Patch-ID# 112488-13 Keywords: sun fire 15k hpost redx Synopsis: SMS 1.2: hpost, redx, libxcpost Patch Date: Jul/22/2003 Install Requirements: See Special Install Instructions Solaris Release: 8 9 SunOS Release: 5.8 5.9 Unbundled Product: System Management Services Unbundled Release: 1.2 Xref: Topic: SMS 1.2: hpost, redx, libxcpost Patch Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 4525385 4531458 4533839 4548741 4587418 4587605 4599570 4614186 4615412 4616748 4616754 4617503 4619131 4619143 4621354 4622129 4630077 4633429 4635057 4635471 4635496 4636719 4638620 4638977 4640847 4641152 4649452 4649862 4652753 4658343 4661795 4663822 4664756 4669603 4672398 4673329 4675055 4676545 4676870 4677322 4680572 4682003 4693731 4696456 4696868 4702080 4704614 4712287 4716967 4717118 4717772 4722362 4724754 4724775 4725766 4726379 4729699 4730922 4732369 4732416 4732469 4732995 4733577 4735569 4745995 4747468 4749511 4753686 4756456 4764956 4765681 4766869 4776938 4782156 4783871 4798496 4807422 4814913 4822152 4843254 4863496 Changes incorporated in this version: 4822152 4843254 4863496 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: 112481-13 or greater Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.2/bin/hpost /opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.2/bin/redx /opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.2/lib/ Problem Description: 4822152 hwad optimizations or faster SC proc will break POST 4843254 JTAG TRST not asserted low on disconnected adapter 4863496 Restrict use of MaxCPU board in split expander configuration (from 112488-12) 4696456 "XIR Save did not complete" on panic reboots 4702080 DMX domain masks incorrect after POST in degraded mode. 4730922 DStop: CP arbiter lockstep consistency error seen when degrading centerplane 4753686 Domain suffers Safari Bus error during device recognition in boot process 4798496 hpost -Q corrupts slot 1 to slot 0 domain mask 4814913 Need to accept new Ultrasparc III+ without a warning. (from 112488-11) 4807422 Need to adjust sram dimm timing for 900 Mhz procs (from 112488-10) 4704614 AXQ AR IBIST does not find fault in DFS testing 4717772 setkeyswitch with shared expander in degraded mode fails (wrong reason) 4726379 (RFE) POST support for AXQ 6.2 4732469 Desire a .postrc command to force hpost -Q to fail. 4749511 PCI errors during reboot will cause hpost -Q to fail 4756456 POST should accept alternate-source asics with a warning. 4764956 POST should evaluate unavailable bus configurations explicitly 4765681 quick post fails due to DSTOP: no reason found 4766869 hpost should accept lpost version 5.13.4 4776938 Home lock timeout DStop during hpost -Q 4782156 INTERNAL: non_memory_boards_present(): No good CPU on EXB 4783871 panic during reboot in split expanders configuration (from 112488-09) 4696868 asic_config_dmx() doesn't clear 1stErr bits correctly 4716967 SDI RStop clear is also clearing DStop status 4717118 failing a cpu board fprom during cpu_lpost causes DSTOP 4722362 FAIL Man Ether Hub causes LDCD not be be written to IOSRAM. 4724775 hPOST fails trying to write man ether hub ID register 4725766 post should not be probing blacklisted WCI links 4729699 (RFE) wfail ecc recordstop improvements 4732995 hpost should accept lpost versions 5.13.1 through 5.13.3 4733577 redx wfail does not complete Bank/Dimm fault attribution 4735569 Check of DX in ECC tests must be suppressed on MaxCPU 4745995 (RFE) Desire LBIST support for AXQ 6.2 prior to qualification 4747468 Bogus "System Error xxxx: Unknown error" output (from 112488-08) 4732369 post needs to increase the wait time during its auto-connect sequence 4732416 hpost needs to modify its auto-connect sequence to properly connect the Cauldron (from 112488-07) 4661795 (RFE) POST support for new UltraSPARC III+ processors 4693731 AXQ & SDI config read-modify-writes need to be atomic 4712287 EXB asic LBIST needs to be skipped when CP is in use. 4724754 null_proc_lpa ignored for hpost -Q (from 112488-06) 4673329 asic_rstop_clr_dmx() does not clear 1stErr fields 4676545 hpost & libxcpost functions must not clear pending interrupts 4676870 LPA use must be restricted with current hardware 4682003 wib_lpost stage complains of down-rev "elf" file when it's not (from 112488-05) 4641152 replace cpu_lpost E$ UE fix with more effective solution in hpost. 