Patch-ID# 106282-06 Keywords: y2000 starfire Y2K Synopsis: SSP 3.1: Hostview suppresses trap messages after 1999 Date: Sep/23/99 Solaris Release: 2.5.1 SunOS release: 5.5.1 Unbundled Product: System Service Processor (SSP) Unbundled Release: 3.1 Topic: SSP 3.1: Hostview suppresses trap messages after 1999 BugId's fixed with this patch: 4037212 4085497 4093461 4094506 4099016 4108443 4126578 4134905 4144869 4147442 4196642 4256805 Changes incorporated in this version: 4256805 Relevant Architectures: sparc Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: 106406-01 Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: 105683-07 Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /opt/SUNWssp/bin/hostview /opt/SUNWssp/bin/hostview_child /opt/SUNWssp/lib/ /opt/SUNWssp/lib/ /opt/SUNWssp/library/scotty/domain.tcl Problem Description: 4256805 domain_remove fails to clear SMD mask (ssp3.1) (from 106282-05) 4196642 Hostview support needed for new processor modules (from 106282-04) 4144869 Hostview does not recognize a removed power supply 4147442 fan display doesn't update when fan trays removed/added (from 106282-03) 4134905 Event Window in hostview 3.1 patch is broken (from 106282-02) 4037212 Blacklist File->View->Detail Board menu is unselectable 4085497 Hostview errors cause trace to display 4093461 Terminal->rlogin doesn't tell what domain you are in 4094506 hosview does not display CPU temps on sysbds with less than 4 CPUs 4099016 Centerplane temperature window does not fit in CDE window. (from 106282-01) 4108443 hostview suppresses trap messages after 1999 if started before year 2000 (from 106406-01) 4126578 sys_clock fails with can't update PowerScanChain chip Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Refer to the file within the patch for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- None.