Patch-ID# 106300-24 Keywords: Synopsis: SunOS 5.7: 64-Bit Shared library patch for C++ Note: 106327-23 is the corresponding 32-bit patch Date: May/25/2004 Install Requirements: None Solaris Release: 7 SunOS Release: 5.7 Unbundled Product: libC Unbundled Release: 4.0.1 NOTE: This patch also for libC 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 1136478 1146175 1147044 1147577 1148647 1151825 1159647 1160084 1161999 1164100 1165177 1166414 1169658 1171426 1172054 1172379 1173166 1174107 1178171 1180564 1182934 1184772 1187592 1193580 1194462 1195674 1232305 1232579 1232632 1254838 1259645 1262573 1264396 1265054 4005413 4022750 4050876 4058012 4067988 4079317 4082776 4089011 4100612 4100882 4101606 4103581 4121018 4123883 4132688 4173766 4181458 4183435 4187260 4187325 4190043 4191439 4193618 4199587 4199857 4205763 4271402 4285270 4302954 4318566 4338406 4347621 4351467 4353299 4358182 4368974 4375346 4380359 4381048 4383064 4384942 4386796 4388216 4391089 4398422 4409167 4413674 4418755 4423447 4432338 4448928 4462258 4466915 4467478 4485163 4486320 4493832 4496576 4496848 4518910 4520126 4522461 4528281 4531069 4589227 4614582 4618537 4619891 4624113 4627871 4641533 4660290 4668167 4679619 4680478 4686364 4698028 4699194 4704604 4708982 4709155 4710815 4745600 4747931 4749398 4749628 4750936 4756106 4794587 4797953 4806782 4820555 4825898 4828443 4851358 4853946 4856138 4861853 4918858 4919536 4945288 4949404 4951789 4953582 4953639 4965215 4967333 5019613 Changes incorporated in this version: 5019613 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: 106327-23 or greater Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /usr/lib/sparcv9/ /usr/lib/sparcv9/ /usr/lib/sparcv9/ /usr/lib/sparcv9/ Problem Description: 5019613 ostrstream writes NULL terminator into char array (from 106300-23) 4945288 Sdtimage crash when opening *.tif and *.gif file. 4967333 internal use of clog/__clog in -lC/-liostream should bind to its own copy (from 106300-22) 4918858 incorrect use of "typename" in standard headers 4919536 libCstd does not provide enough overloads of operator>() for fpos 4949404 numeric_limits doesn't understand 64 bit integers 4951789 incorrect value for numeric_limits::is_modulo 4953582 stringstream::seekg() does not set the current pointer at the designated positio 4953639 istream::getline reads upto n-2 characters where n is buffer size 4965215 cerr hanging if interupted by a signal (from 106300-21) 4825898 C++ runtime performace standard iostream is much slower than classic iostream 4828443 incorrect number of characters outputed after fix of bug 4747931 4853946 static template class variable must be __global when use -xldscope=symbolic 4856138 libCstd string class does not pass correct size to deallocator 4861853 SUNW_1.2 version in on Solaris 2.6 is not found in newer Solaris OE nobugid Defend against tail-call optimization. (from 106300-20) 4851358 C++ 5.0 binaries fail after installing 108434-11 (from 106300-19) 4794587 ostream "internal" padding incorrect for hex 4797953 c++: -mt option causes not to catch std::bad_alloc exception. 4806782 -xport64 generates warnings from standard headers 4820555 error in InterlockedDecrement() (from 106300-18) 4302954 Memory leak in stream classes 4698028 RTC reports rua error for program using deque 4699194 reverse_iterator<...>::self should be public 4704604 C++ 5.0 onwards: cin>> assignments to long long do not return error. 4708982 Patched version of is compiled for sparcv8plus 4745600 problem with rdbuff being used to redirect stderror 4747931 deriving from std::strstreambuf yields core dump 4749398 low performance of the standard template class string. 