Patch-ID# 112786-32 Keywords: xsun security xdmcp xevie ipv6 speedo font indian fonts Synopsis: X11 6.6.1_x86: Xsun patch Date: Aug/11/2004 Install Requirements: None Solaris Release: 9_x86 SunOS Release: 5.9_x86 Unbundled Product: X11 Unbundled Release: 6.6.1_x86 Xref: This patch available for SPARC as 112785 Topic: Relevant Architectures: i386 BugId's fixed with this patch: 4185550 4248632 4422011 4522529 4633549 4676222 4680913 4701451 4707057 4707069 4707141 4709009 4709918 4716007 4721898 4732113 4734353 4736505 4740125 4742744 4743878 4748474 4750598 4753720 4755776 4760672 4762797 4771300 4780425 4780894 4781056 4784311 4785372 4785959 4787416 4787667 4790284 4798375 4805863 4809776 4810740 4818111 4828474 4834460 4839220 4843234 4845579 4846090 4847054 4847731 4856208 4858548 4863536 4866506 4868692 4874319 4880222 4886190 4889164 4889565 4894855 4907034 4913527 4922200 4957436 4961781 4962001 4963084 4970756 4982339 4985837 4989547 4991847 4992287 4995611 5002007 5007488 5023755 5028657 5028901 5032391 5037725 5039004 5042212 Changes incorporated in this version: 5032391 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: 113763-02 Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /usr/openwin/bin/Xprt /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun /usr/openwin/bin/Xvfb /usr/openwin/bin/xdm /usr/openwin/bin/xdmshell /usr/openwin/bin/xlock /usr/openwin/bin/xterm /usr/openwin/lib/X11/XKeysymDB /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xdm/Xaccess /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xdm/chooser /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xdm/ /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xkb/rules/sun /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xkb/rules/sun.lst /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86 /usr/openwin/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86-it.lst /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/Chooser /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/XTerm /usr/openwin/lib/libX11.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXdmcp.a /usr/openwin/lib/libXext.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/libXi.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/lib/ /usr/openwin/server/modules/ /usr/openwin/server/modules/ /usr/openwin/server/modules/ /usr/openwin/sfw/lib/ /usr/openwin/sfw/lib/ /usr/openwin/share/etc/keytables/ /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/XF86keysym.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xauth.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xdmcp.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xos.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/XKBbells.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/XKBrules.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/XRes.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/XResproto.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/Xevie.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/Xeviestr.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/keysym.h /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/keysymdef.h /usr/openwin/share/man/man1/Xserver.1 /usr/openwin/share/man/man1/Xvfb.1 /usr/openwin/share/man/man1/xdm.1 /usr/openwin/share/man/man3Xext/XRes.3 /usr/openwin/share/man/man3Xext/XResQueryClientPixmapBytes.3 /usr/openwin/share/man/man3Xext/XResQueryClientResources.3 /usr/openwin/share/man/man3Xext/XResQueryClients.3 /usr/openwin/share/man/man3Xext/XResQueryExtension.3 /usr/openwin/share/man/man3Xext/XResQueryVersion.3 /usr/openwin/lib/libXau.a /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/lib/ /usr/openwin/bin/Xnest Problem Description: 5032391 UnlockDisplay should release all the locks hold in dpy->lock (from 112786-31) 5037725 vsw5 failed Xopen/strtkysym/Test{7} (from 112786-30) 4707141 OpenGL Pixmap Problem on various Sun graphics cards (from 112786-29) 5028657 Update keysyms to include X11R6.7 & XFree86 4.4 definitions 5028901 CATIA V5 crashes due to a limitation in direct contexts when using pix 5039004 '+kb' Xsun option breaks keyboard input 5042212 new sunKeyMap.o symbols in Xsun clash with Sun Ray DDX 4992287 Compose LED not working after applying 108652-56 or greater (from 112786-28) 4962001 There are some memory leak in motif 4982339 XKB rules not properly initialized (from 112786-27) 5023755 xdm crash on bogus XDMCP request (from 112786-26) Fix the links that caused conflict during patch audits. (from 112786-25) 5007488 Xsun crashes when X-Resource has to byte-swap 4185550 X server spuriously turns NumLock and CapsLock off 4522529 Request for wheel mouse support in Xsun 4787667 KIOCTYPE Messages when X boots without a keyboard are too cryptic 5002007 xterm should handle scroll wheel pseudo-button events 4856208 cannot logout from the remote machine when clicking EXIT button (from 112786-24) 4771300 threshold for mmap() allocations of pixmaps should be raised 4963084 X-Resource extension (from 112786-23) 4970756 Need XKBrules.h installed with XKB 4985837 XdbeGetVisualInfo causes Xlib threads to hang 