4652753 vital entry in .postrc missing that prevented wcapp from working correctly 4658343 Post does not preserve the values of the IO board LEDs 4663822 MaxCPU board not dumped for Dstops during POST 4664756 hpost dumps core analyzing error on MaxCPU board. 4669603 POST should not report ecache dimms as FRUs 4672398 Need some .postrc commands externalized. 4675055 degrading/undegrading dbus can hang domains if rbus already degraded 4677322 POST should not report CDC dimms as FRUs. 4680572 Some sequences of mixed bus configurations are fatal. (from 112488-04) 4635057 Post does not correctly auto connect cassettes on the hpci for the demios card 4635471 wfail misdiagnoses ecache UE recordstops. 4635496 libxcpost change required for MaxCPU DR 4636719 AMX/RMX RStop clear should not leave port error indicators masked 4638620 FAIL BBC may not fail correct ports 4638977 wcp_wci_read()/xcp_wci_write() can cause WCI pull_stop 4640847 wfail display of SDI local first errors causes confusion 4649452 deleteboard in degraded mode causes DStop; recovery fails; setbus normal fails 4649862 Remove up-level warning on Ethernet hub (from 112488-03) 4525385 hpost needs to understand new LPOST version scheme 4548741 xcp_poll_server misses detection of OBP entry 4587605 AXQ revs 6.0 and 6.1 are interpreted incorrectly. 4599570 Running hpost -H on attach-ready IO0 causes DStop 4616748 Sequential hpost -H,f on same L1 board causes RStop in domain 4621354 Some degraded bus configurations can break SC interrupt delivery. 4622129 EXB domain masks not configured correctly in CP loopback mode 4633429 pcs_poll_servers(): exiting poll flow on PROC_INFO_NEXT_SCTEST (from 112488-02) 4533839 Write/read-compare on Ethernet hub fails intermittently 4630077 Change dcu_features to a level-2 (service) command (from 112488-01) 4531458 domain isolation not seen when degrading a domain using setbus 4587418 hpost -Q does not init all CPU state 4614186 dr in of unused exp causes DStop when target domain is degraded 4615412 hpost CPU timeouts in ProDomAdvR1 during hpost -H 4616754 hpost ignores the "attach-ready" state of L1 boards 4617503 hpost -Q needs to update DCB cbase and cbnd values 4619131 hpost needlessly locks all expanders in a domain when testing a single board 4619143 chunk list construction must use MADR information Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 2.0-2.6 releases, refer to the file and/or the README within the patch for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. For Solaris 7-8 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. See Also: System Management Services (SMS) 1.2 Installation Guide and Release Notes, Part No. 816-5261-10 Available at: Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- Follow these steps when installing on the SC: 1. Record which SC is the main SC. 2. Disable failover on MAIN SC (setfailover off). 3. Stop the SMS processes on both SC's simultaneously. /etc/init.d/sms stop 4. Install the patch on both SC's. 5. Start the SMS processes on the previous main SC first. /etc/init.d/sms start 6. After all the sms processes have started (i.e. you're able to run the showenvironment command and get all the system's status), start the SMS processes on the Spare SC next. 7. Enable failover on MAIN SC (setfailover on). Note: When upgrading from 112488-05 (or lower) to 112488-06 (or higher), all domains must undergo a setkeyswitch standby/on for the fix to 4676870 to be put into effect. When applying 112488-07 (or higher) the following lines should be removed from any/all .postrc files on the System Controllers: no_asic_lbist axq no_asic_lbist sdi Note #2: This patch is for SMS 1.2. It installs on the SC. It should be installed on the main and spare sc's. It prevents certain dstops on domains on 12K's and 15K's. However, even when installed on the System Controller, the patch is not effective until a hpost is run against the domain. In other words, a maintenance window needs to be set up to bring the domain down and setkeyswitch -on run against the domain to cause a hpost to run on the domain. README -- Last modified date: Tuesday, July 22, 2003