Patch-ID# 105791-33 Keywords: afb xfb afb.ucode ddx window xgl ogl Synopsis: Elite3D 2.5.1: AFB Graphics Patch Date: Dec/12/2000 Solaris Release: 2.5.1 SunOS Release: 5.5.1 Unbundled Product: Elite3D Unbundled Release: 2.5.1 Xref: Topic: Elite3D 2.5.1: AFB Graphics Patch NOTE 1: Supplement this patch with 105789 (the VIS/XIL 2.5.1 Graphics patch) to obtain a complete patch baseline for the Elite3D graphics accelerator. Relevant Architectures: sparc NOTE: sun4u BugId's fixed with this patch: 4102165 4102361 4104656 4104671 4105662 4105952 4109634 4110885 4111275 4111859 4111967 4111973 4112056 4112752 4113004 4116036 4116157 4116376 4116544 4116591 4116923 4116975 4117701 4117711 4118733 4118798 4119097 4119152 4119155 4119398 4119497 4119561 4120233 4120244 4120247 4120321 4120506 4120983 4120984 4121540 4122854 4122867 4122899 4124064 4124350 4124419 4124429 4124436 4124442 4124601 4125285 4126032 4126641 4126643 4126644 4126960 4127484 4127672 4128630 4128854 4130865 4131357 4131634 4132141 4133046 4134258 4134457 4135101 4136467 4136686 4136961 4137392 4137400 4137654 4137757 4137885 4139395 4140104 4140106 4143645 4143830 4144763 4146785 4146923 4147150 4147391 4149715 4150186 4153931 4154423 4156144 4156583 4158521 4159055 4160577 4162107 4162326 4163164 4165917 4167673 4167837 4169127 4170093 4170600 4170604 4172249 4172542 4174559 4175013 4175184 4175212 4177108 4177999 4182420 4184293 4186007 4186140 4187303 4194398 4195102 4196330 4198098 4200235 4200538 4200651 4201148 4201768 4204070 4207084 4207611 4207853 4209616 4213456 4214531 4214827 4218824 4221200 4221205 4225365 4226410 4229537 4233570 4233704 4234045 4236720 4240890 4249762 4249770 4256481 4258012 4266168 4269994 4270470 4272768 4277771 4278997 4294923 4301100 4303885 4317186 Changes incorporated in this version: 4301100 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /opt/SUNWits/Graphics-sw/xgl/lib/pipelines/ /platform/sun4u/kernel/misc/xfb /usr/lib/afb.ucode /usr/openwin/lib/GL/devhandlers/ /usr/openwin/server/modules/ /usr/sbin/afbconfig /usr/sbin/afbdaemon /platform/sun4u/kernel/drv/afb Problem Description: (from 105791-33) 4301100 Lines with a zero line width (thin) are dropped on AFB card (re-work) (from 105791-32) 4301100 Lines with a zero line width (thin) are dropped on AFB card (from 105791-31) 4249770 HOOPS XGL Bounding Box Zbuffer Bug On Elite3D 4294923 over 105363-19 applied causes colormap for overlay window can't be created 4303885 Huge polygon drawn on afb where it shouldn't 4317186 First starting OpenWindows with warning messages about ffb request failure (from 105791-30) 4258012 17" monitor pn 365-1354 does not work on Creator3d ffb pn 501-4788 (from 105791-29) 4234045 Ultra 10 Solaris 2.6 Creator 3D Double-Buffering displays incorrectly (from 105791-28) 4269994 AFB not refreshing graphics window properly with XGL at 2.6 HW 5/98 4277771 Persistent frame buffer garbage when switching from stereo to mono 4278997 PHIGS example(cpolygons) doesn't render properly on Elite3D. (from 105791-27) 4162107 override edid info for 24" monitors 4207853 filemgr does not display mouse cursor nor ghost icons on FFB2+ w/o overlay 4218824 ffbconfig erroneously reports 1920x1080x76 available. 4270470 User's application locks up screen and Xsun grows upto 100% 4272768 ffbconfig.h's FFBVideoMode_Info_Init has 72hz for VIDMODE_1920x1080x76 (from 105791-26) 4236720 ffb hangs in glyph_rp_Wide() called from sunffb_glyph_rp_CsWide() 4266168 denizen testsuite using mode clip_modclip fail on AFB in index mode (from 105791-25) 4256481 Highlighting rectangle drawn in incorrect location in XGL on the AFB (from 105791-24) 4249762 HOOPS XGL Grid Line Drop-out On Elite3D (from 105791-23) 4240890 setting afb resolution to 1280x1024x85 on an 21" monitor shows horizontal lines. (from 105791-22) 4233570 GeoViz crashes when changing 2D texture parameters (from 105791-21) 4233704 Incorrect 2D texture rendering when near window borders (from 105791-20) 4213456 Over load of i-DEAS ps on U10 Elite3D causes BAD Trap in afb_cntxt_res 4226410 MultiDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIPS,...) draw as GL_LINES 4229537 Polygon offset lines incorrect when clipped (from 105791-19) 4177108 Ultra60 with Elite3D-m3 hangs in Unigraphics Application (from 105791-18) 4221205 xfb module has some incorrect datatypes for TNF probes 4174559 deadlock between running apps