Patch-ID# 106621-10 Keywords: grow memory dsadm java replcation Proxy certificate core slash Synopsis: Sun Directory Services 3.1 patch Date: Dec/17/2001 Solaris Release: 2.6 7 8 SunOS Release: 5.6 5.7 5.8 Unbundled Product: Directory Services Unbundled Release: 3.1 Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 4145220 4154517 4157334 4157348 4157793 4157809 4158326 4158774 4158858 4159096 4159453 4161381 4164370 4165732 4165733 4166077 4167091 4167093 4167124 4169709 4171076 4171352 4173395 4173666 4173672 4174804 4175320 4175335 4176044 4177590 4177599 4178991 4179056 4179989 4182035 4183168 4183272 4184501 4185872 4186380 4187106 4187365 4187464 4187813 4190482 4191970 4192228 4192431 4192554 4192806 4194132 4194470 4196000 4196006 4197201 4198028 4203984 4206250 4206257 4209134 4209169 4209565 4212603 4218060 4218442 4220150 4224763 4225504 4225968 4226035 4229514 4230190 4231528 4231529 4233309 4233524 4234901 4242144 4242704 4242767 4242774 4243415 4244343 4244906 4245914 4247237 4247594 4251213 4251714 4251908 4252494 4253274 4254680 4255239 4255872 4261313 4263915 4270598 4271449 4271600 4279447 4304090 4318962 4321353 4324021 4326694 4340248 4345398 4350806 4361383 4481734 Changes incorporated in this version: 4481734 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /etc/init.d/dsadm /etc/init.d/dsserv /etc/opt/SUNWconn/ldap/current/locale/C/dsweb.messages /SUNWconn/ldap/bin/ldapdelete /SUNWconn/ldap/bin/ldapmodify /SUNWconn/ldap/bin/ldapmodrdn /SUNWconn/ldap/bin/ldapsearch /SUNWconn/ldap/default/acctattr /SUNWconn/ldap/default/locale/C/dsweb.messages /SUNWconn/ldap/default/mapping/radius.mapping /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/admin/IX.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/admin/IXtext.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/admin/accesstext.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/admin/contents.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/admin/datasttext.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/IXnav.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/IXtext.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/copy.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/copytext.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/createtextnis.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/createtextrad.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/modifytext.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/modifytextrad.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/searchtext.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/searchtextnis.html /SUNWconn/ldap/docs/locale/C/help/deja/searchtextrad.html /SUNWconn/ldap/html/Deja.jar /SUNWconn/ldap/html/directoryAdmin.html /SUNWconn/ldap/html/index.html /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/client/LDAStatusSection.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/client/LdapConfigAttrPropertyBook.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/client/LdapConfigOclPropertyBook.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/common/AclWhat.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/common/BackEnd.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/common/LDAPServiceConf.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/common/LdbmBackend.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/common/MainConf.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/common/Objcl.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/server/LDADirectoryServer.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/ldaps/sims/server/LDAParser.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/console/SDSAdmin.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/avm/base/ImageScroller.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/avm/base/Table.class /SUNWconn/ldap/html/lib/ /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dsprepush /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dspulld /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dspushd /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dsradiusd /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dsservd /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dswebd /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dsypdecl /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dsyppasswdd /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dsyprsvd /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/dsypxfrd /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/ldif2id2children /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/ldif2id2entry /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/ldif2index /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/ /SUNWconn/ldap/lib/ /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man1/ldapdelete.1 /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man1/ldapmoddn.1 /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man1/ldapmodify.1 /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man1/ldapmodrdn.1 /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man1/ldapsearch.1 /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man1m/dsservd.1m /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man1m/ldif2ldbm.1m /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man4/dsserv.conf.4 /SUNWconn/ldap/man/man4/ldif.4 /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/Makefile /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/README /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/radius_pam.h /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/sample_acct_mgmt.c /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/sample_authenticate.c /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/sample_close_session.c /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/sample_open_session.c /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/sample_password.c /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/sample_setcred.c /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/sample_utils.c /SUNWconn/ldap/samples/pam/sample_utils.h /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsadmintool /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsexport /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsidxgen /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsimport /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsservcmd /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsypinit /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsypinstall /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsyppush /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/dsypxfr /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/ldapsync /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/ldbmtest /SUNWconn/ldap/sbin/ldif2ldbm Problem Description: 4481734 CA-2001-18: LDAP Multiple Vulnerabilities (from 106621-09) 4361383 106621-08 breaks dsadm links to rc scripts for system boot/shutdown 4194132 dsservd exit - doesn't request license when too much requests at startup (from 106621-08) 4340248 dsservd process grows in memory 4350806 SunDS 3.1 dsadm daemons fails if 2.6/7 user changes default java to 1.2 JDK 4345398 SDS 3.1 radius accounting file perm mode wrongly set after -07 patch 4252494 Deja doesn't recognize leading forward slashes. 4304090 dsservd core dumps when more attribute types are added to object class 4318962 slapd 105266-13 cored 4324021 dspushd: replication corruption data field usercertificate 4326694 Sun DS 3.1 cores dump when replicating bug binary attribute 4321353 patch 106621-07 stops Netscape Proxy server working with SunDS (from 106621-07) 4279447 hanging ldapsearch no connection to mail server possible 4271600 possible memory leak in pam_open_session() and/or pam_close_session() 4271449 Authentication may fail in case the DB stores different entries with same uid 4270598 ldapsearch dumps core if PATH > 1024 chars 4255872 Replication fails after a number of hours 4255239 binding to the Directory doesn't recycle the privileges for a NULL bind. 4254680 slapd cores (SEGV) when clients use simple page control 4247237 slurpd don't work around time=1000000000 (2001/9/9,10:46:50) (from 106621-06) 4263915 prevent slapd.log from logging hostname 4261313 wildcard searches with ldapsearch take too long 4253274 Bad syntax in radius.mapping causes dsradiusd to fail. 4251908 memory leak in slapd when schema check on 4251714 radius daemon hangs under heavy load (multiple authentication NAS requests) 4251213 radius daemon dump core when user-name is too long 4247594 slapd core dump - security 4245914 3.1-05: dsservd stucked in deadlock while parallel renaming random entries 4244906 replog generated by dsprepush is incorrect 4244343 dsservd crashes when RDN value is more than 100 characters with schema check on. 4243415 Successfully replicated entries get in reject log 4242774 radius dynamic attributes are not being removed from LDAP entries 4242767 Radius Daemon had memory leak 4242704 SUNDS 3.1: createtimestamp index seems corrupted 4242144 dsserv deadlocks when running on a Solaris LDAP client machine 4233524 SunDS 3.1: Very long access groups in LDAP for NIS get dsservd to die. 4218442 dsmakedbm does not parse port number in dsserv.ini when calling dsimport (from 106621-05) 4234901 SunDS 3.1 does not handle some LDAP special characters correctly. 4233309 SunDS 3.1 reports MODS as added entries violating license. 4231529 Need interface to RADIUS server to call a user supplied functions 4231528 RADIUS mapping fails if userid is mapped differently from user-name 4230190 dspushd failing to replicate man engtries; replog growing. 