Patch-ID# 108653-73 Keywords: security xsun libdps cg6 fontadmin nkbm xlib dtremote xlock xinerama Synopsis: X11 6.4.1_x86: Xsun patch Date: Sep/29/2004 Install Requirements: None Solaris Release: 8_x86 SunOS Release: 5.8_x86 Unbundled Product: X11 Unbundled Release: 6.4.1_x86 Xref: This patch available for SPARC as 108652 Topic: Relevant Architectures: i386 BugId's fixed with this patch: 1221324 4068021 4102547 4107762 4185418 4194112 4248632 4281374 4286682 4287741 4292075 4292395 4293861 4296832 4297581 4297830 4299495 4299667 4300866 4305157 4305597 4306350 4306774 4308554 4308640 4308661 4308670 4310120 4310536 4310813 4311088 4311685 4311804 4312517 4312780 4312893 4314304 4317727 4318777 4320990 4323164 4323892 4330738 4332966 4332982 4333070 4334254 4336246 4336308 4338851 4342128 4343071 4345609 4346749 4351928 4355782 4355797 4356265 4357191 4363016 4367311 4368044 4379301 4379921 4383751 4384470 4386513 4389859 4396244 4408780 4420281 4421358 4421610 4422000 4422011 4423990 4425100 4428762 4430205 4434893 4441374 4453642 4459544 4474581 4476308 4476990 4477807 4479234 4480444 4482021 4482616 4482924 4483090 4491526 4496504 4497193 4499671 4509969 4509983 4510977 4520338 4520766 4524611 4533330 4546095 4546804 4607396 4625611 4633549 4638864 4642632 4644966 4649617 4661987 4663998 4675725 4680913 4692623 4693407 4703884 4710402 4710958 4716007 4726752 4729267 4740417 4742744 4758226 4760672 4762797 4780894 4781056 4784311 4785372 4787416 4787692 4805863 4809081 4809776 4810740 4818111 4831697 4833086 4838222 4843234 4846090 4847054 4855596 4856208 4874319 4880222 4886190 4889164 4889565 4907034 4922200 4985837 4989547 4992287 4995611 5028901 5032391 5055716 5062428 Changes incorporated in this version: 5062428 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: 110500-03 Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /usr/openwin/bin/Xprt /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun /usr/openwin/bin/fbconsole /usr/openwin/bin/lbxproxy /usr/openwin/bin/xlock /usr/openwin/bin/xprop /usr/openwin/bin/xrx /usr/openwin/bin/xset /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libX11.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXau.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXaw.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXext.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXi.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXmu.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXp.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXt.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXtst.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libdps.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libdpstk.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libp/libX11.a /usr/openwin/lib/libp/libXext.a /usr/openwin/lib/libp/libXt.a /usr/openwin/lib/libpsres.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/modules/common/ /usr/openwin/server/modules/common/ /usr/openwin/server/modules/common/ /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/ICE/ICElib.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Intrinsic.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/XWDFile.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xauth.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xdmcp.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xfuncproto.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xfuncs.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xlib.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xlibint.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xmd.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xos.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xosdefs.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xproto.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xresource.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xthreads.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xutil.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/XI.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/XInput.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/XIproto.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/XTest.