Patch-ID# 109287-02 Keywords: mpi mt shmalloc lock tnf getel Synopsis: HPC 3.1: MPI 64bit library fixes Date: Oct/05/2001 Solaris Release: 7 8 SunOS Release: 5.7 5.8 Unbundled Product: HPC Unbundled Release: 3.1 Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 4311633 4320162 4320302 4484841 Changes incorporated in this version: 4484841 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /opt/SUNWhpc/HPC3.1/lib/sparcv9/ /opt/SUNWhpc/HPC3.1/lib/sparcv9/ /opt/SUNWhpc/HPC3.1/lib/sparcv9/ /opt/SUNWhpc/HPC3.1/lib/sparcv9/ /opt/SUNWhpc/HPC3.1/lib/tnf/sparcv9/ /opt/SUNWhpc/HPC3.1/lib/tnf/sparcv9/ Problem Description: 4484841: Synopsis: optimized coll mpi_allreduce with count=0 can cause collectives mesg corr (from 109287-01) 4320162: Synopsis: MT MPI application may hang obtaining a lock in mpip_shm_shmalloc() 4311633: Synopsis: 64 bit version of ../test/sun-mpi/mako/type/t_getel.c test fails; t_getel_64 4320302: Synopsis: tnf/sparcv9 libraries are linked incorrectly Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Use patchadd and patch rm to install/remove the patch. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- For installations which run HPC Clustertools 3.0 and 3.1 concurrently, it is recommended that the most recent patchadd patch be applied, so that the correct instance of the package and patch can be ascertained from the patch database. This is not required. The recommended patches, at the time of this release are: Solaris 2.6: 106125-09 Solaris 7: 107171-05 README -- Last modified date: Friday, October 5, 2001