Patch-ID# 113040-10 Keywords: fctl fp fcp Synopsis: SAN 4.4.3: fctl/fp/fcp driver patch Date: Oct/11/2004 Install Requirements: Reboot after installation Solaris Release: 9 SunOS Release: 5.9 Unbundled Product: SAN Unbundled Release: 4.4.3 Xref: Topic: SAN 4.4.3: fctl/fp/fcp driver patch Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 4370554 4374868 4376172 4390525 4391141 4397078 4399090 4399108 4401529 4405574 4405824 4407405 4409891 4409895 4410192 4412354 4414960 4415477 4415501 4416837 4416838 4416839 4417145 4418840 4421432 4422730 4431109 4432597 4438431 4438443 4438556 4449836 4458568 4459701 4459736 4460055 4460668 4462307 4463951 4465158 4467738 4471298 4471795 4472230 4476440 4479865 4485009 4487050 4502274 4504663 4510923 4519677 4520718 4529255 4545906 4548899 4621144 4626079 4628058 4644297 4647520 4648206 4651774 4653098 4658433 4661573 4662369 4662998 4663093 4663724 4665254 4675712 4676841 4677879 4678075 4678623 4684774 4697281 4716634 4722971 4723080 4727209 4728016 4737849 4738976 4739888 4740240 4742400 4743778 4746497 4752477 4754642 4761148 4762633 4762768 4768672 4768741 4773673 4774466 4774692 4776534 4777463 4779856 4787242 4793131 4793134 4797951 4804256 4807495 4810612 4811576 4812452 4814916 4815131 4818350 4818820 4820760 4821382 4822119 4823069 4825717 4826497 4826599 4841913 4842383 4849510 4849556 4853685 4858485 4859852 4870583 4870727 4872376 4875501 4890629 4897065 4916065 4920876 4921310 4925685 4928397 4932194 4939576 4955518 4970195 4978235 4981473 4985656 4994710 5027047 5029733 5035249 5083239 5090186 Changes incorporated in this version: 5083239 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: 113046-02 Patches required with this patch: 113039-07 or greater 113046-01 Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /kernel/drv/fcp /kernel/drv/fp /kernel/drv/fp.conf /kernel/drv/sparcv9/fcp /kernel/drv/sparcv9/fp /kernel/misc/fctl /kernel/misc/sparcv9/fctl /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/fc_types.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/fca/usocio.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/fca/usocvar.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/fcio.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fc_error.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fc_fcaif.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fc_portif.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fc_ulpif.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fcgs2.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fcph.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fctl.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fctl_private.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/impl/fp.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/ulp/fcp.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/ulp/fcp_util.h /usr/include/sys/fibre-channel/ulp/fcpvar.h /usr/lib/adb/fc_packet /usr/lib/adb/fc_port /usr/lib/adb/fc_port_clist /usr/lib/adb/fca_tran /usr/lib/adb/fcp_cmd /usr/lib/adb/fp_cmd /usr/lib/adb/port_device /usr/lib/adb/port_id /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/fc_packet /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/fc_port /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/fc_port_clist /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/fca_tran /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/fcp_cmd /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/fp_cmd /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/port_device /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/port_id /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/ssfcp_ipkt /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/ssfcp_lun /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/ssfcp_pkt /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/ssfcp_port /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/ssfcp_tgt /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/ulp_port_info /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/unsolicited_buffer /usr/lib/adb/sparcv9/usoc_pkt_priv /usr/lib/adb/ssfcp_ipkt /usr/lib/adb/ssfcp_lun /usr/lib/adb/ssfcp_pkt /usr/lib/adb/ssfcp_port /usr/lib/adb/ssfcp_tgt /usr/lib/adb/ulp_port_info /usr/lib/adb/unsolicited_buffer /usr/lib/adb/usoc_pkt_priv Problem Description: 5083239 b7: cfgadm lists 6130 vols as unavailable when created while Ap_Id unconfigured (from 113040-09) 5035249 Page83 GUID field filled with spaces/zeros must be handled for all arrays 4981473 SAN 4.3 drivers no longer reliably report fabric disappear/reappear messages 5090186 Change preinstall scripts for SAN patches (from 113040-08) 4890629 Add new IOCTLs to improve FC-HBA standards compliance 4921310 MPxIO should support variable GUID length 4985656 Bind SCSI target drivers by compatibility features 4994710 panic in fcp error path - ssfcp_online_child 4897065 ssd loses devid's on cable pull 5027047 fcp is again giving null guids to disks that fail page 83 5029733 Page83 GUID field filled with spaces need to be handled appropriately (from 113040-07) 4787242 MPxIO: validate identifier length in VPD page83 identifier descriptor data 4872376 BAD TRAP, type=31 panic in module "scsi" due to NULL ptr deref 4916065 sfkpit6.3.6: Topology doesn't get reset when fabric connection went away 4925685 debug fp messages display in none debug Leadville driver 4928397 host hung and IOs ceased after 3 hours of IOs and ISL cable pulls 4932194 fp_free_pkt panic while doing DR 4939576 Add page83 support for EMC Symmetrix device 4955518 WARNING: fcp: page83 validation failed-IEEE E/R length 4970195 Tape drive does power reset when LIP is inserted during backup 4978235 jni connected to system1, unknown device type, 0X1f, unable to see luns (from 113040-06) 4471795 Provide logging/tracing support in transport and fcp modules to diagnose failure 4651774 Enhance FCIO_GET_HOST_PARAMS ioctl to retrieve HBA port state 4722971 fcp, qlc: add support for lun reset. 4768672 qlc+fcp: leadville should validate the corrupted residual length. 4777463 fctl reports Mismatch in NWWN even though there is no Mismatch 4793131 fcp should handle unsol PRLIs 4811576 panic in fctl_get_port_device_by_did 4812452 daktari internal photon ses device not enumerated under mpxio. 4814916 PLOGI failure with Link Service Reject and Logical Error 4815131 fcp: handle_port_attach() failures should be handled properly 4823069 DR hang in ssfcp_hp_daemon 4825717 panic during snia ioctl with LIPs 4841913 "luxadm remove" failed 4842383 host takes long time to boot if non-mpxio devices are attached. 4849510 Remove SFK internal build numbers from drivers modulde name 4849556 fctl_delist_did_table: assertion failed: MUTEX_HELD(&port->fp_mutex), fctl.c, 31 4853685 PIT6.3.1: Panic seen while running HBA_SendReadCapacity command test 4858485 fix the NWWN Mismatch issue in fctl.c 4859852 luxadm -e rdls command takes devices offline if RLS ELS is not supported 4870583 panic in fcp when target reset is issued to tape device 4870727 Kernel heap corruption kmem_error panic on V880 with SFK 6.3.3 4875501 fp: Merge properties of fp.conf entries 4920876 fcp is passing a device to mdi_pi_online with NULL GUID (from 113040-05) This patch addresses patch installation dependancies with patch 113046-01. (from 113040-04) 4529255 assertion failed in condvar.c during disconnecting pci card/buses. 4644297 Add support for RNID ELS 4647520 Mpxio: upon cable pull, i/o can be seamlessly xfered on other online paths. 4648206 fp: [ID 328307 kern.warning] WARNING: fp(4): Can't shutdown port Failing detach 4662369 fcp panic: ssfcp_watch race condition with ssfcp_handle_port_detach 4678623 fcp: add ioctl to get change count 4684774 Workload, and utilities hang while running failovers ..... 