Patch-ID# 108806-18 Keywords: ipv6 canputnext local mac-address dr panic trap ap starcat mutex link Synopsis: SunOS 5.8: Sun Quad FastEthernet qfe driver Date: Mar/11/2004 Install Requirements: Reboot after installation Solaris Release: 8 SunOS Release: 5.8 Unbundled Product: Unbundled Release: Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 4292608 4301636 4306341 4321069 4321602 4348511 4367043 4369563 4372906 4382499 4392541 4400713 4401250 4411205 4411462 4412971 4424879 4434934 4437412 4451757 4467799 4469987 4473952 4486431 4493834 4499428 4502653 4517740 4645631 4655451 4664588 4681502 4704689 4717401 4719739 4727494 4738051 4760845 4772916 4779492 4790953 4792488 4794828 4807151 4838454 4876420 4911012 4937693 Changes incorporated in this version: 4937693 4911012 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /kernel/drv/qfe /kernel/drv/sparcv9/qfe /usr/include/sys/qfe.h Problem Description: 4937693 Trunking and DR can be incompatible 4911012 qfe using sap value of 0 does not work as documented (from 108806-17) 4876420 ndd displays wrong message "tance" for instance number >= 10 (from 108806-16) 4794828 E280, 750MHz has problem with qfe patch 108806-12 4838454 qfe driver: ndd fails to work after cfgadm -c unconfigure 4779492 qfe uses unpublished mi_alloc(), etc. interfaces 4792488 remove identify() from qfe driver (from 108806-15) 4807151 Suspending and resuming qfe causes panic 4790953 dstop during copy-rename with qfe present (from 108806-14) 4772916 Grover with qfe installed panics when attempting to install s9u3_b1 (from 108806-13) 4760845 potential memory leak in qfe driver 4681502 qfe driver reports many inits 4738051 memory leak in streams_dblk_2568 by qfe drivers when snoop running 4727494 ar_rput_dlpi: DL_ATTACH_REQ (11) failed 4704689 Mutex Panic during repeated cfgadm detach/configure operations on QFEs 4717401 Solaris8; qfe with IPMP enabled, link up was not logged in messages file 4719739 BAD Trap in bcopy from mcopymsg in qfe driver 4451757 qfe: panic in qfeinit_rx (qfestruplock not acquired) 4367043 QFE drivers does not load IPG1 values from qfe.conf (from 108806-12) 4411205 Panic in str_ftflow due to corrupted dblk 4664588 Cherrystone/Daktari Panic's under heavy network load on qfe NIC using ttcp & net 4655451 Cannot change qfe settings with ndd when they are set in /etc/system (from 108806-11) 4292608 E10K generates interrupt level 6 not serviced messages, loses ttcp sessions 4645631 qfe driver should report link_duplex in kstat structures (from 108806-10) 4517740 alignment error on e10k 4502653 Systems panic with two QFE trunkings 4434934 subsequent time stamps must have monotonically increasing values (from 108806-09) 4486431 qfe driver error - ARP messages 4493834 qfe interface about 40% link up failed with CiscoCatalyst 6500 4499428 QFE fails to resume after DR detach (from 108806-08) 4467799 Bad Trap in qfewput() 4469987 Using ttcp to transmist UDP traffic out a qfe device saturates the system (from 108806-07) 4369563 Starfire panics when running drstress on trunked/AP'd qfe networks (from 108806-06) 4473952 Problems with two qfe driver mutex 4437412 System hang on rwlock qfestruplock. 4348511 network drivers should report link_status in kstat structure 4424879 recursive mutex panic in qfe:qfemctl (from 108806-05) 4392541 panic due to qfe_intr ending on bus timeout 4412971 qfe driver and multicast packets issue on Solaris (from 108806-04) 4411462 qfe driver will bind with CLDLS service mode no matter request is not CLDLS 4401250 After QFE instance is set to invalid number, it stops working correctly 4400713 QFE panics (alignment error) under heavy traffic, in a multiple NIC config (from 108806-03) 4372906 Need MAC header when receiving packets on down interface 4382499 alignment trap in qfedodetach() (from 108806-02) 4321069 qfe: local-mac-address? property is not dr compliant 4321602 qfe calls canputnext with null pointer causing panic (from 108806-01) 4306341 When running AP after 13 hours, the system panic 4301636 System panics when trying to unconfigure a PCI SunQFE NIC on Starcat Prototype Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 8 release, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- After installing this patch, reboot the system to load the newly installed driver. README -- Last modified date: Thursday, March 11, 2004