sunflash-Distributed to mailing list sun/NC/north-carolina sunflash-Send requests, problems to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Florida SunFlash Non-Sun Information/Product Abstracts SunFLASH Vol 64 #50 April 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64.50 Non-Sun Information/Product Abstracts This article contains brief descriptions of several Non-Sun - that is, third Party, Articles. These articles have not been previously posted to SunFlash. They are available from by email only. You may request the full text of any of these articles by sending mail to with a list of 1 or more space seperated article numbers (e.g. 63.87 62.32) in the Subject line. -johnj (9 articles, 102Kb, 2271 lines - about 34 US pages) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article Size In Title Number Kb/lines 64.41 2 50 The OpenLook Migration Kit from ICS 64.42 9 185 Software through Pictures (StP/SE) 5.0 64.43 5 109 Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog 64.44 13 255 Tivoli Management Environment (TME) 2.0 64.45 10 194 Network, Systems and DB Management 64.46 10 207 End-User Tools For Enterprise Data Access 64.47 5 97 Reliable Live Backup Of Active Networks 64.48 22 526 GraphicVUE: Project Management Guide 64.49 26 648 SoftNet - Novell/UNIX Interoperabilty Totals:102 2271 How To Request An Article - Example ----------------------------------- %mail Subject: 63.39 63.40 ^D % Place the list articles numbers on the same line as the Subject keyword. Separate article numbers with a space (e.g 63.39 63.40). If Articles Don't Arrive After a Reasonable Time ------------------------------------------------ I get a number of requests that come from sites that do not have their mail system set up properly. Some requests have their return path or the From: lines mangled as they travel through the net. If you suspect that your requested article is not getting to you because of an email address problem, then resubmit and add the keyword "email-to" in the body of the message: %mail Subject: 63.39 63.40 email-to foo%bar@name.domain ^D % Replace foo%bar@name.domain with your email address. -johnj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstracts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64.41 The OpenLook Migration Kit from ICS From: (Judy Lazaro, Marketing Director, ICS) The Open Look Migration Kit is a set of tools that help developers move existing Open Look interfaces created with the XView toolkit or DevGuide to the Motif environment. (50 lines) 64.42 IDE's Software through Pictures/Structured Environment (StP/SE) 5.0 From: (Christopher Lalli) Interactive Development Environments (IDE) announced Software through Pictures/Structured Environment (StP/SE) 5.0, software analysis and design tools for development teams using structured programming techniques. This release incorporates numerous enhancements and ports StP/SE to the advanced architecture shared by other Software through Pictures products. StP/SE improves project communication, shortens learning curves, reduces project risk, and provides task automation -- enabling software developers to focus on creative and higher-level problem solving. StP/SE represents IDE's long-term commitment to customers using structured methods. Integrated with other best-of-class development tools, StP/SE provides a comprehensive system for building superior, large-scale software systems. StP/SE is available for Sun SPARC and Solaris systems. (185 lines) 64.43 Book: The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog - 2nd Edition From: Brian Erwin O'Reilly has just released the long-anticipated second edition of Ed Krol's critically acclaimed and bestselling guide to the Internet. They believe that this new edition is a significant event for it captures (as well as any book about something as dynamic as the Internet) the present state of Internet's tools and resources. (109 lines) 64.44 Tivoli Management Environment (TME) 2.0 Release From: Blanc & Otus <> Tivoli Systems, Inc., a leading vendor of client/server systems management solutions, today announced Version 2.0 of the Tivoli Management Environment (TME) has been designed to manage large, geographically distributed, enterprise-wide client/server systems. Frank Moss, Tivoli president and CEO, commented, "Companies deploying client/server applications on systems in multiple locations face a unique set of management challenges. Ensuring consistency of applications, data and resources across many sites is key to avoiding many of the problems inherent in distributed client/server environments. Also, the operations staff must be able to identify, isolate and address those problems that do occur in these environments in