4716634 when fcp is unloaded, ssfcp_watch() may continue to be invoked to spite the user 4723080 fcp hotplug events during MPxIO DR can cause system panic 4727209 Hitachi 9960/Brocade3800: DR attach Ivory SBUS system board results in I/O error 4738976 fcp: Leadville should not enumerate devices with nonzero peripheral qualifier 4739888 Handle maximum rsp buffer size as defined in FC-FS for the fc_rnid_acc_t struct 4740240 fp:fp_gan_handler panic, NULL ptr deref 4742400 TGT inquiry on a local hba port fails when the hba port is not connected. 4746497 luxadm probe and luxadm display fail when StorADE runs cron job 4752477 cfgadm does not manage medium changer devices properly 4754642 unable to configure FC controller number following DR 4761148 Remove flags from RNID set IOCTL 4762633 Panic in fp_job_handler 4762768 fp:fp_plogi_group panic, mutex_enter: bad mutex 4768741 leadville: enhance leadville driver stack to support fabric boot 4773673 sema_v panic while running SNIA lib 4774466 BAD TRAP: in module "unix" due to a NULL pointer dereference 4774692 Panic in mpxio due to NULL pointer dereferencing. 4776534 BAD TRAP: type 34, panic while doing DR, configure slot 4779856 Transport should handle bogus pd passed by ulp. 4793134 Leadville should be able to receive errored RLS responses 4797951 fcp: ssfcp_watch panic, Deadlock: cycle in blocking chain 4804256 Tape tests fail upon isuing a LIP 4807495 Leadville should be able to receive errored RNID responses 4810612 path did not recover to standby after POC of switch 4818350 panic in fp_iodone 4818820 mpxio autofailback is not working 4820760 Failed to send PRLI to D_ID=10f00 error=Command transport Busy 4821382 Device goes offline on issuing a LIP 4822119 fcp: fcp's handling of large number of luns can cause open failure 4826497 missing devices when booting with LV 6.2.5 4826599 "UNKNOWN, INIT" state in luxadm display command (from 113040-03) 4460668 Leadville does not support untagged devices correctly 4467738 FCIO_GET_TOPOLOGY should not require Exclusive mode open 4628058 fcp: fcp should not hold packet with FLAG_NO_QUEUE set for long time. 4661573 Zero or negative response buffer size causes function call to hang 4662998 cfgadm configure reports "Invalid argument" but completes configuration. 4663724 fcp:ioctl FCP_TGT_SEND_SCSI 64-bit version always returns ENOMEM or hangs 4676841 fp:fp_plogi_intr panic 4697281 mutex_panic - leadville 6.0.3 4728016 Lost ABTS takes target offline 4737849 FCP driver hangs on calls thru snia_disco or Topology Reporter 4743778 cfgadm hangs after new qpatches added.... (from 113040-02) 4678075 fcp:ssfcp_send_scsi_ioctl panic (from 113040-01) 4370554 devctl_bus_dev_create() doesnt create fabric device nodes 4374868 leadville loses sense code, failed tape commands, scsi test suite failure 4376172 leadville drivers needs to make their Report lun retry logic more robust. 4390525 system loses drives during IO / unplugging cable in Fabric/TL mode 4391141 fp: Fabric: PLOGI failure msg not printed during multiple RSCNs 4397078 fcp: FC-Tape: not to do PLOGI for FC-Tape on lip recovery 4399090 40.6 drivers: SCSI inquiry fails for T3 4399108 LUN missing after changing Target ID 4401529 Timeout failures on STK 9840FC drives 4405574 Need leadville (fp) to pass correct device order from LILP phase 4405824 fabric: Cmd to well known address (Mgmt server) failed 4407405 Not writing enough data 4409891 fcp: fcp gets into weird state 4409895 fp: fp driver ASSERT panic 4410192 system panic after inserting a disk in photon in TL mode 4412354 fcip, qlc, fp : Enable fabric mode support for IP over FC 4414960 fcp : devices disappears when a port is reset using switch 4415477 MPXIO offlines a controller.... 