Patch-ID# 106515-10 Keywords: security mail sims sendmail Synopsis: Sun Internet Mail Server 3.5_x86: Misc. fixes Date: May/11/00 Solaris Release: 2.5.1_x86 2.6_x86 7_x86 SunOS Release: 5.5.1_x86 5.6_x86 5.7_x86 Unbundled Product: Sun Internet Mail Server 3.5_x86 (SIMS) Unbundled Release: 3.5_x86 Xref: This patch available for sparc as patch 106514 Topic: Sun Internet Mail Server 3.5: Misc. fixes NOTE: This patch is incompatible with the Solaris 2.6 (SunOS 5.6) /usr/bin/sendmail patch (105395/105396). This means that all versions of the sendmail patch must be removed. NOTE2: Due to a change in the way this patch is built, patches 106515-01 and 106515-02 (if present) must be backed out before this patch can be installed. Relevant Architectures: i386 BugId's fixed with this patch: 4139984 4141509 4141552 4146798 4147794 4147996 4148096 4149438 4149446 4151619 4154889 4155292 4155913 4155995 4158425 4159891 4160273 4160567 4160825 4161634 4161641 4161681 4161691 4162172 4162681 4163511 4164311 4164646 4164915 4165355 4165616 4165622 4165708 4165952 4166169 4166171 4166176 4166184 4166186 4166333 4167325 4167731 4167977 4168032 4168248 4168435 4169037 4169366 4170096 4170398 4170754 4171316 4171465 4171619 4171671 4172105 4172729 4172768 4173787 4173794 4173903 4174091 4174495 4174925 4176496 4176498 4176912 4178440 4179666 4180160 4180349 4181667 4181784 4184371 4184501 4184692 4185665 4185990 4188756 4188762 4189489 4189982 BugId's fixed with this patch: 4190289 4190355 4190416 4191410 4191545 4193332 4193906 4194076 4194326 4195022 4196278 4197374 4200377 4201070 4202128 4204187 4204275 4204398 4204789 4204915 4205174 4205199 4205567 4205753 4206852 4207980 4209654 4213159 4215446 4215512 4215909 4216054 4216901 4217911 4218825 4219141 4220388 4224404 4224778 4225767 4228005 4228643 4229360 4229389 4230523 4230914 4231775 4232271 4232412 4232945 4233758 4234159 4236900 4236980 4238365 4239006 4242164 4248692 4251643 4251706 4255634 4258547 4259444 4259935 4261216 4269661 4273832 4275342 4280551 4285243 4291426 4291519 4297233 4299267 4308838 4301760 4310789 4319682 4324321 Changes incorporated in this version: 4275342 4285243 4291426 4297233 4299267 4308838 4310789 4319682 4324321 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/AdminServer.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/COMPONENT_ENUM.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/DebugLog.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ErrorReporter.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MailServerRoleIO.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/ConfigFileReader.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTA.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAImpl.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAImpl_Stub.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAImpl_Skel.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTA_UTILS.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTA_UTILS_Stub.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTA_UTILS_Skel.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAChOption.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAConfigFile.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAPropertyBook.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAResourceBundle.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAResourceBundle_en.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/MTAResourceBundle_en_US.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/mta/AccessRestrictionValidation.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/console/AdminConsole.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/console/AdminServerImpl.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/console/AdminServerImpl_Stub.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/console/AdminServerImpl_Skel.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/console/ConsoleSessionImpl.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/console/ConsoleSessionImpl_Stub.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/console/ConsoleSessionImpl_Skel.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSConfPropertyBook.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/GeneralSection.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/PurgeOptionsSection.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/AdvancedSection.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSManagedObjectImpl.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSManagedObjectImpl_Stub.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSManagedObjectImpl_Skel.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSResourceBundle.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSResourceBundle_en.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSResourceBundle_en_US.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSConfiguration.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSCONSTANTS.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSDelete.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSDeleteImpl.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSDeleteImpl_Stub.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSDeleteImpl_Skel.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/MSUtil.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/UserQuotaDisplay.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/AddGroupWizardManager.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/AddOrganizationalUnitDialog.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/AddUserWizardManager.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ms/DeleteSunMSNative.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/DSAccess.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/DSContentConsole.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/DSResourceBundle.