and the afb microcode-loading daemon 4195102 CADDS5 graphics bleeding to xterm etc with FFB/Solaris 2.5.1 4214531 Points are rendered incorrectly in the overlay plane 4214827 Window server SEGV when displaying Java 3D programs on a remote AFB 4221200 afbdaemon: filedescriptor usage error 4225365 XGL applications not inter-operable with OpenGL (from 105791-17) 4170093 compressed geometry renders with wrong global color on AFB 4187303 Xserver crash when try to display LucidaSans Thai font w/ pt size <=12 4198098 Texture mapping with AFB_IMM_TEXTURE hangs system 4204070 server crash when trying to run opengl screen saver on root window 4207084 rendering compressed geometry hangs the workstation 4209616 server crash when trying to run opengl screen saver on root window (from 105791-16) 4200235 ffb2+ broken at 1280x1024x67 4200651 Elite3D texturing incorrect when multiple textures are applied to a single quad 4201148 XGL/AFB pipeline has memory leaks in environment mapping 4201768 Pro/DESIGNER texture mapping causes SIGBUS in ogl/afb pipeline 4207611 xfb driver does not identify three resolutions correctly (from 105791-15) 4156144 XFillArc not drawing correctly 4186007 glReadPixels and glCopyPixels broken on AFB in stereo mode 4194398 OpenGL Crash When Switching CDE Desktops 4196330 examples using alpha textures does not work properly on afb 4200538 Color4ub not always recognized by hollow output routines (from 105791-14) 4135101 VoxelGeo rendering no longer visable on Elite3D after window resize 4175013 XCopyPlane speed degradation in 103796-[14-xx]/2.5.1 & on 2.6 4182420 XIL double buffering is broken on 2.6/Solaris 7 (from 105791-13) 4177999 OpenGL glut-3.6 mjksift program does not show warping of 3D texture coordinates 4184293 Bus error when depth cueing in environment mapping with polygon edges 4186140 Multipass clipping does not work (from 105791-12) 4136467 walrus system hangs on suspend when running leotool 4165917 system hang at high cpr-vts cycles with patch 105363-11 4175184 Incorrect capping color in XGL on the A1B 4175212 Edges not rendered when switching texture (from 105791-11) 4160577 Polygon edges not drawn in texture/environment mapping on AFB 4163164 Incorrect specular lighting in XGL with texture mapping 4167673 glperf texfillrate core dump when running on ctech51(AFB6) 4167837 2D texturing is corrupt after switching from 3D textures 4169127 Incorrect polygon edges drawn on AFB graphics devices on texture mapped surfaces 4170600 Turning polygon edges on affects environment mapping display 4170604 Turning polygon edges on w/environment mapping causes floating point exception 4172249 Compressed geometry is not stored in compressed format in display list 4172542 Enabling capping causes incorrect lighting on the AFB (from 105791-10) 4149715 Some points have different color and depth images 4156583 Ansys Bug With OpenGL Blend For XOR Text 4158521 GLUT demo glutmech very dark 4159055 Texture mapping doesn't work properly on Elite3D. 4162326 picking code of xgl/afb don't pick strings on canvas area (from 105791-09) 4137654 Texture Flashing In Sense8 Indy3D Benchmark 4147391 No texture displayed when using AFB_IMM_TEXTURE and multidraw arrays 4150186 SunPHIGS font quality issue with the Creator 3d and Elite 3D cards 4153931 Clearing the depth buffer ignores the depth-mask 4154423 AFB fails to draw part of quad (from 105791-08) 4112752 Memory leak in SunPHIGS from XGL pipeline 4119497 Clipping VisMockUp window with too many other windows obliterates model 4136686 Transparency overlap not working on FFB2 -03 4137400 Bad visual effects on opengl catia models 4139395 Random pixels printed on the screen when using FFB overlay 4140106 Points with size > 11 pixels may display incorrectly 4143645 Enabling Polygon stipple without specifying pattern draws black polygon 4143830 Request to add dither support for enhanced 24bit/RGB 4144763 Vertex arrays of opengl delay with AFB/CATIA 4146785 Isolated lines need to go faster 4146923 opengl rendering corrupts overlapping overlay windows 4147150 Read of depth buffer gives value > 1.0 (from 105791-07) 4121540 EarthCube core dump in true immediate mode 4124429 conform_1.1.1b test can't complete on 3 float AFB 4130865 >200 ftc tests (32/64-bit) crashed the server in indirect mode 4136961 Non-interleaved array performance could be better 4137392 Two seconds delay with Vertex array