4229514 dsservd doesn't handle certain kinds of licenses correctly 4226035 dspushd fails sanity check; core dumps w/ no clues 4225968 Patch 106621-04 breaks nis functionality in sun directory services 3.1 4225504 dsservd core dumps when using SSL 4224763 cannot configure ldap port number in dsyppasswdd 4220150 Entry DNs with no space after delimiting comma get corrupted 4218060 dspushd is core dumping 4212603 ldapdelete shows Delete error: No such object even it is still present 4209565 The server ignores the "attribute types only" flag of LDAP search operations. 4197201 Dynamic-Session-Counter ldap attr does not work properly 4196006 Too many messages at console 4196000 crypt() method is LDACommandManager does not work 4194470 Bad exit status 0 (==ok) of S72dsservd when "SunDS stopped failed" 4192228 large distribution lists takes hours to add 4191970 dsidxgen says not enough disk space on a 9Gb disk to generate indexes (from 106621-04) 4209169 ACLs can erroneously stop creation of an entry. 4209134 modrdn doesn't work on Intel platform 4206257 useless data added to user entry 4206250 dsservd crashes when modifying entry through a user defined in the DB 4203984 dsservd.conf man page: incorrect referral specification given 4198028 LDAParser:setInitialConfig() spits stacktrace to output 4192806 BIG memory leak in NIS server 4192554 Crash - core dump SIGBUS - dsservd in register_cancel when stopping dsservcmd 4192431 NIS Automatic Restart is enabled when Default access=none 4190482 DSservd doesn't check duplicated values for binary attributes 4187813 dsservd crashes SIGSEGV in ber_get_next under heavy load 4187464 Poor performances in dsservd due to index update while no modification 4185872 dsserv (NIS) does not take into account the key parameter when answering yp_next 4175335 Add list of error codes in the man pages 4173395 locales C,it,sv;deja help;i18n;Illogical links in Help. 4166077 SDS3.1: importing values from file does not work 4158858 SunDS unable to handle large databases (from 106621-03) 4187365 Deleting the last value of an attribute doesn't remove the attribute from entry 4187106 Bad indexes may be generated when renaming entries (moving to same place) 4186380 SUNDS 3.1: security hole when giving password in on-line commands 4184501 Server does not follow multiple referrals properly. 4183272 variable concatenation in dsimport mapping file syntax does not work without sep 4183168 SunDS 3.1 - first entry in shadow file causes dsyppasswd to exit. 4182035 Crash - core dump SIGSEGV - dsradiusd line 863 of radiusd.c 4179989 SDS - Wrong spell for a html window title. 4179056 fix/enhancement to make Dynamic-Session-Counter ldap attr not be deleted when 0 4178991 Add and document variable Time_limit in radius.mapping (radius timeout 10 sec.) 4177599 Crash SIGSEGV dsradiusd in main (snmpaccfd = -1) when "enough" radius entries 4177590 Invalid format error occurs when adding binary attribute with Intel machine 4176044 dsadmintool corrupts dsserv.conf when ACL rules has been added 4175320 SDS 3.1:(x86 only) ldif2ldbm fails to import values 4174804 SLAP ACL list cannot take 32 entries and slapd shouldnot die if limit is exceeds 4173672 Typo in dsserv.log - "vaareiable" should be "variable" 4173666 map mail.byaddr and mail.aliases not generated in 2.7 4167124 ldapmodrdn makes some entries unreacheable (from 106621-02) 4158774 Web gateway doesn't display createtimestamp correctly for an entry 4157348 SDS3.1 I18N: date becomes garbage on Web gateway when running in ja locale (from 106621-01) 4171352 SDS3.1: /opt/SUNWconn/html/index.html says 1.0 4171076 Deja main window size is hardcoded. 4169709 After importing nis maps into SunDS ypcat behaves differently 4167093 SDS3.1 I18N: dsyprsvd, dsypxfr and dsypdecl do not pick up L10N messages 4167091 SDS3.1 I18N: errors in sds.msg 4165733 SDS3.1: errors in deja help 4165732 SDS3.1: errors in admin help 4164370 SDS3.1 I18N: ldap tools don't pick up L10N messages from /opt/SUNWconn/lib 4161381 SDS3.1: unable to display ldap_att?.html 4159453 SDS 3.1: admintool stops with exception on s998u2 build 8 4159096 ldapmodify always requires -r switch 4158326 ldbmtest dumps core when enterng commands multiple time 4157809 Bad space in error message: Could not open/create dn2id .dbb 4157793 ldif2ldbm: Uncomplete diagnostic when non-existing directory 4157334 SDS3.1 I18N RFE: 'HEAD' key in dsweb.messages 4154517 SDS3.1 I18N: when dsserv is running in ja locale, search with japanese fails 4145220 [RFE] customers want to disable line wrap capability during LDIF generation Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Refer to the file for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- None README -- Last modified date: Monday, December 17, 2001