---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Florida SunFlash Non-Sun Information/Product Abstracts SunFLASH Vol 67 #37 July 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Electronic Journal For Sun Users Since 1988 John J. Mclaughlin, Publisher & Editor - flash@sun.com ____________________________________________________________________________ 67.37 Non-Sun Information/Product Abstracts This article contains brief descriptions of several Non-Sun - that is, third Party, Articles. These articles have not been previously posted to SunFlash. They are available from flashadm@sun.com by email only. You may request the full text of any of these articles by sending mail to flashadm@sun.com with a list of 1 or more space separated article numbers (e.g. 63.87 62.32) in the Subject line. -johnj (14 articles, 214 Kb, 5,155 lines - about 79 US pages) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article Size In Title Number Kb/lines 67.23 7 131 Bristol Technology HyperHelp 4 67.24 3 44 PowerBroker version 1.0 67.25 4 63 1 Gbit/Sec SBus-SCI Card for Clustering 67.26 3 51 TrueGrid : The Mesh Generator 67.27 3 58 Xyvision Parlance Publisher 4.1 67.28 6 134 Tech-Source: New GXTRA/1 Turbo 67.29 10 193 Unix - FAQ (Contents) 67.30 18 420 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (1/7) 67.31 35 1019 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (2/7) 67.32 33 781 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (3/7) 67.33 28 673 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (4/7) 67.34 12 307 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (5/7) 67.35 37 898 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (6/7) 67.36 15 383 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (2/7) How To Request An Article - Example ----------------------------------- %mail flashadm@sun.com Subject: 63.39 63.40 ^D % Place the list articles numbers on the same line as the Subject keyword. Separate article numbers with a space (e.g 63.39 63.40). If Articles Don't Arrive After a Reasonable Time ------------------------------------------------ I get a number of requests that come from sites that do not have their mail system set up properly. Some requests have their return path or the From: lines mangled as they travel through the net. If you suspect that your requested article is not getting to you because of an email address problem, then resubmit and add the keyword "email-to" in the body of the message: %mail flashadm@sun.com Subject: 63.39 63.40 email-to foo%bar@name.domain ^D % Replace foo%bar@name.domain with your email address. -johnj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstracts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 67.23 Bristol Technology HyperHelp 4 Released From: Scot Wingo Bristol Technology Inc. (Bristol) announced HyperHelp 4, a major new release of the company's on-line UNIX help product. HyperHelp 4 combines support for every major documentation tool with a flexible programming interface to produce the most advanced and full featured on-line help tool in the UNIX marketplace. HyperHelp 4 has added additional support for the advanced formatting capabilities of FrameMaker and Interleaf. Support of these powerful documentation tools, along with new searching and printing capabilities, allows an even wider use of HyperHelp as a complete on-line documentation delivery system. HyperHelp 4 maintains cross-platform compatibility with Microsoft's WinHelp by adding support for Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL). DLLs enable developers to extend the functionality of HyperHelp by adding data on the fly and linking in additional graphics formats, and other multimedia formats. 67.24 PowerBroker version 1.0 From: dan@fsa.ca PowerBroker lets UNIX sites selectively share root power among users on a network without disclosing root's password. root sessions can be logged and replayed. A central policy specification controls a whole network. Powerful policy language meets site-specific needs. 67.25 1 Gbit/Sec SBus-SCI Adapter Card for Clustering From: knal@netcom.com (Knut Alnes) Dolphin Interconnect Solutions, Inc. announces the availability of its SBus-SCI adapter card for use in workstation clustering applications. This low-cost SCI interface card enables users to exploit the high bandwidth, low latency and shared memory capabilities of the ANSI/IEEE Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) protocols for use in applications such as distributed parallel processing, imaging, scientific engineering visualization, simulation and graphics. This card runs two 1 Gbit/sec links with throughput orders of magnitude higher than Ethernet. In addition, station-to-station latencies are now measured in a few microseconds, compared tens and hundreds of microseconds on conventional LANs. 67.26 TrueGrid : The Mesh Generator for Concurrent Engineering XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. is pleased to announced the addition of trimmed surfaces capabilities to its mesh generation product TrueGrid, version 1.2, which is now avaialble on Solaris 2.x and SunOS 4.1.x. All Solids Models are directly imported and faithfully recreated by TrueGrid from an IGES file. No adaptations or modifications of the Solids Model are needed by TrueGrid. No other mesh generator can make these claims. 67.27 Xyvision Delivers Parlance Publisher 4.1 From: jhall@xyvision.com Xyvision announced that it has delivered release 4.1 of its powerful composition and pagination software, Parlance Publisher. Xyvision's Parlance Publisher goes beyond a traditional composition and pagination system by automating the entire publishing process--from initial text and graphics input--to fully composed and paginated film separations or electronic output. Its speed, power, and automation capabilities have earned Parlance Publisher the reputation as the most versatile and powerful composition system available today. 67.28 Tech-Source Announces New GXTRA/1 Turbo From: mike@techsource.com Tech-Source announces a new GXTRA/1 Turbo "X Terminal on an SBus Card" operating at 50 MHz. The original GXTRA/1 operated at 32 MHz making the GXTRA/1 Turbo cards 56 percent faster than previous versions. The GXTRA/1 Turbo utilizes the popular Weitek P9000 processor. 67.29 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (Contents) From tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar) From the intro .... The following seven articles contain the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions often seen in comp.unix.questions and comp.unix.shell. Please don't ask these questions again, they've been answered plenty of times already - and please don't flame someone just because they may not have read this particular posting. Thank you. 67.30 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (1/7) From tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar) 1.1) Who helped you put this list together? 