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/multibufst.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/sync.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/keysym.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/keysymdef.h /usr/openwin/share/man/man1/Xserver.1 /usr/openwin/share/man/man1/Xsun.1 /usr/openwin/share/man/man1/xset.1 /usr/openwin/share/man/man3/XSolarisGetVisualGamma.3 /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/dt/bin/sdtfontadm /usr/openwin/bin/accessx Problem Description: 5062428 With 108652-61 or later, lines on drawing area are disappeared on iconify/scroll (from 108653-72) 5028901 CATIA V5 crashes due to a limitation in direct contexts when using pixmaps 5032391 UnlockDisplay should release all the locks hold in dpy->lock 5055716 Java core dumps in XdbeGetVisualInfo (from 108653-71) 4633549 AltGraph + E does not bring EuroSign in GNOME2/Netscape7 in ISO8859-15 4992287 Compose LED not working after applying 108652-56 or greater (from 108653-70) 4856208 cannot logout from the remote machine when clicking EXIT button (from 108653-69) 4985837 XdbeGetVisualInfo causes Xlib threads to hang 4995611 Additional font information file handling overflows (from 108653-68) 4989547 ReadFontAlias buffer overflow (from 108653-67) 4810740 vsw512 test XtCallbackReleaseCacheRefList regresses 4482924 VSW5.1.2 test XSetICFocus fail due to problem with XCreateIC. (from 108653-66) 4907034 XtOverrideTranslations() takes 10x more cycles than 32-bit. (from 108653-65) 4874319 Xinerama copy functions do not work with dzfb. 4922200 Banners, images and icons appear distorted, white, or blank in Netscape 7 4889565 VisibilityNotify events broken for non mpg devices in Xinerama (from 108653-64) 4886190 VSW5.1.3: Xlib9/XDrawArcs-103: A total of 50 out of 9000 pixels were bad 4367311 Snapshot Images Have Seam Between Xinerama Displays (from 108653-63) 4781056 Graphics.drawChars(...) hangs Xserver 4889164 scrolling on xinerama is too slow on four headed pgx64 blade100/150 (from 108653-62) 4855596 GLX rendering causes Xsun crash on DhakaZulu 4843234 Solaris Xprt loses space when rendering with '-monotype-arial-*'-font (from 108653-61) 4248632 xlock should accept Kerberos passwords 4880222 Keys repeat too quickly under server load and patch 108652-70 (refix) 4680913 DGA: Insecure creation of /tmp/wg0000* (from 108653-60) 4880222 Keys repeat too quickly under server load and patch 108652-70 4846090 provide shared versions of libXdmcp & libXau (from 108653-59) 4847054 xterm switches to autistic mode by inserting at end-of-line in vi (from 108653-58) 4838222 warning message seen with xlock 4787416 Xserver hangs in m64SourceValidate on Solaris 8 (from 108653-57) 4422011 Raise mouse button limit from three 4491526 intel kbd/mouse ddx should be merged into core server tree 4607396 keyboard & mouse DDX only allows one of each per Xserver 4831697 SunRay server does not come up in multiuser mode after adding patch T1 4805863 Performance problems on sunblade 2000 with m64 card, Xinerama 4833086 Xserver display is getting corruption frequently on Sun Ray 1.3 appliance 4785372 StarOffice core dumps on startup on SunRay in Xinerama with patch 108652-59 (from 108653-56) 4809776 XDgaUnGrabDrawable of zombie window will crash on SW cursor devices 4818111 shm pixmaps corrupted with XFree86 porting kit 4716007 Xsun crashing in cfb32FillBoxTile32sCopy (from 108653-55) 4742744 nautilus crashes when move mouse in the bookmark menu 4787692 fbconfig stuck on open of jfb0 after 10 minutes keyboard inactivity 4809081 System hanged during boot up with Xserver 6.6.2 build 27 pkgs installed 4758226 dtlogin can be forced to hang by using remote login or resetting dtlog 4784311 User is logged out when running ANSYS AGP app (from 108653-54) 4342128 Xsun should use /usr/lib/ 4334254 Not all R6.4 changes included in header files 4780894 XInputExtension doesn't work correctly in 64bit. (from 108653-53) 4248632 xlock should accept Kerberos passwords (from 108653-52) 4762797 [ defect #7955] XextAddDisplay cache not cleaned unless server ha 4740417 Keys not working in gnome applications (from 108653-51) 4726752 Xsun crash when attempt to view certain PS file on ja locale. (from 