.wbem /etc/rc0.d/K36wbem /etc/rc1.d/K36wbem /etc/rc2.d/S90wbem /etc/rcS.d/K36wbem /usr/sadm/bin/smpatch /usr/sadm/lib/patchmgr/PatchMgrCli.jar /usr/sadm/lib/patchmgr/PatchMgrCli_classlist.txt /usr/sadm/lib/patchmgr/VPatchMgr.jar /usr/sadm/lib/patchmgr/VPatchMgr_classlist.txt /usr/sadm/lib/wbem.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/cimapi.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/cimom.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/cimrepository.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/cimworkshop.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/dcdb /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/dcpatch /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ddo /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/mofcomp.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/providerutility.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/remotedprovider /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/snmpXwbemd /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/solarisprovider.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/suncimom.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/sunwbem.jar /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/wbemconfig /usr/sadm/mof/Solaris_Application.mof Problem Description: 4946973 compatibility problem for smuser command 5064520 SMC2.1 unable properly administer NIS+ tables (from 112945-27) 4964126 dcpatch spool does not pick up patches that are already applied or obsoleted (from 112945-26) 4931247 /usr/sadm/bin/smattrpop failed to populate the prof_attr table and gave errors (from 112945-25) 4914834 cn remains null for the users created thru smc in LDAP env. 4810642 smc 2.1 LDAP user modification requires unresolved "full name" field to be populated (from 112945-24) 4866907 SMC/NIS+ changes in user account results in forced passwd change (from 112945-23) 4945068 role created via SMC 2.1 failed to add user (from 112945-22) 4931702 Patches to the WBEM infrastructure stop and restart the WBEM (from 112945-21) 4883742 dcpatch doesn't handle multi release patches (from 112945-20) 4824518 /tmp/Solaris_Application.mof: No such file or directory in install_log 4867928 postpatch Script in Patches 112945-17 and 114193-12 Will Not Register jar File (from 112945-19) 4782465 /etc/init.d/init.wbem start/stop hangs when started via rsh(1) 4848759 wbemconfig convert results in dataloss (from 112945-18) 4847816 wbemconfig not working on S9+ release (from 112945-17) 4845276 Patches 112945-16 and 114193-08 Do Not Contain Correct Binary for Bugid 4796483 (from 112945-16) 4796483 /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/ has /ws/on10-tools in runpath 4834362 patch 114724-01/114725-01 doesn't register the jar file (from 112945-15) 4796556 RUNPATH & RPATH contain /ws/on81-tools entries 4796491 some libraries in SUNWwbcou have /ws/on10-tools in runpath 4796519 some libraries in SUNWwbpro have /ws/on10-tools in runpath 4807821 Solaris_Environment provider segv's and kills cimom (from 112945-14) 4786712 patchmgr will not start on S9 UR3 b2 (from 112945-13) 4813116 system information in SMC will not start on S9 UR3 B6 (from 112945-12) 4809906 Registering and unregistering mof repeatedly causes db corruption (from 112945-11) 4496120 GUI: Analysis download step: bad dir name should be visible after err msg 4759233 regression: sub-dirs of /etc/skel are no longer copied to user's home dir 4766098 password change through smc wipes out last change field 4769860 SMC sysinfo tool doesn't display all CPUs 4486297 GUI: Action->Analyze and Add not grayed out when no PatchPro pkg. 4682188 Can not add a patch for osrelease "5.8 5.9" 4742164 signed (jar format) patches are extracted with inappropriate permissions 4720857 cp_associators in c_api does not return data found to client 4769053 Providers don't get array properties encoded properly 4768461 C API adapter does not transfer the namespace from java to C 4766971 escaped newline character caused mofreg failure at unregistering mof 4781761 Repository does not process resultClass properly for associator calls. 4769612 dcpatch relies on .patchDB 4645315 wbemconfig startup fails to start CIMOM. 