Patch-ID# 117750-01 Keywords: sun java studio enterprise 6 2004q1 Synopsis: Sun[tm] Java Studio Enterprise 6 Patch Date: Jul/26/2004 Install Requirements: Additional instructions may be listed below Solaris Release: 8 9 SunOS Release: 5.8 5.9 Unbundled Product: Sun Java Studio Enterprise 6 Unbundled Release: Enterprise Edition Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: Relevant Architectures: sparc, i386 NOTE: This patch is intended for Sparc Solaris, x86 Linux and Windows operating systems. BugId's fixed with this patch: 26407 39026 41237 4821785 4946288 4949034 4952857 4957368 4957370 4960091 4960141 4960226 4960909 4961354 4963561 4965578 4965601 4969749 4969792 4973176 4973787 4973793 4974693 4978115 4996319 4996442 4997547 4997560 5001733 5002977 5003087 5006217 5007105 5007106 5007848 5010015 5010942 5010949 5011405 5011803 5012319 5012360 5015013 5017751 5025080 5027121 5036906 5038147 5050201 Changes incorporated in this version: 39026 41237 4997560 4997547 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: appasm.nbm codetemplates.nbm debuggercore.nbm ejb.nbm ejbmodule.nbm importear.nbm j2eelib.nbm jarpackager.nbm java-src-model.nbm jspassembly.nbm junit.nbm openide.nbm s1af.nbm vcscore.nbm vcsgen.nbm web-jsp.nbm xmlservices.nbm Problem Description: Codetemplates 5010949: Add Imports inserts strings in wrong place Debugger Core 5011405: NPE is thrown when deleting Fixed Watch in Debugger window. EJB Module Assembly 4965601: EJB Jar file has an incorrect name after being pasted 4960909: Cut works badly for EJB subnode of EJB Module 4957370: Wrong behaviour of transaction attribute in Transaction Settings window 4957368: Wrong behaviour of Description field in the "Transaction Settings" window. 5012360: Wrong help article is displayed for EJB Module "EJB Local References" property EJB workshop 5012319: EJB Validate does not fail on invalid EJB--made invalid by incorrect del of meth 4996319: Exception when creating select method for CMP 4963561: Wrong behavior of the "Warning" field when setting return type of a Session 4946288: Can't select type in Add Business Method dialog. J2EE Assembly 5011803: Bad work of 'Remove' action in 'Library Jars' dialog. 5007106: Can not delete WEB module. 4960226: Wrong behaviour of Description field in "Edit Application Roles" dialog 4960141: Web module properties window has 2 properties with the same names 5007105: Can not delete jar file. 4821785: Invalid Java Identifier for Application name shown as exception Jarpackager 5002977: exception is thrown when click [...] in the Filter sheet button JSP/Servlet (Advanced) 4969749: Incorrect behavior of Web-Module after web.xml deletion. 4949034: Execution of .html file from zip archive causes this zip to be unmounted 4969792: Unexpected Exception on WAR File Export operation. 5006217: Default directory for new Web Module OpenIDE Patch 4961354: CLEARCASE: adding file to CC with CC Explorer causes an exception 4960091: CLEARCASE: undo checkout for modified checkedout file causes an exception 26407: Bad position of caret after external modification of the source Application Frame Work 5007848: NPE in New Model Wizard 5010942: NPE on creating new Application 5015013: Misspelling in WAF welcome screen 4973176: NPE possibility in ResourceBundleModel 4974693: Checkbox regression from 1.2 to 2.1 4996442: checkboxes are handled incorrectly when submitting data 5025080: ModelManager tries to save data without checking if session is valid 5027121: Jato models too eagerly use transient state for config properties and schema st 5050201: Numerous Pagination WebAction scenarios broken with SimpleCustom, BAM and OAM 4952857: The "Application Package" should be a lower-case version of the web context name 4965578: Path isn't parsed correctly in Convert Application wizard 4973793: It's possible to create a class with cyclic inheritance 4973787: two default jsps are lost after renaming "Templates" folder 5003087: Cannot synchronize ViewBean with its associated jsp 5001733: a11y: there is no mnemonic for "Web Application Framework" menu item 5036906: file upload problem with different line separators 5038147: file upload filter unable to handle charsets different from the platform's defau VCS Generic Command-Line Support 5017751: CVS: NPEs when create a folder after filesystem customizing 5010015: CVS: Add command is not working recursively 4978115: CVS: LOSS OF WORK during CVS Update Web 39026: Have to restart ide to recognize addition/deletion of web.xml or WEB-INF 41237: Convert to web module action is missing Web Services 4997560: NPE is thrown when class has improper package 4997547: Too much is removed from classclosure when creating war file unassigned category Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- 1) Save the patch archive file to your disk. 2) Unpack the archive in a temporary directory. 3) Run Sun One Studio and choose "Update Center" in the main menu Tools. 4) In the dialog box choose "Install manually downloaded modules" and click the Next button. 5) Click the button Add and find the temporary directory with the unpacked NBM files. 6) Select all the NBM files and click OK. 7) Following steps are the same as when you install updates from the Update Center. 8) After the IDE restarts copy the contents of the backup directory to a safe place. This backup directory contains all the files that were replaced during installation of the updates. For single user mode the backup can be found at IDEINSTALLDIR/update/backup/netbeans directory, and for the multiuser mode the backup can be found at USERDIR/update/backup/netbeans directory. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- Warning: Some of the modules need to be installed globally (into the IDE installation directory rather than into a user's userdir). If you are running the IDE in a multi-user environment and you don't have write permissions to the IDE installation directory, you must let the administrator with write permissions install the modules of this patch. It is recommended that the administrator chooses all the modules to install globally. The regular users then don't need to install the patch at all. Uninstalling the Patch: ------------------------------ Uninstallation of module updates is generally not possible but if the user after installing the updates backups the contents of the directory somewhere (s)he can put these files later back to the IDE directory structure. This backup directory contains all the files that were replaced during installation of the updates. README -- Last modified date: Monday, July 26, 2004