4995611 Additional font information file handling overflows (from 112786-22) 4989547 ReadFontAlias buffer overflow 4991847 Xprt can't work on s9u6_08 (from 112786-21) 4810740 vsw512 test XtCallbackReleaseCacheRefList regresses 4907034 XtOverrideTranslations() takes 10x more cycles than 32-bit (from 112786-20) 4874319 Xinerama copy functions do not work with dzfb 4889565 VisibilityNotify events broken for non mpg devices in Xinerama 4922200 Banners, images and icons appear distorted, white, or blank in Netscape 4961781 Memory leak in XOpenDisplay 4957436 xlfd with transformation matrix broken in Sol 9 (from 112786-19) 4839220 VSW5.1.3: Xsun crashed (from 112786-18) 4886190 VSW5.1.3: Xlib9/XDrawArcs-103: A total of 50 out of 9000 pixels were bad 4780425 frame crashes with X_CopyArea failure (from 112786-17) 4913527 patch 112785-21 breaks xdm on solaris 9 (from 112786-16) 4750598 xterm loops when cat /usr/pub/utf-8 4889164 scrolling on xinerama is too slow on four headed pgx64 blade100/150 4781056 Graphics.drawChars(...) hangs Xserver (from 112786-15) 4894855 s9u5_04, CD0 install, Xsun core dumps 4845579 ShiftMask reported incorrectly by XEVIE 4847731 Problem with XEVIE and accessx SlowKeys 4248632 xlock should accept Kerberos passwords 4680913 DGA: Insecure creation of /tmp/wg0000* 4790284 Regression bug in 108652-61 with Xos.h (from 112786-14) 4880222 Keys repeat too quickly under server load and patch 108652-70 (refix) 4701451 Xvfb crashes if given a pixel depth of 24 or 32 deep 4709918 Xvfb script doesn't respect arguments 4785959 vfb should be more careful opening files 4834460 Xvfb is noisy 4863536 Xvfb doesn't work (from 112786-13) 4880222 Keys repeat too quickly under server load and patch 108652-70 (from 112786-12) 4858548 XRender extension appears to cause SIGBUS errors in Xsun 4866506 font server leaks memory when accessed via dtremote (from 112786-11) 4846090 provide shared versions of libXdmcp & libXau 4743878 Solaris 9 doesn't honor /etc/X0.hosts 4843234 Solaris Xprt loses space when rendering with '-monotype-arial-*'-font (from 113763-02) 4740125 Xserver & xdm man pages need updates for 4707069 & 4721898 (from 113763-01) 4748474 Unable to use xdm for remote session with Solaris 9 4707057 xdm: merge code with X11R6.6 & XFree86 4.2.0 4707069 XDMCP over IPv6 support needed 4721898 xdm should use /dev/random instead of /dev/mem (from 112786-10) 4868692 security issues in vfb DDX (from 112786-09) 4847054 xterm switches to autistic mode by inserting at end-of-line in vi (from 112786-08) 4787416 Xserver hangs in m64SourceValidate on Solaris 8 4755776 Add -defdepth & -defclass arguments to Xsun (from 112786-07) 4422011 Raise mouse button limit from three 4805863 Performance problems on sunblade 2000 with m64 card, Xinerama (from 112786-06) 4828474 XListInputDevices crashes x86 Solaris 9 OS (update 2) 4785372 StarOffice core dumps on startup on SunRay in Xinerama with patch 108652-59 (from 112786-05) 4784311 User is logged out when running ANSYS AGP app 4809776 XDgaUnGrabDrawable of zombie window will crash on SW cursor devices 4818111 shm pixmaps corrupted with XFree86 porting kit 4716007 Xsun crashing in cfb32FillBoxTile32sCopy (from 112786-04) 4780894 XInputExtension doesn't work correctly in 64bit. 4633549 AltGraph + E does not bring EuroSign in GNOME2/Netscape7 in ISO8859-15 locales 4798375 libcfb (color frame buffer) crash with latest fix (bug:4734353) 4742744 nautilus crashes when move mouse in the bookmark menu (from 112786-03) 4736505 PC keyboard does not work in xkb mode (from 112786-02) 4762797 [ defect #7955] XextAddDisplay cache not cleaned unless server has extension 4740125 Xserver & xdm man pages need updates for 4707069 & 4721898 4732113 Xserver manpage incorrectly specifies XKB options 4676222 Copying the entire GB18030 charset from dtpad crashes dtpad in GB18030 locale 4753720 S10_build19: he, ar, & ar_EG.UTF-8: Arabic fonts are not displaying correctly 4734353 Xserver and updated indian fonts (8 scripts) are creating extra space for glyphs (refix) (from 112786-01) 4760672 Xsun crashes in Sun Blade 150/2000 when using a Speedo Font 4734353 Xserver and updated indian fonts (8 scripts) are creating extra space 4707069 XDMCP over IPv6 support needed 4709009 XEvIE - X Event Interception Extension Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- Not all patches listed in this section as needed for the completion of a fix or feature, may be available at the same time as this patch. This allows the remaining fixes/features to be made available sooner. To get the complete fix for 4633549 (AltGraph + E does not bring EuroSign in GNOME2/Netscape7 in ISO8859-15) you also need to install patches 113765-02 and 113542-01 or newer. To get support for a scroll wheel on a USB mouse, you must install these additional patches or equivalent newer patches: 115554-10 SunOS 5.9: USB patch 117417-01 SunOS 5.9: consms patch To get support for a scroll wheel on a PS/2 mouse, you must install this additional patch or equivalent newer patch: 117419-01 SunOS 5.9: VUID patch README -- Last modified date: Wednesday, August 11, 2004