OBSOLETE Patch-ID# 102220-03
Keywords: access control security ftp in.rshd core bsm praudit
Synopsis: OBSOLETED by 101318
Date: Jul/10/95
Solaris Release: 2.3
SunOS release: 5.3
Unbundled Product:
Unbundled Release:
Topic: SunOS 5.3: libbsm fixes
BugId's fixed with this patch: 1169914 1187179 1204638
Changes incorporated in this version: 1204638
Relevant Architectures: sparc
Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch:
Patches which conflict with this patch:
Patches required with this patch:
Obsoleted by: 101318 on Jan/19/99
Files included with this patch:
Problem Description:
1204638 praudit core dumps with user defined events
(from 102220-02)
1187179 in.rshd dumps core with bsm enabled
(from 102220-01)
1169914 FTP doesn't enforce access control in certain situations
Patch Installation Instructions:
Generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts are provided
within each patch package with instructions appended to this section.
Other specific or unique installation instructions may also be
necessary and should be described below.
Special Install Instructions:
Instructions to install patch using "installpatch"
1. Become super-user.
2. Apply the patch by typing:
where is the directory containing installpatch, and
is the directory containing the patch itself.
# cd /tmp/123456-01
# ./installpatch .
3. If any errors are reported, see "Patch Installation Errors" in
the Command Descriptions section below.
Rebooting the system or restarting the application after a successful
patch installation is usually necessary to utilize patch.
NOTE: On client server machines the patch package is NOT applied
to existing clients or to the client root template space.
Therefore, when appropriate, ALL CLIENT MACHINES WILL NEED
METHOD ON THE CLIENT. See the next section for instructions
for installing a patch on a client.
Instructions for installing a patch on a dataless client
1. Before applying the patch, the following command must be executed
on the server to give the client read-only, root access to the
exported /usr file system so that the client can execute the
pkgadd command:
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/exec//usr
The command:
share -F nfs -o ro,root= \
accomplishes the same goal, but only gives root access to the
client specified in the command.
2. Login to the client system and become super-user.
3. Continue with step 2 in the "Instructions to install patch using
installpatch" section above.
Instructions for installing a patch on a diskless client
** To install a patch on a diskless client, you may either follow the
instructions for installing on a dataless client (that is, you may
logon to the client and install the patch), or you may use the
following instructions to install the patch while on the server.
1. Find the complete path for the root directory of the diskless
2. Install the patch normally, but add the command option -R
to the command line. should be the completely specified.
# cd /tmp/123456-01
# ./installpatch -R /export/root/client1 .
Instructions for backing out a patch using "backoutpatch"
1. Become super-user.
2. Change directory to /var/sadm/patch:
cd /var/sadm/patch
3. Backout patch by typing:
where is the patch number.
# cd /var/sadm/patch
# 123456-01/backoutpatch 123456-01
4. If any errors are reported, see "Patch Backout Errors" in
the Command Descriptions section below.
Instructions for backing out a patch on a dataless client
1. Give the client root access to /usr as specified in the installpatch
2. Logon to the client and follow backoutpatch instructions as
specified above.
Instructions for backing out a patch on a diskless client
** To backout a patch on a diskless client, you may either follow the
instructions for backout on a dataless client (that is, you may
logon to the client and backout the patch), or you may use the
following instructions to backout the patch while on the server.
1. Find the complete path for the root directory of the diskless
2. Backout the patch normally, but add the command option -R
to the command line. should be the completely specified.
# cd /export/root/client1/var/sadm/patch
# ./123456-01/backoutpatch -R /export/root/client1 123456-01
Instructions for identifying patches installed on system:
Patch packets that have been installed can be identified by
using the -p option. To find out which patches are installed on
a diskless client, use both the -R option and the -p
option, where is the fully specified path to the client's
root directory.
#cd /tmp/123456-01
#./installpatch -p
#./installpatch -R /export/root/client1 -p
Also note that the command "showrev -p" will show the patches installed
on the local machine, but will not show patches installed on clients.
Command Descriptions
installpatch - apply patch package to Solaris 2.x system
backoutpatch - remove patch package, restore previously saved files
installpatch [-udpV] [-S ]
backoutpatch [-fV] [-S ]
These installation and backout utilities apply only to
Solaris 2.x associated patches. They do not apply to Solaris
1.x associated patches. These utilities are currently only
provided with each patch package and are not included with
the standard Solaris 2.x release software.
-u unconditional install, turns off file validation. Allows
the patch to be applied even if some of the files to be
patched have been modified since original installation.
-d Don't back up the files to be patched. This means
that the patch CANNOT BE BACKED OUT.
-p Print a list of the patches currently applied
-V Print script version number
Specify an alternate service (e.g. Solaris_2.3) for
patch package processing references.
