Patch-ID# 107888-10 Keywords: security sdtweb sdturl dtmail headers dtfile C locale Workspace en_US Synopsis: CDE 1.3_x86: Actions Patch Date: Oct/17/2000 ******************************************************************************* NOTE: This patch has the security keyword only because one or more security patches cannot be installed without this patch. The dependency is due to other, non-security, modifications. ******************************************************************************* Solaris Release: 7_x86 SunOS Release: 5.7_x86 Unbundled Product: CDE Unbundled Release: 1.3_x86 Xref: This patch available for sparc as 107887 Topic: Relevant Architectures: i386 BugId's fixed with this patch: 4157154 4178221 4215879 4232714 4274175 4326649 4353583 Changes incorporated in this version: 4353583 4178221 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: 107002-01 107690-01 Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/C/Desktop_Apps/SDtNetscape /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/C/Desktop_Apps/SDtNetscapeComposer /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/C/Desktop_Apps/SDtNetscapeMail /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/C/Desktop_Apps/SDtNetscapeNews /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/datatypes.dt /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dt.dt /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dtfile.dt /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/sdtname.dt /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/sdtnetscape.dt /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/sdtprocess.dt /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/sdturl.dt /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/sdtweb.dt /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/user-prefs.dt /usr/dt/share/man/man5/sdtnetscapeaction.5 /usr/dt/share/man/man5/sdtwebaction.5 Problem Description: 4353583 C locale messages not substituted into actions database 4178221 Cannot edit Workspace menu with en_US locale (from 107888-09) 4232714 Numeric data mistyped as HOST or PID 4326649 *.dat is not recognized correctly as DATA, that causes dtfile error. (from 107888-08) Patch revision generated to merge with 107002-01 (from 107888-07) 4274175 missing netscape icons in AppMgr (from 107888-06) Fixed README (from 107888-05) added required patch 107001-01 (from 107888-04) (from 107888-03) Update prototype SUNWdtma and SUNWdtdst and Imakefile (from 107888-02) Added sdtnetscape.dt & sdtnetscapeaction.5 (from 107888-01) New Feature Patch: CDE Actions for Netscape (from 107002-01) 4157154 dtmail should be able to rely more on MIME header types (from 107690-01) 4215879 Sol7 5/99 s998xu2_04/C+All locales/dtwm/menu choice grays out screen Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 2.0-2.6 releases, refer to the file and/or the README within the patch for instructions on using the generic ''installpatch'' and ''backoutpatch'' scripts provided with each patch. For Solaris 7 release, refer to the man pages for instructions on using ''patchadd'' and ''patchrm'' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- None.