Patch-ID# 103885-10 Keywords: security authenticate NIS+ password xsun command helpviewer Dtlogin Synopsis: CDE 1.0.1_x86: dtlogin patch Date: Feb/29/00 Solaris Release: 2.4_x86 2.5_x86 SunOS Release: 5.4_x86 5.5_x86 Unbundled Product: CDE Unbundled Release: 1.0.1_x86 Relevant Architectures: i386 Xref: This patch available for SPARC as patch 103884 BugId's fixed with this patch: 1205631 1253624 1258143 4005735 4067366 4095696 1249240 4080371 4148983 4149575 4150575 4212342 4248888 4139823 4237848 4275258 4276326 Changes incorporated in this version: 4139823 4237848 4275258 4276326 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin /usr/dt/config/dtlogin.rc Problem Description: 4276326 Dtlogin patch 107180-12 won't allow connections to indirect CDE_login_host 4275258 dtlogin X-server can not be started 4237848 Action 'Return to Local Host' sometimes does not work fine in dtlogin 4139823 After installing dtlogin patch 103882-07 no key is set in keyserv (from 103885-09) 4248888 Dtlogin sometimes ignores all child death signals (from 103885-08) 4149575 tt_open() in helpviewer does not work under that a system has 2 ip ports 4150575 dtlogin fails to set user authorization correctly when there are more than 64 vi 4212342 Dtpad action fails with tooltalk error (from 103885-07) 4148983 Cannot start command line login (from 103885-06) 1249240 /var/dt and a few subdirs are world writable 4080371 dtlogin tmpfile vulnerability (from 103885-05) 4095696 Xsun -query doesn't work with Solaris 2.5.1 (from 103885-04) 4067366 Core file from dtlogin expose user's unencrypted passwd. (from 103885-03) repackaging of patch for install problems (from 103885-02) 4005735 CDE 1.1 dtlogin on Solaris 2.4 (and 1.0.x patch) has serious security hole. (from 103885-01) 1205631 Dtlogin failed to detect an expired account. 1253624 Keyboard lockup fix for console logins. 1258143 Authenticate NIS+ passwords longer than 8 characters. Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Refer to the file for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- None.