Patch-ID# 111704-13 Keywords: common compiler backend iropt cg libmtsk fd7 Synopsis: Compiler Common 7.0: Patch for Forte Developer 7 C++ F77 F95 Date: May/03/2004 Install Requirements: None Solaris Release: 7 8 9 SunOS Release: 5.7 5.8 5.9 Unbundled Product: Compiler Common NOTE: C, C++, FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 95 Unbundled Release: 7.0 Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 4508954 4533661 4614783 4618425 4640593 4643696 4645929 4649260 4649989 4650890 4651609 4653449 4653515 4654385 4654453 4655919 4656606 4656659 4658429 4659476 4659686 4659982 4660630 4662924 4662935 4663075 4663316 4663992 4664222 4664435 4665542 4665841 4667959 4670042 4670938 4672696 4673153 4673358 4674470 4675276 4675297 4676635 4676844 4676859 4678079 4681636 4683161 4683317 4685751 4691161 4692484 4692937 4695207 4695424 4696510 4697799 4698805 4700012 4700530 4701473 4701832 4702782 4704496 4706264 4707884 4710839 4711393 4716957 4720939 4725343 4727705 4729459 4729582 4730522 4739098 4741674 4751979 4752009 4752318 4753063 4757066 4759057 4761168 4761254 4773650 4777773 4778158 4779034 4782778 4785049 4786483 4787317 4787661 4789268 4794420 4797471 4797548 4797885 4802493 4803754 4804768 4805900 4806134 4808597 4809224 4819934 4822859 4825562 4829150 4838034 4848241 4868558 4870754 4871797 4895439 4912809 4924391 4957264 4970926 4975247 Changes incorporated in this version: 4924391 4957264 4970926 4975247 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /SUNWspro/prod/bin/cg /SUNWspro/prod/bin/iropt /SUNWspro/prod/lib/libmtsk.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/stack_grow_KPIC.o /SUNWspro/prod/lib/v9/libmtsk.a /SUNWspro/prod/lib/v9/stack_grow_KPIC.o Problem Description: 4924391 incorout -xautopar -xarch=v9; regression in nozomi_patch 4957264 templated function is marked UNDEF in symbol table when compiled optimized 4970926 -O2 optomization results in unacceptable change in order of code 4975247 cg asssert w -xarch=v8plus -xO4 -xrestrict -xdepend; Nozomi_patch (from 111704-12) 4870754 fxtod v9 instruction very slow on US3, need to switch to v8 instructions 4912809 openmp: inner parallel region with serialized outer region should go parallel (from 111704-11) 4895439 Regression in 111704-10 patch - Bus Error (from 111704-10) 4838034 FD7 Fortran app built with -stackvar crashes with SIGBUS 4871797 OMP: virtual origin possibly uninitialized (from 111704-09) 4848241 No prefetch markings with -xarch=v9a for inner product loop 4868558 spec2000 test facerec fails w/ segmentation dault (from 111704-08) 4808597 mlib_ImageAffineIndex (v8plusa) test coredump under k2 4809224 FD7 Inlining degrades performance by 30% 4819934 iropt warning is printed too many times 4822859 Codegen Error with anything higher than -xO2 4825562 Segfault in iropt on simple C routine when -xdepend option used 4829150 -xparallel causes CODEGEN IR TREE SYNTAX ERROR at line (4622060.c:417) (from 111704-07) 4759057 W6U2 Feedback optimization reduces Pro/E performance by not inlining a hot funct 4777773 base 176.gcc failed with 20021108_nozomi_patch on u3 v8plus fibula 4779034 Forte 7 C compiler fails to compile mozilla with -xO3, -xO2 works fine 4785049 iropt goes into infinite loop 4787661 union construct with -fast gives incorrect results 4789268 mlib_ImageYProj_U8 (v8plusa) test failure under k2 4794420 application dumps core when prefetch is enabled 4797471 Runtime SegV when built with -fast 4797548 FD7: -xarch=v8a -O3 gave incorrect ouput in all krakatoa, current k2 works fine 4797885 incorout -xautopar; regress in krakatoa_patch 4802493 CODEGEN IR TREE SYNTAX ERROR w -xvector -xbuiltin -xrestrict -xO3 on long double 4803754 -O3 causes Bus Error in 20030113_krakatoa_patch, current k2 works fine 4804768 S1S7 f90 Opt level 3 breaks Ansys computation 4805900 optimizer produces incorrect code 4806134 u3 v9 base 178.galgel miscompare with 20030113_1206f90_krakatoa_patch on fibula (from 111704-06) 4752318 f90/cg seg fault 4761168 Assertion failure with f90 -fast 4761254 Run time performance regression wrt WS6U2. 4773650 cg -xarch=v9 generates .register directives for unused global registers 4778158 S1S7 f90 Opt level 3 breaks Ansys random number generator routine 4782778 program runs incorrectly at -xO4, ok @ -xO2 4786483 Wrong number of iterations with -O3 4787317 FD7: -fast -f77 leaves can_access variable undefined (from 111704-05) 4725343 cgen produces different output depending on version of qsort 4727705 segmentation fault with -xdepend for C compiler 4729459 matrix multiplication regression with 20020728_krakatoa_patch 4729582 OpenMP: Problem linking with Krakatoa libmtsk on Solaris 10 machine 4730522 compilation failure @ -xO3, ok @ -xO2 4739098 cg: assertion failed in file ../src/sparc/ w/v8plus 4741674 application generates incorrect results when compiled with -xO3 and above 4751979 6.1 compiler too agressive with function scope static vars 4752009 F90: -xprefetch and ms_pipe+info dump core in cg 4753063 FD7 f90 opt level 3 produces wrong result in Ansys code 4757066 inappropriate or incorrect fussion of loops (from 111704-04) 4692937 twolf peak fails on ultraII (with -Wc,-Qms_pipe+intdivusefp flag) 4697799 F90 OpenMP BUS (invalid address alignment) error at -xO4 level 4698805 wrong result for loop with optimization >=O4 and -depend 4700012 Incorrect -xO3 optimization of byte assignments 4700530 incorout w -xautopar -xO3 on all krakatoa builds, pass w k2 4701473 incorout w -xdepend -xchip=ultra3 on all k2 & krakatoa builds 4701832 mlib_VectorDotProd_S16C_Sat test failure under krakatoa 4702782 u3 v9 galgel regressed with 20020606_krakatoa_patch on fibula machine 4704496 f95 6.2 (iropt) error: find_prototype: fail to find prototype triple for express 4706264 compiler leaves /tmp files around 4707884 Prefetch Instructions Seem to Degrade OpenMP Code Performance 4710839 optimizer is generating incorrect code 4711393 iropt SEGVs 4716957 -W2,-Amemopt:arrayloc causes 183.equake miscompare 4720939 Performance degradation from FD7.0 and K2 f90 compilers (from 111704-03) 4533661 interval code compiled with -xO4, -xchip=ultra3 produces incorrect result 4640593 mpeg benchmark has developed runtime error between 11/4 and 11/5 krakatoa builds 4649260 incorout w -xdepend -xprefetch -xO4 -xchip=ultra3 -xarch=v9a; since 20020116_k2 4659476 test compiled with -xO1 gives wrong result 4659686 incorout w -xbuiltin=%all -xipo=2 -xO4; pass w -Wc,-OO0; regressed 20020321_k2 4660630 Check for NaNs on fadd & fsub 4663992 k2 core dump compiling 015.doduc 4667959 mlib_SignalLPCCovariance_F32() (v8plusb) test failure under the latest krakatoa 4673153 CODEGEN IR TREE SYNTAX ERROR w -xipo=2 -xO4 -xbuiltin=%all -xarch=v9|v9a 4676635 CODEGEN IR TREE SYNTAX ERROR w -xprofile=use -xbuiltin=%all -xarch=v9 -xipo=2 O4 4676844 Cache Profile Optimized Oracle Fails to Boot 4676859 CODEGEN IR ERROR w v9 builtin=%all ipo=2 4678079 Memory optimisation and calloc 4681636 the latest krakatoa causes a simple test to coredump 4683317 iropt core dumps compiling imsl_c tests 4691161 Inconsistency of options -xipo=2 and -xnativeconnect 4692484 Test core dumps with -xarch=v9 and v9a and {-xO0, -xO1,-xO4,-xO5,-g," " } 4695207 Segmentation Fault when using -xdepend on C compiler 4695424 Bad code for "if" at -xO3 4696510 iropt does not close the openned input ir file when -o is not present. (from 111704-02) 4614783 cg: assertion failed .. /src/ms_pipe/ in k2 4670938 Assertion failed in cg when using -xunroll=5 4672696 -xO3 produces bad code, -xO2 is ok 4673358 -explicitpar gave different results 4674470 Different result for -xO4 -xparallel 4675276 Compiler does not auto-parallelize a loop 4508954 -xdepend and -xchip cause compiler to enter endless loop 4665542 inliner problem 4675297 Loop tiling causes performance degradation 4683161 20020408_k2 compiler causes database corruption and dumps core 4685751 Using -O3 optimization causes CODEGEN IR TREE SYNTAX ERROR in subroutine (from 111704-01) 4618425 mlib_SignalLPCCovariance_F32() (v8) test failure under the latest krakatoa 4643696 putback tests get wrong result with -xO4 4645929 restrict=%all chip=ultra3 profile=use cause timeout 4649989 -xautopar -xreduction -xspace -xipo=2 causes imsl/at_covariances hang at runtime 4650890 OpenMP-F: cg: assertion failed in at line 214 - using -xO4 & -xtypemap 4651609 autopar gives incorrect result intermittently. 4653449 Memory optimisation issue 4653515 mlib_SignalLPCCovariance_F32() (v8) test failure under the latest krakatoa 4654385 Unsafe memory optimisation performed 4654453 Memory optimisation and calloc problem 4655919 cg hangs while compiling simple C program with -O3 flag 4656606 unexpectedly slow performance on random number generator 4656659 SPEC OMP2001: 21% regression for 310.wupwise_m (in OMP2001) using pre-FCS krakto 4658429 OpenMP: privatized 2d adjustable array causes segv 4659982 imsl_math test vevehf fails, options "-O -dalign -autopar" 4662924 xtarget=ultra3 produces "different" behavior when run on ultra2 4662935 PERFLIB: compiler fails to compile a simple code with -xO3 or higher 4663075 Krakatoa F90 intervals fatal error in cg: Seg. fault 4663316 Different results under optimisation 4664222 can't build shared libraries with -z text -xcheck=stkovf 4664435 OpenMP-C: improper scoping of array variables when using autopar 4665841 bad xO3 optimization involving arrays and post-loop compound assignment 4670042 OpenMP-C: incorrect result when using -xautopar Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 7-9 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/106326-01 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- none. README -- Last modified date: Monday, May 3, 2004