1.2) When someone refers to 'rn(1)' or 'ctime(3)', what does the number in parentheses mean? 1.3) What does {some strange unix command name} stand for? 1.4) How does the gateway between "comp.unix.questions" and the "info-unix" mailing list work? 1.5) What are some useful Unix or C books? 1.6) What happened to the pronunciation list that used to be part of this document? 67.31 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (2/7) From tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar) 2.1) How do I remove a file whose name begins with a "-" ? 2.2) How do I remove a file with funny characters in the filename ? 2.3) How do I get a recursive directory listing? 2.4) How do I get the current directory into my prompt? 2.5) How do I read characters from the terminal in a shell script? 2.6) How do I rename "*.foo" to "*.bar", or change file names to lowercase? 2.7) Why do I get [some strange error message] when I "rsh host command" ? 2.8) How do I {set an environment variable, change directory} inside a program or shell script and have that change affect my current shell? 2.9) How do I redirect stdout and stderr separately in csh? 2.10) How do I tell inside .cshrc if I'm a login shell? 2.11) How do I construct a shell glob-pattern that matches all files except "." and ".." ? 2.12) How do I find the last argument in a Bourne shell script? 2.13) What's wrong with having '.' in your $PATH ? 2.14) How do I ring the terminal bell during a shell script? 2.15) Why can't I use "talk" to talk with my friend on machine X? 67.32 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (3/7) From tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar) 3.1) How do I find the creation time of a file? 3.2) How do I use "rsh" without having the rsh hang around until the remote command has completed? 3.3) How do I truncate a file? 3.4) Why doesn't find's "{}" symbol do what I want? 3.5) How do I set the permissions on a symbolic link? 3.6) How do I "undelete" a file? 3.7) How can a process detect if it's running in the background? 3.8) Why doesn't redirecting a loop work as intended? (Bourne shell) 3.9) How do I run 'passwd', 'ftp', 'telnet', 'tip' and other interactive programs from a shell script or in the background? 3.10) How do I find the process ID of a program with a particular name from inside a shell script or C program? 3.11) How do I check the exit status of a remote command executed via "rsh" ? 3.12) Is it possible to pass shell variable settings into an awk program? 3.13) How do I get rid of zombie processes that persevere? 3.14) How do I get lines from a pipe as they are written instead of only in larger blocks. 67.33 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (4/7) From tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar) 4.1) How do I read characters from a terminal without requiring the user to hit RETURN? 4.2) How do I check to see if there are characters to be read without actually reading? 4.3) How do I find the name of an open file? 4.4) How can an executing program determine its own pathname? 4.5) How do I use popen() to open a process for reading AND writing? 4.6) How do I sleep() in a C program for less than one second? 4.7) How can I get setuid shell scripts to work? 4.8) How can I find out which user or process has a file open or is using a particular file system (so that I can unmount it?) 4.9) How do I keep track of people who are fingering me? 4.10) Is it possible to reconnect a process to a terminal after it has been disconnected, e.g. after starting a program in the background and logging out? 4.11) Is it possible to "spy" on a terminal, displaying the output that's appearing on it on another terminal? 67.34 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (5/7) From tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar) 5.1) Can shells be classified into categories? 5.2) How do I "include" one shell script from within another shell script? 5.3) Do all shells have aliases? Is there something else that can be used? 5.4) How are shell variables assigned? 5.5) How can I tell if I am running an interactive shell? 5.6) What "dot" files do the various shells use? 5.7) I would like to know more about the differences between the various shells. Is this information available some place? 67.35 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (6/7) From tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar) 6.1) Disclaimer, introduction and acknowledgements. 6.2) A very brief look at Unix history. 6.3) Main Unix flavors. 6.4) Unix Standards. 6.5) Identifying your Unix flavor. 6.6) Brief notes on some well-known (commercial/PD) Unices. 6.7) Real-time Unices. 6.8) Unix glossary. 67.36 Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (7/7) From tmatimar@isgtec.com (Ted Timar) 7.1) RCS vs SCCS: Introduction 7.2) RCS vs SCCS: How do the interfaces compare? 7.3) RCS vs SCCS: What's in a Revision File? 7.4) RCS vs SCCS: What are the keywords? 7.5) What's an RCS symbolic name? 7.6) RCS vs SCCS: How do they compare for performance? 7.7) RCS vs SCCS: Version Identification. 7.8) RCS vs SCCS: How do they handle problems? 7.9) RCS vs SCCS: How do they interact with make(1)? 7.10) RCS vs SCCS: Conversion 7.11) RCS vs SCCS: Support 7.12) RCS vs SCCS: Command Comparison 7.13) RCS vs SCCS: Acknowledgements 7.14) Can I get more information on configuration management systems? ********************************************************************** For information about SunFlash send mail to info-sunflash@Sun.COM. Subscription requests should be sent to sunflash-request@Sun.COM. For last month's digest, send email to flashadm@sun.com with a Subject line of 66.00 For Gopher and WAIS access: sunsite.unc.edu. (Login as 'gopher' for a simple gopher client, 'swais' for a simple WAIS client (over 500 databases). All prices, availability, and other statements relating to Sun or third party products are valid in the U.S. only. Please contact your local Sales Representative for details of pricing and product availability in your region. Descriptions of, or references to products or publications within SunFlash does not imply an endorsement of that product or publication by Sun Microsystems. Send brief articles (e.g. third party announcements) and include contact information (non-800#, fax #, email, etc) to: John McLaughlin, SunFlash editor, flash@Sun.COM. +1 305 351 4909