opengl 4137757 Trimmed curve has been incorrectly rendered on Elite3D 4137885 Root window colormap and wid are lost causing a server crash 4140104 Read of depth buffer outside window bounds may return garbage (from 105791-06) 4104656 Unisoft xtest crtwdw fails for overlay windows in extovl mode. 4105952 AFB performance for immediate mode texture is below FFB. 4119398 Double Buffering doesn't work properly 4124064 Immediate mode line-loop after punt may render incorrectly 4124350 Missing triangles when textured tri-fans are clipped in VRML97 player 4124419 perspective correction does not work correctly 4124436 FTC:conform_mustpass's 12th frame -- Fog test failed 4124442 FTC:conform_mustpass's 31th frame, DepthOffset failed. 4126032 OpenGL glut-3.6 test3.c program crashes window system 4126641 Brown wood texture on wall displayed in green, when scene is panned. 4126643 Texture Mapped polygons are pixellated. 4126644 System crash for some phigs/xgl displaying on AFB 4126960 savecore looks for SUNW,Ultra5_10/kernel/drv/afb 4127484 Occlusion test not working in OpenGL 1.1.1 4128630 Catia missing lines 4128854 xfb seg_drv may cause system to panic at resume time 4131357 No Overlay Geometry When HOOPS Starts 4131634 XGL/AFB pipeline is crashing Pro/E R20 in texture mapping 4132141 afbdaemon should handle the case of a one-float afb 4133046 OpenGL on AFB problem : symbol not found: oglDisbleBufferPrim 4134258 Antialiased lines in indexed mode do not render correctly 4134457 EarthCube crashes when switching between 3d and 2d texture 4127672 OpenGL1.1.1(shade redraw performance) is slower than OpenGL1.1.1_03 (from 105791-05) 4105662 XGL colormap load corrupts the window system colormap 4116376 Ultra-10 and Ultra-60 w/ afb hard hangs on resume 4120983 Unigraphics fringe plots have marks 4124601 Geometry Decompression not working properly 4125285 Memory mgt errors in afb and afbdaemon (from 105791-04) 4102361 OpenGL graphics draw into scroll bars with Bentley Microstation 4110885 AFB system hangs running Pro/E V18 regression test 4113004 AFB problems with using OpenGL 1.1.1 (2 second Delay) 4116923 Specular Highlights Flash When Zooming In VisLab 4118798 OIV: drop: incorrect color for the floor 4120233 OpenGL 1.1.1 color problem with Catia 4120244 System crash for some phigs/xgl displaying on AFB 4120247 Bad visual effects for some phigs/xgl displaying on AFB 4120321 Double buffering doesn't work w/ VisLab 4120506 afb_detach routine causes DEBUG kernels to panic 4120984 Unigraphics wireframe translated incorrectly when rotated. 4122854 True immediate mode quad-strip with vertex4 may draw garbage 4122867 Model clipping of ffb-mode primitives does not work 4122899 Decompression unit stores must be 64-bit accesses (from 105791-03) 4116036 XGL graphics is bleeding through Pro/E menus with AFB 4116591 Lines are not clipped at clipping plane 4116975 Wrong Colors On VGLtest With XGL On AFB 4117701 afb can hang during initialization 4117711 afb float start/stop requires use of fem register 4118733 ftc test GLX/choosefb causes server crash on AFB-3 4119097 User defined fonts are displayed incorrectly 4119152 afb can hang during microcode loading 4119155 afb can modunload ungracefully 4119561 surface disappears when texture is applied to other surface (from 105791-02) 4102165 Indexed mode lighting looks incorrect 4104671 OGL window leaves dirt in the overlay of another OGL window 4109634 XCopyArea fails on Creator 3D 4111859 Accumulation buffer not resized correctly 4111967 Using endcapping in SDRC ideas in wireframe mode causes flicker 4111973 Renderer string incorrect in OglGpiVersion info structure 4112056 Light flashing with two OpenGL processes. 4116157 opengl afb build breaks 4116544 Pop-up menu not displayed correctly after returning from PROM mode (from 105791-01) 4111275 afbtest does not work on MP system Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Refer to the file for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- NOTE 1: Supplement this patch with 105789 (the VIS/XIL 2.5.1 Graphics patch) to obtain a complete patch baseline for the Elite3D graphics accelerator. NOTE 2: You **must** install the core OpenGL 1.1.1 patch 106022-09 (or newer) to run OpenGL-1.1.1-based applications. After installing this patch, reboot the system to load the newly installed driver. README -- Last modified date: Tuesday, December 12, 2000