108653-50) 4760672 Xsun crashes in Sun Blade 150/2000 when using a Speedo Font (from 108653-49) 4703884 xlock: password buffers are too small 4638864 accessx should not require key held down to perform mousek 4729267 Toggle Keys are not working for AccessX in XKB mode (from 108653-48) 4710402 Memory leak in multibuffering extension (from 108653-47) 4710958 XInitImage should be public, not SUNWprivate (from 108653-46) 4533330 XKB extension not fully implemented in Xsun 4546804 Compose key does not work in XKB mode 4663998 In ko/zh/ja locales, Asian characters becomes garbage in dtmail & dtcm (from 108653-45) 4675725 XFillArc does not draw correctly 4355782 Xbell pitch & volume cannot be changed (from 108653-44) 4692623 ToggleKeys/NumLock fails on SunRay on S8U4 4693407 Application resident help for AccessX doesn't display on S8 based systems. (from 108653-43) 4642632 Xserver: rollover condition in XdmcpWakeupHandler() (from 108653-42) 4661987 CAN-2002-0158: Xsun "-co" heap overflow (from 108653-41) 4644966 Security issue with zlib in SUNWxwplt 4649617 lbxproxy contains a buffer overflow (from 108653-40) 4480444 Motif Crash With Dynamic Menus 4497193 Motif does not cache ref-counted objects correctly (refixed) 4520766 xlock broken in 108652-38 and above 4524611 Purify errors in X libraries (from 108653-39) 4497193 Motif does not cache ref-counted objects correctly 4625611 4625611 fix to Xos.h for 4421358 breaks 64-bit compiles (from 108653-38) 4546095 libX11 should not honor some environment variables in set*id programs 4305157 GTK(GDK) dumps core at XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback() (from 108653-37) 4520338 shm client breaks after development changes (from 108653-36) 4482616 NKBM - Null Keyboard / Mouse ddx; 4509969 default Xlib buffer size should be increased 4509983 power management code update; 4441374 PGX32 does not launch Openwindows 3.6.2 in TRUECOLOR after Sol8 1 4510977 dtremote fails to start session on b47 4499671 Buss Error in _XData32 when running a 64-bit application (from 108653-35) 4482021 abs() should be a macro, not a function call 4499671 Bus Error in _XData32 when running a 64-bit application 4343071 REGRESSION: sdtfontadm & sdtfontls dump core on certain TrueType fonts 4320990 fonts cannot be installed 4496504 change X compiler flags to use -xO3 instead of -O (aka -xO2) (from 108653-34) 4474581 SunRay1.2 utselect at dtlogin can't work in Japanese environment 4479234 Don't have Intel watch FBPMCpr 4476990 Xsun looping using 100% of the CPU 4368044 CDE sdtimage on SunRay hangs opening PostScript after raster, GIF, JPEG 4477807 64 bit dps client library non-functional (from 108653-33) 4483090 xlock buffer overflow (from 108653-32) 4476308 screen saver doesn't work on OpenWindows after applying 108652-33 (from 108653-31) 4396244 New xserver bug causes problems in Font2DTest (jdk demo) 4453642 DPMS levels are not transitioned at right time intervals 4194112 Change in Functionality of /etc/*.hosts on Solaris 2.6 from Solaris 2.5.1 4421610 s8u4 performance down by 2 with xserver benchmarks (from 108653-30) 4434893 Xsun crash SEGV at the end of ICEMSurf session (from 108653-29) 4459544 Xserver faults when starting gnome on x86 (from 108653-28) 4102547 XOpenDisplay() hangs with shmem transport when XInitThreads() called (from 108653-27) 4421610 s8u4 performance down by 2 with xserver benchmarks 4422000 window.c should not call miVisibilityPrivate functions in non-Xinerama 4408780 DGA application crashes when run through ssh connection 4420281 vsw502 XFillArcs plane-mask operations produce wrong values 4428762 Solaris/Intel Xserver internals not compat w/XFree86 ddxen 4068021 SIGILL is not handled correctly by the signal handler. (from 108653-26) 4396244 New xserver bug causes problems in Font2DTest (jdk demo) (reworked) 4421358 Xos.h causing compiles to fail when used with strings.h in S9 w/Forte 4423990 X header files should not require -DSVR4 4430205 sdtimage seg faults displaying postscript file (from 108653-25) 4396244 New xserver bug causes problems in Font2DTest (jdk demo) 4389859 Xprt prints "l" instead of "!" in Russian and Spanish within en_US.UTF (from 108653-24) 4425100 110499-03 should not be included in