4415501 fcp: intenal cmd pkt not freed causes boottime hang/commands stuck 4416837 fp: strengthen error handling for zero WWN and bad NS response cases 4416838 fp: Bad LIP 3rd and 4th bytes for LINIT; and send LINIT only to loops 4416839 FCP: panic in assertion failed: pptr->ssfcp_tmp_cnt > 0; line: 9642 4417145 fp: GET ALL NEXT request/response buffers need to be updated 4418840 fp: LINIT handling needs to be fixed 4421432 Tapestry: long delay on list and configure operations 4422730 fp: Needs to guard against D_ID changes in Fabric topology 4431109 mpxio: open failure causes mount failure of points referenced in vfstab 4432597 panic in ssfcp_online_child() when booting 4438431 qlc: Large initiator support problems 4438443 fcp: failback failures using MPxIO 4438556 FC: Avoid confusion through better versioning 4449836 system panics when issuing cfgadm -al. 4458568 Failed paths do not recover to STANDBY when the failure is corrected 4459701 "Lun=1 for target=10c8e8 reappeared" error messages while executing cfgadm 4459736 panic[cpu19]/thread=2a100311d40: BAD TRAP: ...n module "fp" due 4460055 panic: mutex_enter: bad mutex 4462307 Sending a LIP to a fp port causes I/O failure 4463951 fcp: Intermittent fcp failure and offline of targets/luns 4465158 T3B:When T3 configured host port as FL/TL, many unexpected behaviours occur 4471298 "Invalid flag: device changed for a non existing target" after adding A5200 4472230 mpxio: Devices behind Crossroads 4250 are not enumerated 4476440 mpxio enabled and reboot causes long boot hang and then A3500FC contr. failure 4479865 fcp: resume handler code is incomplete for fabric devices 4485009 panic, using cfgadm, in module "scsi_vhci" due to a NULL pointer dereference 4487050 scsi_inquiry hangs when a defective GBIC is installed in E port of local switch 4502274 HDS: fcp timeout after LIPs sent to storage array 4504663 fabric device configure fails on boot time with Vicom config. 4510923 fcp needs to support scsi_abort entry point for aborting ALL cmds to target 4519677 fcp: handling purple side cable pulls with multiple paths 4520718 LUNS disappears after removing and adding new volumes 4545906 Simultaneous lips and luxadm commands cause system to panic 4548899 TM: Name Server Registration should be done properly for LVL. ULPs: fcp and fcip 4621144 FCP_TGT_SEND_SCSI ioctl returning incorrect lun info when multiple luns present 4626079 fc: fabric devices are instantiated upon discovery 4653098 mutex panic in fp:fp_register_login 4658433 deadlock in leadville stack causing system hang 4663093 fp+qlc: add support for type 3 RSCN 4665254 fcp: PLOGI from fcp is failing with reason ELS is in progress 4675712 fcp: fcp should retry icmds which return with FC_PKT_LOCAL_RJT 4677879 fcp: Inquiry-83 doesn't work in 6.0.1 causing ses devices to disappear Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 2.0-2.6 releases, refer to the file and/or the README within the patch for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. For Solaris 7-9 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- ******************************************************************************** !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! ******************************************************************************** NOTE 1: WARNING: Due to installation dependancies, earlier versions of this patch (113040-04 and lower) must be removed from the system if installed, prior to installing required patch 113046-01. Instructions for removing those patches are provided in the install.README file included with this patch. NOTE 2: Due to versioning introduced in the drivers, the latest revision of the following patches *MUST* also be installed prior to rebooting the system. Failure to install *ALL* the required patches will cause the drivers to not load. 113039-06 (or newer) Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager patch 113041-06 (or newer) fcip driver and adb macros patch 113042-07 (or newer) qlc driver and adb macros patch NOTE 3: This patch requires the package SUNWsan (San Foundation Kit). The SUNWsan package is available via the Sun Download Center at NOTE 4: Reboot the system after installing all the patches. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This patch, 113040, is not compatible with jfca driver patches earlier than 114878-08. It is strongly recommended that all systems with patch 114878-07 (or earlier) be upgraded to 114878-08 (or later). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! README -- Last modified date: Monday, October 11, 2004