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/DSResourceBundle_en.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/DSResourceBundle_en_US.class /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/COM/Sun/sunsoft/sims/admin/ds/WizardPage.class /opt/SUNWmail/cgi-bin/dirupdate.cgi /opt/SUNWmail/cgi-bin/forwupdate2.cgi /opt/SUNWmail/cgi-bin/sims.ereg.ksh.cgi /opt/SUNWmail/cgi-bin/ereg.utility.ksh /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/admin/man/man1m/setup-tty.1m /opt/SUNWmail/admin/man/man1m/uninstall.1m /opt/SUNWmail/html/en/vacupdate2.html /opt/SUNWmail/html/en/forwupdatessl.html /opt/SUNWimha/clust_progs/imha_stop_net /opt/SUNWmail/sdk/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/dir_svc/sbin/imldifsync /opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/admin/sbin/uninstall /opt/SUNWmail/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/ims/lib/imaccessd /opt/SUNWmail/ims/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/ims/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/ims/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/ims/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/ims/lib/ims_master /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imimportmbox /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imexportmbox /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/iminitquota /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imsinit /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/impurge /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imcheck /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imbackup /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imrestore /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/mkbackupdir /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imquotacheck /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imexpire /opt/SUNWmail/ims/sbin/imdeluser /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/imaccessd.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/imbackup.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/imexportmbox.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/imimportmbox.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/imrestore.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/imsasm.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/mkbackupdir.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/impurge.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man1m/imexpire.1m /opt/SUNWmail/ims/man/man4/ims.cnf.4 /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-cache.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-counters.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-dirsync.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-dumpdb.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-program.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-purge.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-renamedb.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-return.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-run.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-test-rewrite.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/chbuild /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/cnbuild /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/counters /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/crdb /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/get_localhost /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/header_test /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/imtaDirsync /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/imtaAutoreply /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/imtaProgram /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/l_master /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/master /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/mime_test /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/pipe_master /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/post /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/purge /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/rebuild_cache /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/reprocess /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/return /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/rewrite_test /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/send /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/slave /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/synch_cache /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/tcp_smtp_client /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/tcp_smtp_server /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/translation_test /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/unique_id /opt/SUNWmail/imta/sbin/imta /opt/SUNWmail/lib/dns_verify /opt/SUNWmail/man/man3/libimtamap.3 /opt/SUNWmail/man/man3/immap_is_in_list.3 /opt/SUNWmail/man/man3/immap_is_in_list_of_ip.3 /opt/SUNWmail/man/man3/immap_is_in_cilist.3 /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man1m/imta-test-mapping.1m /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man3/libimtamap.3 /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man3/immap_is_in_list.3 /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man3/immap_is_in_list_of_ip.3 /opt/SUNWmail/imta/man/man3/immap_is_in_cilist.3 /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/addressing /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/bitbucket /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/conversion /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/defragment /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/mapping_test /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/return_uucp /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/uucp_master /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/uucp_slave /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/dispatcher /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/dispatcher_stats_tty /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/ /opt/SUNWmail/imta/lib/dns_verify Problem Description: 4324321 SIMS 3.5 dirsync does not work against Netscape DS 4.1 4319682 Cannot run imexpire with -d YYMM31. 