4696284 cimom pid file overwritten even when cimomboot not started 4769791 (O)Exception was thrown when creating a qualifier type 4786891 cimom does not listen on CIM Class cim-xml protocol adapter PortNumber value 4771466 (O)non-REF properties in association instance MOF definition must be initialized 4770013 (O)cimworkshop did not properly create association 4770017 (O)cimworkshop did not return proper objectpath 4770027 (O)cimworkshop looks for test class 4773485 (O)Cannot subscribe to lifecycle indications on classes not in root/cimv2 4771469 (O)VALUE.REFERENCE is not handled correctly in setUpCall method 4771476 (O)INSTANCEPATH not creating a fully qualified objectpath with 4770024 (O)cimworkshop sends out an empty message 4792126 internal provider invokeMethod causes ClassCastException 4771207 (O)added client side SSL support 4795642 Passing a NULL value in a key property causes JNI layer to segv 4769795 (O)The XML Generation from the MOF Compiler does not include Qualifiers 4792126 internal provider invokeMethod causes ClassCastException 4739720 smosservice has out-of-date ideas about acceptable OS releases 4786712 patchmgr will not start on S9 UR3 b2 (from 112945-10) This patch is a respin of patch 112945-09 due to a packaging problem. (from 112945-09) This patch was respun to address a packaging issue. (from 112945-08) 4658145 RFE: Add "smpatch update" feature to PM 1.0 CLI and GUI 4786712 patchmgr will not start on S9 UR3 b2 This patch revision was generated to accumulate and obsolete the changes introduced in Solaris Update s9u3 feature point patch 113829-04 (RFE: Add "smpatch update" feature to PM 1.0 CLI and GUI). (from 112945-07) 4742960 112945-03 Broken. Cannot be used in jumpstart configurations (from 112945-06) 4769889 Integrate 4720857 4769053 4768461 and 4736973 to S9u3 (from 112945-05) This patch is a respin of patch 112945-04 due to a packaging problem. (from 112945-04) 4754758 Conditional Statement Needs to Be Added to Patch Scripts for 11294(5,6)-03 (from 112945-03) This patch is a respin of patch 112945-02 due to a packaging problem. (from 112945-02) 4699585 patchmgr will not start in S9UR-B5 4700539 cimom throws org.xml.sax.SAXParseException when being launched concurrently 4701067 invalid XML generated by concurrent clients (from 112945-01) 4674537 EmbeddedObject qualifier needs to have a type attribute. 4647508 MOFFormatter does not handled null value 4656941 Parallel events are too slow 4648811 HTTP events - not all events are being delivered when # of events > 50 4626762 Methods in some provider interfaces fail in Xml 4641851 events over http - second client subscribing to events does not receive events 4655882 WBEM Services 2.4/2.5 methodProvider incompatibility 4649058 cim_decode Array failing get Array bounds write/read errors from purify 4654765 WBEM C API headers need to be cleaned up 4645581 With HTTP you cannot add a new class with array properties containing values 4643267 get an XDR failed error when trying to call cp_references 4645811 referenced symbol not found in 4641818 If 'logdir' system property is provided, CIMOM is never initialized 4645051 Accessibility: Certain info in tables can only be accessed with a mouse. 4639638 Mnemonic for "Instance Modification" conflicts with "Class Schema" mnemonic. 4645105 Accessibility: Need to add mnemonics to certain windows for selection purposes 4645080 Accessibility: The Execute Query Results window needs an Exit menu 4641801 An invalid "SUNW_PATCH_PROPERTIES" property should be rejected 4644880 Accessibility: Cannot select buttons in many cimworkshop windows w/o a mouse 4645146 Accessibility: Allow all cimworkshop windows to come up active. 4686244 Overriding references does not work properly over http. (from 113829-04) 4786712 patchmgr will not start on S9 UR3 b2 (from 113829-03) This patch is a respin of the previous revision and was respun to address another packaging issue. (from 113829-02) This patch is a respin of the previous revision and was respun to address a packaging issue. (from 113829-01) 4658145 RFE: Add "smpatch update" feature to PM 1.0 CLI and GUI (from 114724-01) 4777931 /etc/named.conf causes operations with users/group to fail Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 2.0-2.6 releases, refer to the file and/or the README within the patch for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. For Solaris 7-9 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- NOTE 1: Please note that after the installation of this patch, the SMC/WBEM server will be automatically started, if it has ever been started, after the installation of Solaris on your system. This will occur even if the server was not previously running prior to the installation of this patch. NOTE 2: In order to get the complete fix for bugid 4914834, patch 114503-05 (or newer) must also be installed on the target system. NOTE 3: In order to get the complete fix for bugid 4946973, patch 114503-07 (or newer) must also be installed on the target system. This patch fixes the bug in the conversion logic from Solaris 9 CIM classes to Solaris 8 (legacy) CIM classes and vice-versa. Apply this patch when managing a Solaris 8 server using and Solaris 9 client. README -- Last modified date: Friday, October 8, 2004