S8U5 (from 108653-23) 4379921 XtDestroyWidget leaks memory with (from 108653-22) 4383751 Xsun dumps core with HP OpenView Node Manager 6.1 4386513 add appcert tags to client libs 4384470 Xserver will not start with patch 110499-01 applied - s8u4 Build 1 4296832 X header files have no-type declaration forbidden in ANSI C++ 4363016 multiple CPR cycles with 2 IFBs will eventually hang 4351928 DPMS doesn't work across Xserver resets 4357191 mouse can't bring screen out of FBPM mode (from 108653-21) 4379301 Buffer overflow in X socket transport code (from 108653-20) 4345609 Font server connection hangs (from 108653-19) 4355797 Xprt always uses 100 dpi as its default resolution 4356265 PS driver of Xprt doesn't support transparent bitmap font printing (from 108653-18) This patch revision was skipped. (from 108653-17) 4338851 I-DEAS8 hangs when atok8 is enab (from 108653-16) 4323164 fbconsole should open /dev/console with O_NOCTTY (from 108653-15) 4332982 Intel: it can't display character correctly (from 108653-14) 4346749 Xsun crashes after reducing cameleo's display window and using a XRead (from 108653-13) 4336246 Intel DDX's are not 6.4 upgrade compliant (from 108653-12) 4336308 FBPM is not enabled by default (Refix) (from 108653-11) 4185418 the X server should support more connections (Refix) (from 108653-10) 4185418 the X server should support more connections 4336308 FBPM is not enabled by default (from 108653-09) 4323892 printjob owner is not adjusted correctly 4333070 X setuid/setgid binary permissions need to be changed (from 108653-08) 4330738 accessX - StickyKeys and MouseKeys does not work in X11R6.4 4332966 security: Xsun has a buffer overflow 4107762 xset fp causes Segmentation Fault or Bus Error (from 108653-07) 4292075 2.6 Xsun crash caused by memory leak after install patch 105633-14 4310536 scaling the fonts larger results in invisible glyphs (from 108653-06) 4311685 vsw502 testcase crashes server with fatal error in xinerama 4317727 Performance regression from Solaris 7 to Solaris 8 in Unigraphics 4314304 OpenGL regression with Catia due to Xsun patch 4310120 lib/X11/Xlibint.h ptr to int is passed to _XData32() 4299667 GLUT animation programs get stucked until the window is moved across two screens (from 108653-05) 4305597 frame buffer with 24 bits depth do not support shared memory pixmaps 4310813 Xserver exits unexpectedly, when working with HyperHelp 5.1.2 4293861 XQueryTextExtents gets incorrect font information for vsw font 4311804 Xserver loops in FindCachedFontPattern or crashes 4318777 Xprt output has position problem in PS mode (from 108653-04) 4287741 Xprt can't start on zh locale 4297581 Xprt crash caused by memory leak 4297830 Xprt prints large scalable font at wrong position 4299495 XpQueryScreesns() returns wrong screens which cause application crash 4306774 general page comments for PS descriptions missing. 4308640 Xprt core dump when PCL mode is enabled 4308661 Overlapping occurs on PCL mode Xprt 4308670 duplex and landscape printing do not work with Xprt PostScript output 4311088 Xprint does not handle .pmf files defined in the printer fonts directory 4312780 wrong font after first page when using PostScript printer fonts 4312893 Xprt:PS driver can't handle pmf font properly (from 108653-03) 4312517 FBPM code should also be propagated from Xsun to Xprt 4308554 xset does not support fbpm options 4306350 Obsolete IOCTL in Xsun (from 108653-02) 4286682 Documentation for XSolarisGetVisualGamma() is unclear 4300866 Copy text caused dtterm or dtpad core-dumped in all UTF 1221324 DgaScreenRec needs argument lists in the prototypes (from 108653-01) 4281374 Xinerama should support overlapping of screens 4292395 lack of FBPM in Xserver to work with Xcalibur Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 2.0-2.6 releases, refer to the file and/or the README within the patch for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. For Solaris 7-8 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- To get the complete fix for 4633549 (AltGraph + E does not bring EuroSign in GNOME2/Netscape7 in ISO8859-15) you also need to install patches 114539-01 and 113129-03 or newer. README -- Last modified date: Wednesday, September 29, 2004