4310789 patch 106515-09 breaks autoreply functionality. 4308838 forwupdatessl.html file STILL doesn't exist. 4299267 message requeueing not working properly. 4297233 imrestore -i does not show foldernames with spaces. 4291426 imdeluser does not delete folders that have invalid references. fix in patch 09 incomplete. 4285243 ims_master message data from MTA contains a NULL character. 4275342 Incorrect behavior of ALLOW_RECIPIENTS_PER_TRANSACTION option. (from 106515-09) 4301760 ims_master dumps core on malformed MIME message. 4291519 pop connection hands in proxy on Solaris 7 4291426 problem in data check. 4280551 impurge corrupts indexdir record after running imexpire -s. 4273832 forwupdatessl.html file doesn't exist. 4269661 Need to block ETRN in SIMS3.5 4261216 imimportmbox command inserts charset=us-ascii automatically. 4259935 SIMS corrupts messages which contain signed attachments. 4259444 purge cored. 4258547 imaccessd lets the user see the whole disk. 4251643 SIMS 3.5 fails to send autoreply. 4232945 imquotacheck returns error code 70 even though the operation was successful. 4224404 ssl_accept hangs, causes imap server to stop responding. 4195022 imimportmbox puts 5 byte long messages in the store. 4158425 Default rewrite rule is not correct is add a new organization unit. 4149446 imbackup should do true incremental backup. (from 106515-08) 4255634 imexpire could leave a partially expired message in the message store. 4251706 Qdaemon could not augment message store. 4248692 STATUS response can be illegal IMAP syntax when the folder name has a space character in it. 4242164 Duplicate mail messages delivered into the message store. 4239006 imaccessd can crash when the mail header is > 1024 bytes long. 4238365 security: when using Netscape DS, one can login as anyone with a blank password. 4236980 i18n: the admin server file '' contains hard coded strings. 4236900 On deleting a folder the Mail.var file does not get deleted. 4233758 SEGV when the subject line is > 128 characters long. 4231775 Add an option to imexpire which will expire mail by size and date and update the man page to document the new option. 4205199 imcheck reports incorrect data corruption message: Illegal ID_env_body_size 4147996 If restore backup configuration failed, imta is stopped. (from 106515-07) 4234159 RFE: headerset8 keyword doesn't work on address fields. 4232412 RFE: 8-bit raw mail can not be passed unmolested. (from 106515-06) 4232271 i18n: ereg screens can not be localized. 4230914 imap/pop proxy doesn't handle special characters in passwords correctly. 4230523 i18n: Font size definition is to small for Asian languages. 4229389 RFE: Insert a 'new line' delimiter between the header and body if it is not there. 4229360 Syslog error: ldap_bind() failed: Bad parameter to an ldap routine 4228643 RFE: Remove the 'cc' line from the header if there are no 'cc' addresses present. 4228005 Distribution list with program-delivery not picked up by dirsync. 4225767 imta dirsync core dump. 4224778 proxy user login names are incorrectly changed to lowercase at authentication time. 4220388 failed to perform partial match. 4219141 When certain data files are removed from the system, the MTA does not handle it gracefully. 4218825 Messages delivered into the Message Store have no Return-Path header field. 4216901 imdeluser fails and leaves mailbox locked. 4213159 imaccessd crashes when parsing a mail message with an extremely large number of nested body parts. 4180160 imta dirsync -F displays an error message when the departmental edition is installed. 4155292 Implicit 'Seen' flag changes not sent back as unsolicited flag changes. 4146798 Modifying an existing anti-relay rule with the admin console, causes a Field Validation Exception. (from 106515-05) 4217911 uninstall: i18n: The uninstaller doesn't set TEXTDOMAINDIR correctly 4216054 Unable to configure parse character in the result string of immap_is_in_list() 4215909 core dump in login under load on Solaris 7 4215512 data corruption by SMTP server mainly on Solaris 2.5.1 4215446 connection-reset-by-server errors in SMTP log 4209654 ims_master error message - memory corruption 4207980 incorrectly does a case sensitive compare of the string 'utf-8'. 4206852 SEARCH of Header ?Q? Encoding fails, corrupts SHORTINFO 4205567 Add workaround for incorrect return code from ldap 4205174 LDAP failovers occurring due to incorrect interpretation of error code 4204915 rfc822 parsing code is not setting unrecognized body type/subtype correctly 4204398 imta dirsync crashes with **NO diagnostics available ** message 4204187 impurge fails on days that contain more than 26 data buckets 4202128 locking problem with concurrent access to the same mailbox 4190355 support for multiple uids in imaccessd 4190289 Java SIMS Console overwrites manual imta.cnf changes 4181667 vacation page updated to include text about what the 2 digit year means 4160273 /var/mail: imap server says it supports keywords when it doesn't 4155913 imsdk: in immd_get_message, the size parameter always returns 0 (from 106515-04) 4205753 causes SMTP connections to get dropped. 4204789 uninstall removes the package SUNWjdt. 4204275 uninstall -d removes the hotjava browser without asking. 4201070 Security: One can access anyone's folders with IMAP. 4200377 Message store applications fatally exit if the message store index directories contain non-SIMS files or directories. 4197374 performance problem at login due to reverse DNS lookups. 