Specify an alternate package installation root. Most
useful for installing patches on diskless clients
while logged on to the server.
-f force the backout regardless of whether the patch was
-V print version number only
Specify an alternate service (e.g. Solaris_2.3) for
patch package processing references.
Specify an alternate package installation root. Most
useful for removing patches on diskless clients
while logged on to the server.
Patch Installation Errors:
Error message:
The prepatch script exited with return code .
Installpatch is terminating.
Explanation and recommended action: The prepatch script supplied
with the patch exited with a return code other than 0. Run a
script trace of the installpatch and find out why the prepatch
had a bad return code. Fix the problem and re-run installpatch.
To execute a script trace:
# sh -x ./installpatch . > /tmp/patchout 2>&1
The file /tmp/patchout will list all commands executed by
installpatch. You should be able to determine why your prepatch
script failed by looking through the /tmp/patchout file. If
you still can't determine the reason for failure, contact
customer service.
Error message:
The postpatch script exited with return code .
Backing out patch.
Explanation and recommended action: The postpatch script
provided with the patch exited with an error code other
than 0, and the patch has not previously been applied.
Installpatch will execute backoutpatch to return the system
to its pre-patched state. Create a script trace of the
installpatch (see above) and find out why the postpatch script
failed. Correct and re-execute installpatch. If you are
unable to determine why the postpatch script failed,
contact customer service.
Error message:
The postpatch script exited with return code .
Not backing out patch because this is a re-installation.
The system may be in an unstable state!
Installpatch is terminating.
Explanation and recommended action: The postpatch script
provided with the patch exited with an error code other
than 0. Because this is a re-installation of a patch,
installpatch will not automatically backout the patch.
You may backout the patch manually using the backoutpatch
command, then generate a script trace of the installpatch
as described above. Find out why the postpatch failed,
correct the problem, and re-install the patch. If you are
unable to determine why the postpatch script failed, contact
customer service.
Error message:
Patch has already been applied.
Explanation and recommended action: This patch has already been
applied to the system and no additional patch packages would
be added due to a re-installation. If the patch has to be
reapplied for some reason, backout the patch and then
reapply it.
Error message:
Symbolic link in package
Symbolic links can't be part of a patch.
Installpatch is terminating.
Explanation and recommended action: The patch was incorrectly
built. Contact customer service to get a new patch.
Error message:
This patch is obsoleted by patch which has already
been applied to this system. Patch installation is aborted.
Explanation and recommended action: Occasionally, a patch
is replaced by a new patch which incorporates the bug fixes
in the old patch and supplies additional fixes also. At
this time, the earlier patch is no longer made available
to users. The second patch is said to "obsolete" the
first patch. However, it is possible that some users
may still have the earlier patch and try to apply it to
a system on which the later patch is already applied.
If the obsoleted patch were allowed to be applied, the
additional fixes supplied by the later patch would no
longer be available, and the system would be left in an
inconsistent state. This error message indicates that
the user attempted to install an obsoleted patch. There
is no need to apply this patch because the later patch
has already supplied the fix.
Error Message:
None of the packages to patch are installed on this system.
Explanation and recommended action: The original packages for
this patch have not been installed and therefore the patch
cannot be applied. The original packages need to be installed
before applying the patch.
Error message:
This patch is not applicable to client systems.
Explanation and recommended action: The patch is only
applicable to servers and standalone machines. Attempting
to apply this patch to a client system will have no effect on
the system.
Error message:
The -S and -R arguments are mutually exclusive.
Explanation and recommended action: You have specified both a
non-native service to patch, and a package installation root.
These two arguments are mutually exclusive. If patching a
non-native usr partition, the -S option should be used to patch
all clients using that service. If patching a client's root
partition (either native or non-native), the -R option
should be used.
Error message:
The service cannot be found on this system.
Explanation and recommended action: You have specified a non-
native service to patch, but the specified service is not
installed on your system. Correctly specify the service
when applying the patch.
Error message:
The Package Install Root directory cannot be found on this system.
Explanation and recommended action: You have specified a
directory that is either not mounted, or does not exist on
your system. Specify the directory correctly when applying
the patch.
Error message:
The /usr/sbin/pkgadd command is not executable.
Explanation and recommended action: The /usr/sbin/pkgadd
command cannot be executed. The most likely cause of this
is that installpatch is being run on a diskless or dataless
client and the /usr file system was not exported with
root access to the client. See the section above on
"Instructions for installing a patch on a diskless or
dataless client".
Error message:
packages are not proper patch packages.
Explanation and recommended action: The patch directory
supplied as an argument to installpatch did not contain the
expected package format. Verify that the argument supplied
to installpatch is correct.
