Patch-ID# 107361-06 Keywords: dbx WS5.0 Synopsis: WorkShop IPE 5.0_x86: Patch for dbx Date: Nov/02/2000 Solaris Release: 2.5.1_x86 2.6_x86 7_x86 SunOS Release: 5.5.1_x86 5.6_x86 5.7_x86 Unbundled Product: WorkShop IPE Unbundled Release: 5.0 Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: i386 BugId's fixed with this patch: 1201381 4150429 4169159 4170662 4189253 4190666 4193005 4193017 4193543 4194171 4195537 4195930 4196024 4196533 4196659 4197090 4197279 4197332 4198294 4198733 4199298 4199417 4199891 4200881 4201405 4202220 4202229 4204284 4223092 4243811 4244422 4244888 4255308 4255884 4257057 4257366 4259941 4268826 4283581 4292176 4301950 4341860 Changes incorporated in this version: 4341860 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /SUNWspro/WS5.0/bin/dbx /SUNWspro/WS5.0/lib/ /SUNWspro/WS5.0/lib/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES/SUNW_SPRO_Dbx.msg Problem Description: BugId Synopsis ----- ------------------------------------- 4341860 Bad "rua" messages from RTC (from 107361-05) ----- ------------------------------------- 4255308 where -v segv on char*(*) param 4283581 dbx doesn''t floating reg 32-62 4301950 dbx cannot print multibyte char 4292176 rtc crash if ldx is in delay slot of jmpl (from 107361-04) ----- ------------------------------------- 4259941 trivial C++ program fails with RTC (from 107361-03) ----- ------------------------------------- 4244422 dbx 5.0 can not set a breakpoint within another module 4255884 dbx 5.0 cannot handle certain core file 4244888 sometimes process runs away when you next or step over a function return 4243811 dbx core dumps when examining registers in allocated 4257057 dbx 5.0 core dumps with demangler errors 4257366 debugger backend dbx dumps core when stepping into a C++ function 4268826 dbx core dumps during a step in stl application (from 107361-02) ----- ------------------------------------- 4223092 _still_ cannot set a breakpoint in malloc''ed memory 4201405 signal SEGV with mt mode (from 107361-01) ----- ------------------------------------- 4194171 nightly dbx SEGV on printing function. 4197279 dbx core dumped with "stop inclass" without a parameter. 4195537 ("stop inobject" stops at the wrong line) 4169159 (Fails to produce a stack trace in a signal handler) 4198294 Performance degradation when debugging large programs. 4197332 (cannot set a breakpoint in malloc''ed memory) 4200881 funcs -g does not print all functions that have debugging information 4189253 (nightly dbx has leaks) 4199417 (DBX hangs on second "run" command) 1201381 (Error messages with mis-matched shared libraries) et-al 4190666 problem in overloading resolution on V8, V9, and INTEL 4198733 (dbx crashes while single-stepping) 4202220 (internal error: accessing undefined slot UNEXPECTED_THROW.TID) 4150429 (dbx misses bpts in presence of signals) 4202229 dbx print incorrect value for static member on V9 4199298 dbx print incorrect value for static member 4199891 Assertion error for symbol type mismatch 4196024 Buffer for Intel mnemonic code is too small 4197090 Add assertion test to all symbol accessors. Part I 4196659 Fix core dump problem in v9 fix & continue 4204284 Update sizeof(call) in assertion test 4193017 add type info of u/long to symbol table before a program is loaded 4195930 using "builtin print" instead of "print" produces strange results 4193543 v9 dbx randomly dies in licensing code 4170662 runtime checking fails on large executables 4196533 demangler lib reserves ''$'' prefix for mangled names 4193005 v9 signal BUS (invalid address alignment) in copy_to_page Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Refer to the file for instructions on using the generic ''installpatch'' and ''backoutpatch'' scripts provided with each patch. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- None.