4196278 The expunge code does not update the user quota information. 4194326 uninstall removes the Sun WebServer without warning 4194076 When the impurge lock file (imp_lock) has a zero length (Usually caused by a full file system.), imaccessd may dump a core. 4193906 ims_master core dumps when it tries to log messages to syslog which have percent (%) symbols in them. 4193332 impurge core dumps when the message store has non-SIMS message store data files in it. 4191545 A large anti-spamming list causes excessive load 4191410 Security: Someone can login onto a POP/IMAP server using an LDAP wildcard. 4188756 imimportmbox can not run more than one instance concurrently. 4184692 SSL fails on multi-homed IMAP4 and POP3 servers and on HA Systems. 4176498 Message store message reference count not adjusted for failed deliveries 4162172 The message store is not processing the dead_message file causing the message store to grow unnecessarily. 4155995 impurge will fail if the file system is full (from 106515-03) 4190416 User timeout during login 4189982 imimportmbox puts illegal messages into message store 4189489 the uninstall script does not remove patch vendor specific docs patch. 4188762 imaccessd cores on very small (illegal) messages 4185990 pop3 timeout too long, changed from 30 minutes to 10 minutes 4185665 system runs out of file descriptors when deleting many SIMS users 4184501 doesn't handle referrals properly 4184371 Login failures for users when directory server is setup with referrals 4181784 DS validation methods incorrectly contain GUI specific code 4180349 Need imta dirsync to support more then 5 top level domains 4179666 Bounced auto-reply gets sent to originator with reason:: Shell exited with status 3 4178440 User Property Page does not open from User Quota table 4176912 non-interactive mode for imdeluser missing 4176496 impurge fails on days that has more than 7 buckets 4174925 mkbackupdir will fail if the DEFAULT directory is full 4172768 imldifsync: excludedns directive isn't applied to changetype: deletes 4171671 imcheck core dump when the index record is not perfect 4171316 imldifsync creates duplicate entries where ldapmodify fails (from 106515-02) 4174495 tcp_smtp_client truss shows repeated SEGV_MAPERR 4174091 search header gives false positive results 4173903 SMTP server hangs in a recvfrom 4173794 ims_master write_to_store and write_data threads get out of sync 4173787 Unsatisfied Link Error on executing MTAConfigFile from commandline. 4172729 .HELD messages are synched into imta queue_cache 4172105 tcp_smtp_client processes hang in resolver calls 4171619 HA: if IMTA processes are hung, failover will hang 4171465 Wrong error message on SELECT of non-existent folder 4170754 \Seen flag not sent back on FETCH n BODY[TEXT] command 4170398 Access to forwarding and vacation CGI scripts broken in HA install 4170096 imquotacheck reports incorrect usage after imexpire and impurge are run 4169366 inconsistent behavior is quota is exceeded 4169037 Upgrade from sims3.5 beta to SIMS3.5 not handled properly 4168435 LDAPTIMEOUT is set to too long of a time period 4168248 impurge exclusion lock stays locked forever 4168032 imsdk:ERROR: immd_get_message returned: -178028794 4167977 Memory leaks in the IMTA code 4167731 imsdk:MT program, after 1 immd_end, immd_get_message returns IMRC_BAD_CONTEXT 4167325 The example in imexportmbox's manpage is incorrect 4166333 Admin message store should support multiple ldap hosts/ports 4166186 IMTA purge is inefficient 4166184 Wrong DSN when mail is relayed 4166176 5xx response to DATA command not handled properly 4166171 exam_cache core dumps 4166169 Improper handling of envelope lines with no keys 4165952 core dumps in the FIND command 4165708 No return value, error message, solution about each command in Ref./online manual 4165622 imrestore hash table contains invalid data 4165616 imaccessd syslogs fstat or open errors when it shouldn't 4165355 CHARSET Shift_JIS are not supported in SIMS searching 4164915 Channel update not noticed by AdminConsole 4164646 user-defined flags aren't removed by a STORE FLAGS command 4164311 Server side fix for mail client mime processing security bug 4163511 Only one channel_option file created for multiple channels using the same router 4162681 Create new channel, the default for 'Reject msgs when recipients exceeded' is wrong 4161691 User Mgmt. GUI stops working when LDAP port is changed 4161681 GUI does not change imta dirsync crontab when LDAP port is changed 4161641 dispatcher doesn't answer on port 25 4161634 processes looping while reading the queue cache files 4160825 Web interface for updating forward address allows bad chars to be entered 4160567 The distribution list access control design is wrong 4159891 Need to spread the window whenever create a new user 4154889 Problems with MTA cache after a system crash 4149438 imexportmbox won't export 0-length mailbox 4148096 No Help message comes up when clicks "Help" on Show Stored Message error dialog 4147794 User manager should check against group-names when new user is created 4141552 NAME_TABLE_NAME option doesn't work 4141509 ims.cnf should support multiple ldap hosts 4139984 libimta code aborts in db code, on fcntl call (from 106515-01) 4151619 the IMTA stops functioning if a sendmail patch is applied Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 2.0-2.6 releases, refer to the file and/or the README within the patch for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. For Solaris 7 release, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special instructions: --------------------- Reboot Required --------------- In order for the changes in this patch to take effect, the mail server must be stopped and restarted either with /etc/init.d/im.server [stop|start], or by rebooting the server. SIMS/Sun Cluster HA Configurations: ----------------------------------- In a Sun Cluster environment, at any given time, one of the two systems is the 'primary' system and 'masters' the SIMS logical host which is the system which accepts and processes requests. Having this in mind, proceed as follows to install the SIMS patch: 1. Log into the primary SIMS HA system and verify that your primary system masters the SIMS logical host. # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/haget -f mastered If this command returns a 'logical host name', skip to step 3. If this command does not return a response, then go to step 2. 