a timely and proactive manner. Our customers tell us that delivering mainframe-type service levels -- without losing control of management costs -- is what they need to make client/server deployments pay off. We have spent the last two years developing TME 2.0 specifically for these environments." (255 lines) 64.45 Tivoli To Integrate Network, Systems and Database Management From: Blanc & Otus <> Supports management products from IBM, SunConnect, HP, Novell, Microsoft, Sybase, Oracle and others. Tivoli Systems, Inc., a leading vendor of client/server systems management solutions, today announced the Tivoli/Enterprise Console, the first centralized, event-based operations management system to integrate the management of systems, networks and databases.The Tivoli/Enterprise Console is the core of Tivoli's event-based operations management applications, announced today as part of Version 2.0 of the Tivoli Management Environment (TME). (194 lines) 64.46 Uniface: End-User Tools For Enterprise Data Access Uniface Corp. announced the availability of the Uniface Personal Series for end-users and application developers who need to access corporate database information and create a wide range of reports. The new series of data retrieval and reporting tools include: o Uniface Personal Query for transparently accessing data from database management systems (DBMSs) and incorporating the information into reports; o Uniface Personal Access for transparently accessing data from DBMSs and transferring the information into personal productivity applications like Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect and Word for Windows; o Uniface Business Graphics for visually representing information in formats like X-Y graphs and pie-charts. (207 lines) 64.47 "FreezeFrame" For Reliable Live Backup Of Active Networks From: (David West - PDC HQ) PDC has announced the immediate availability of FreezeFrame 2.0, a non-proprietary software product that permits live, accurate backup across heterogeneous UNIX networks, even while users continue to modify files. (97 lines) 64.48 ACCENT GraphicVUE: Project Management Resource Guide From: Enclosed is a detailed Project Management Resource Guide which provides information about using a project management tool and the product, ACCENT GraphicVUE: Project Management Resource Guide --------------------------------- o GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ACCENT GraphicVUE o BENEFITS OF ACCENT GraphicVUE o HOW MUCH PROJECT MANAGEMENT DO YOU REALLY NEED TO REMAIN COMPETITIVE? o PROJECT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE BUYER'S CHECK LIST o FREE PROJECT MANAGEMENT GLOSSARY AVAILABLE o NETWORKED WORKSTATIONS SUPPORT DISTRIBUTED PLANNING o WHEN TO USE THE MULTIPLE-PROJECT AND/OR SUBPROJECT MODELS? o ACCENT GraphicVUE ORDERING INFORMATION AND PRICING o ACCENT GraphicVUE ORDER FORM can also be used to obtain more information including a free project management glossary and some white papers ( "Why Manage Projects on Open Systems?" and "When Should You Manage Projects with the Multiple-Project and/or Subproject Models?") (526 lines) 64.49 SoftNet - Novell/UNIX Interoperabilty Products From: SoftNet products are designed for those wishing to integrate UNIX platforms into existing NetWare environments and allow fast, seamless, UNIX/Novell interoperability. The product families are designed around three major design goals: 1) fast performance, 2) ease of installation/seamlessness, and 3) maintenance of existing UNIX and Novell administrative practices. There are three SoftNet family members: SoftNet Utilities: NetWare 2.2, 3.11 and 3.12 SERVER emulator SoftNet NFS: brings NFS to PC Novell Servers SoftNet Client: NetWare CLIENT emulator for UNIX (648 lines) ********************************************************************** For information about SunFlash send mail to info-sunflash@Sun.COM. Subscription requests should be sent to sunflash-request@Sun.COM. For last month's digest, send email to with a Subject line of 63.00 For Gopher and WAIS access: (Login as 'gopher' for a simple gopher client, 'swais' for a simple WAIS client (over 500 databases). All prices, availability, and other statements relating to Sun or third party products are valid in the U.S. only. Please contact your local Sales Representative for details of pricing and product availability in your region. Descriptions of, or references to products or publications within SunFlash does not imply an endorsement of that product or publication by Sun Microsystems. Send brief articles (e.g. third party announcements) and include contact information (non-800#, fax #, email, etc) to: John McLaughlin, SunFlash editor, flash@Sun.COM. +1 305 351 4909