Error message:
The following validation error was found:
Explanation and recommended action: Before applying the patch,
the patch application script verifies that the current
versions of the files to be patched have the expected
fcs checksums and attributes. If a file to be patched has
been modified by the user, the user is notified of this
fact. The user then has the opportunity to save the
file and make a similar change to the patched version.
For example, if the user has modified /etc/inet/inetd.conf
and /etc/inet/inetd.conf is to be replaced by the patch,
the user can save the locally modified /etc/inet/inetd.conf
file and make the same modification to the new file
after the patch is applied. After the user has noted all
validation errors and taken the appropriate action for
each one, the user should re-run installpatch using
the "-u" (for "unconditional") option. This time, the
patch installation will ignore validation errors and
install the patch anyway.
Error message:
Insufficient space in /var/sadm/patch to save old files.
Explanation and recommended action: There is insufficient
space in the /var/sadm/patch directory to save old files.
The user has two options for handling this problem:
(1) generate additional disk space by deleting unneeded
files, or (2) override the saving of the old files by
using the "-d" (do not save) option when running installpatch.
However if the user elects not to save the old versions of
the files to be patched, backoutpatch CANNOT be used.
One way to regain space on a system is to remove the
save area for previously applied patches. Once the user
has decided that it is unlikely that a patch will be
backed out, the user can remove the files that were saved
by installpatch. The following commands should be executed
to remove the saved files for patch xxxxxx-yy:
cd /var/sadm/patch/xxxxxx-yy
rm -r save/*
rm .oldfilessaved
After these commands have been executed, patch xxxxxx-yy can
no longer be backed out.
Error message:
Save of old files failed.
Explanation and recommended action: Before applying the patch,
the patch installation script uses cpio to save the old
versions of the files to be patched. This error message
means that the cpio failed. The output of the cpio
would have been preceded this message. The user should
take the appropriate action to correct the cpio failure.
A common reason for failure will be insufficient disk
space to save the old versions of the files. The user
has two options for handling insufficient disk space:
(1) generate additional disk space by deleting unneeded
files, or (2) override the saving of the old files by
using the "-d" option when running installpatch. However
if the user elects not to save the old versions of the
files to be patched, the patch CANNOT be backed out.
Error message:
Pkgadd of package failed with error code .
See /tmp/log. for reason for failure.
Explanation and recommended action: The installation of one of
patch packages failed. Installpatch will backout the patch
to leave the system in its pre-patched state. See the log file
for the reason for failure. Correct the problem and
re-apply the patch.
Error message:
Pkgadd of package failed with error code .
Will not backout patch...patch re-installation.
Warning: The system may be in an unstable state!
See /tmp/log. for reason for failure.
Explanation and recommended action: The installation of one of
the patch packages failed. Installpatch will NOT backout the
patch. You may manually backout the patch using backoutpatch,
then re-apply the entire patch. Look in the log file for the
reason pkgadd failed. Correct the problem and re-apply the
Patch Installation Messages:
Note: the messages listed below are not necessarily considered errors
as indicated in the explanations given. These messages are, however,
recorded in the patch installation log for diagnostic reference.
Package not patched:
Original package not installed
Explanation: One of the components of the patch would have patched a
package that is not installed on your system. This is not
necessarily an error. A Patch may fix a related bug for several
packages. Example: suppose a patch fixes a bug in both the
online-backup and fddi packages. If you had online-backup installed
but didn't have fddi installed, you would get the message
Package not patched:
Original package not installed
This message only indicates an error if you thought the package
was installed on your system. If this is the case, take the
necessary action to install the package, backout the patch (if
it installed other packages) and re-install the patch.
Package not patched:
Architecture mismatch
Explanation: One of the components of the patch would have patched a
package for an architecture different from your system. This is not
necessarily an error. Any patch to one of the architecture specific
packages may contain one element for each of the possible
architectures. For example, Assume you are running on a sun4m. If
you were to install a patch to package SUNWcar, you would see the
following (or similar) messages:
Package not patched:
Architecture mismatch
Package not patched:
Architecture mismatch
Package not patched:
Architecture mismatch
Package not patched:
Architecture mismatch
The only time these messages indicate an error condition
is if installpatch does not correctly recognize your architecture.
Package not patched:
Version mismatch
Explanation: The version of software to which the patch is applied is
not installed on your system. For example, if you were running Solaris
5.3, and you tried to install a patch against Solaris 5.2, you would
see the following (or similar) message:
Package not patched:
Version mismatch
This message does not necessarily indicate an error. If
the version mismatch was for a package you needed patched, either
get the correct patch version or install the correct package version.
Then backout the patch (if necessary) and re-apply.
Re-installing Patch.