2. Make the current system the master of the SIMS logical host. # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/haswitch Where, local-machine -> is the machine on which SIMS/HA will be used in a secondary role. For example, ha-secondary. ha-logical-hostname -> is the logical name assigned to the HA cluster. 3. Stop SIMS on the whole cluster for the duration of the patch install. # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/hareg -n Sun_Internet_Mail 4. Install this patch with the 'installpatch' script on the current system. 5. Log into the secondary SIMS HA system. 6. Make the secondary machine the master of the SIMS logical host. # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/haswitch Where, local-machine -> is the machine on which SIMS/HA will be used in a secondary role. For example, ha-secondary. ha-logical-hostname -> is the logical name assigned to the HA cluster. 7. Install this patch with the 'installpatch' script on the current system. 8. Log into the primary SIMS HA system and make it the master of the SIMS logical host. (Optional - the Primary and the Secondary systems can both be the master of the SIMS logical host at any given time.) # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/haswitch Where, local-machine -> is the machine on which SIMS/HA will be used in a secondary role. For example, ha-secondary. ha-logical-hostname -> is the logical name assigned to the HA cluster. 9. Start SIMS back up. # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/hareg -y Sun_Internet_Mail UPGRADING your MTA configuration files -------------------------------------- If you never installed SIMS 3.5 Beta, did a fresh install of the FCS version of SIMS 3.5, upgraded SIMS 3.2 directly to the FCS version of SIMS 3.5, or have already performed the following procedure, you may skip the following. If you upgraded from SIMS 3.5 Beta version to SIMS3.5 FCS, you need to install this patch in order to upgrade your MTA configuration. If you have installed a fresh 3.5 FCS build, you need not migrate your configuration files and can skip this section. The files affected by the migration are: - /etc/opt/SUNWmail/imta/imta.cnf and - /etc/opt/SUNWmail/imta/ - /etc/opt/SUNWmail/imta/tcp_local_option (if it exists) Before Upgrading: If you haven't made any changes to the configuration files since you installed your 3.5 Beta, it is advisable to upgrade your configuration files using the migrate utility. However, if you have made significant changes to your configuration files, you might want to do backup your configuration, before upgrading the files. To Upgrade: Set your environment variable CLASSPATH to /(basedir)/opt/SUNWmail/admin/lib, where (basedir) is the directory where you installed sims, usually '/'. Then execute the following command on the command line as root : # java COM.Sun.sunsoft.sims.admin.mta.MTAConfigFile -O migrate This would upgrade your MTA configuration. If you have installed a fresh SIMS 3.5 FCS build, the migration utility would retain your configuration. Details of migration: The following list covers the various details of upgrade. It might be helpful to look at these details and compare them with your existing configuration, to determine whether you want to upgrade the configuration. - If the line Internet.internalname = Internet exists in the file, it replaces it with the following line. Internet.internalname = tcp_local - If SIMS is installed on a system which is not connected to the internet it checks if a tcp_local channel of type Internet is present. This channel should be present only if the SIMS server is directly connected to the internet. If the server is connected directly to the Internet, it should have a) a tcp_local channel of type SMTP Internet, and b) a tcp_intranet channel of type SMTP Intranet; whereas, if the server is behind the firewall, it should have the following tcp channels by default: a) tcp_local channel which is of type SMTP Intranet (used as intranet channel), b) tcp_default_router, which is used to communicate with the outside world. The upgrade utility runs a sanity check to verify the existence of these channels, and fixes any problems encountered. It also checks if any tcp_intranet_option file is present. If the server is not connected to the internet, it renames this file as tcp_local_option, and deletes any existing tcp_local_option file. - For the local channel, the rewrite rules are upgraded depending on the pattern for those rules. If the rule has a pattern which is a fully qualified hostname or an alias of the server, the template, is set to the 'fullyqualifiedhostname '. If the pattern is something else, the template is set to '$D' for envelope addresses and retained as it is for header addresses. - The rules for Intranet channel are checked and rules for the following patterns are added for all domains if they do not exist. 1. 'domain' 2. '.domain' 3. '*' NOTE: Depending on when you first installed SIMS 3.5, some of the migration tasks may not apply to your configuration. The default configuration file imta.cnf exists in the /var/opt/SUNWmail/imta/tmp/default directory. You can take a look at this file to see what changes will be made to your configuration, and if you don't need all the changes, you can edit the file manually to make the required changes.