Explanation: The patch has already been applied, but there is
at least one package in the patch that could be added. For
example, if you applied a patch that had both Openwindows and
Answerbook components, but your system did not have Answerbook
installed, the Answerbook parts of the patch would not have
been applied. If, at a later time, you pkgadd Answerbook, you
could re-apply the patch, and the Answerbook components of the
patch would be applied to the system.
Installpatch Interrupted.
Installpatch is terminating.
Explanation: Installpatch was interrupted during execution
(usually through pressing ^C). Installpatch will clean up
its working files and exit.
Installpatch Interrupted.
Backing out Patch...
Explanation: Installpatch was interrupted during execution
(usually through pressing ^C). Installpatch will clean up
its working files, backout the patch, and exit.
Patch Backout Errors:
Error message:
prebackout patch exited with return code .
Backoutpatch exiting.
Explanation and corrective action: the prebackout script
supplied with the patch exited with a return code other
than 0. Generate a script trace of backoutpatch to determine
why the prebackout script failed. Correct the reason for
failure, and re-execute backoutpatch.
Error message:
postbackout patch exited with return code .
Backoutpatch exiting."
Explanation and corrective action: the postbackout script
supplied with the patch exited with a return code other than
0. Look at the postbackout script to determine why it failed.
Correct the failure and, if necessary, RE-EXECUTE THE
Error message:
Only one service may be defined.
Explanation and corrective action: You have attempted to specify
more than one service from which to backout a patch. Different
services must have their patches backed out with different
invocations of backoutpatch.
Error message:
The -S and -R arguments are mutually exclusive.
Explanation and recommended action: You have specified both a
non-native service to backout, and a package installation root.
These two arguments are mutually exclusive. If backing out a
patch from a non-native usr partition, the -S option should be
used. If backing out a patch from a client's root
partition (either native or non-native), the -R option
should be used.
Error message:
The service cannot be found on this system.
Explanation and recommended action: You have specified a non-
native service from which to backout a patch, but the
specified service is not installed on your system. Correctly
specify the service when backing out the patch.
Error message:
Only one rootdir may be defined.
Explanation and recommended action: You have specified more than
one package install root using the -R option. The -R option
may be used only once per invocation of backoutpatch.
Error message:
The directory cannot be found on this system.
Explanation and recommended action: You have specified a
directory using the -R option which is either not mounted,
or does not exist on your system. Verify the directory name
and re-backout the patch.
Error message:
Patch has not been successfully applied to this system.
Explanation and recommended action: You have attempted to backout
a patch that is not applied to this system. If you must
restore previous versions of patched files, you may have to
restore the original files from the initial installation CD.
Error message:
Patch has not been successfully applied to this system.
Will remove directory
Explanation and recommended action: You have attempted to back
out a patch that is not applied to this system. While the
patch has not been applied, a residual
/var/sadm/patch/ (perhaps from an unsuccessful
installpatch) directory still exists. The patch cannot be
backed out. If you must restore old versions of the patched
files, you may have to restore them from the initial
installation CD.
Error message:
This patch was obsoleted by patch .
Patches must be backed out in the order in
which they were installed. Patch backout aborted.
Explanation and recommended action: You are attempting to backout
patches out of order. Patches should never be backed-out out
of sequence. This could undermine the integrity of the more
current patch.
Error message:
Patch was installed without backing up the original
files. It cannot be backed out.
Explanation and recommended action: Either the -d option of
installpatch was set when the patch was applied, or the save
area of the patch was deleted to regain space. As a result, the
original files are not saved and backoutpatch cannot be used.
The original files can only be recovered from the original
installation CD.
Error message:
pkgrm of package failed return code .
See /var/sadm/patch//log for reason for failure.
Explanation and recommended action: The removal of one of
patch packages failed. See the log file for the reason for
failure. Correct the problem and run the backout script again.
Error message:
Restore of old files failed.
Explanation and recommended action: The backout script uses the
cpio command to restore the previous versions of the files
that were patched. The output of the cpio command should
have preceded this message. The user should take the
appropriate action to correct the cpio failure.
On client server machines the patch package is NOT applied
to existing clients or to the client root template space.
Therefore, when appropriate, ALL CLIENT MACHINES WILL NEED
METHOD ON THE CLIENT. See instructions above for
applying patches to a client.
A bug affecting a package utility (eg. pkgadd, pkgrm, pkgchk)
could affect the reliability of installpatch or backoutpatch
which uses package utilities to install and backout the patch
package. It is recommended that any patch that fixes package
utility problems be reviewed and, if necessary, applied before
other patches are applied. Such existing patches are:
100901 Solaris 2.1
101122 Solaris 2.2
101331 Solaris 2.3
pkgadd, pkgchk, pkgrm, pkginfo, showrev, cpio