4749628 C++ 5.3 runtime performance insertion into ostrstream is slow 4750936 basic_string assumes int converts to char_type 4756106 problem in std library with customer allocator (from 106300-17) 4709155 MT program crashes in insertion operator 4710815 nm(1) crashes trying to demangle C++ symbol names (from 106300-16) 4660290 ostringstream produces incorrect results with C++ Compiler 5.3 4668167 ofstream on dup'd fd doesn't produce output 4679619 cast fails when program is compiled using Forte 6u2 4680478 C++ compiler generates Warning: The else-branch should return a Value 4686364 ofstream::flush() stopped working (from 106300-15) 4618537 STL vector::resize Read from unallocated nobugid fix for mt string class performance nobugid fix initialization of libCstd (from 106300-14) 4271402 typeid() leaks memory 4518910 need to add FD exp message for serial number expiration 4522461 g++ compiled code runs faster than f6u1 & 2 4528281 ofstream destructor closes file descriptor it did not open 4589227 phys. read() is suboptimal in ifstream::getline()/libC 4619891 __rwstd::InterlockedIncrement() broken in generic libCstd.a 4624113 C++ 5.3: std::list::splice memory management bug 4627871 libCstd: code using unique_copy doesn't compile 4641533 missing exported functions in nobugid Removed references to __threaded (from 106300-13) 4520126 C++ 5.3 standard string class causes memory leak 4531069 Memory leak in += operator in std:string 4614582 basic_ios::operator=() is invalid (from 106300-12) 4199587 fstream.h generates warnings with "+w" 4391089 Compiler features available in G++, MS VC++, and HP-UX aCC but not in F6U1 4462258 Performance issue with Forte6 Update 1 ostringstream 4467478 Floating exception (core dumped) 4485163 C++ standard iostreams: seekg() clears eof bit 4486320 stable_sort() leaks memory 4493832 Forte 6 compiled code with nested dlopen/dlclose fails unexpectedly on 2.6 & 2.7 4496576 missing extern C++ overloads of bsearch() and qsort() 4496848 lib/cpu/sparcv8plus/ needs $ORIGIN/../.. in RPATH nobugid Fixes to (from 106300-11) 4423447 poor performance of malloc causes application to run 50% slower than egcs 4466915 istream::read() reads the first input character twice (from 106300-10) 4205763 intel: abi1: c++/dbx throw object type not found 4285270 C++ 5.0, EOF not recognized when whitespace skipping is enabled 4338406 C++: Test gives incorrect results when compiled with -xO4 4347621 I/O is slow in standard iostreams 4351467 Non-member bitset operators are giving illegal operation error in STL. 4353299 Unable to output 'wchar_t' into 'wfstream' 4358182 C++ code compiled w/ -PIC fails to link due to libCstd.a compiled w/ -K pic 4368974 string assignment after update gives wrong answer 4375346 c++ std. library performs poorly for multi-threaded apps. with large no. of stri 4380359 STL std::find algorithm requires != operator 4381048 mutual exclusion not enforced in get_thr_data() 4383064 STL vector::resize returns uninitialized memory 4384942 string::npos missing from libCstd 4386796 STL vectors have high memory overhead 4388216 libiostream.a in 5.2 Compiler needs to be compiled with -KPIC or without -Kpic 4398422 Classic iostream: new[] deleted with delete instead of delete[] 4409167 CC 5.2 performance is poor compared to CC 4.2 4413674 JNI has problems with libCstd 4418755 Changes in mapping of ex_throw/__exdbg* entries breaks debugging of exceptions 4432338 /opt/SUNWspro/WS6/include/CC/Cstd/stdcomp.h conflicts with tools.h++&threads.h++ nobugid Fixed problem with list<>::merge() nobugid Add versions of and to package 4448928 multi-thread test program failed for Intel OS 5.8 and 5.9 only (from 106300-09) (from 106300-08) 4318566 cpu2000 fails on 581 (from 106300-07) 4123883 Error in Exception Handling (from 106300-06) 4058012 segmentation fault in exeption handling (rethrow from unexpected) 4101606 C++ program crashes with exception in constructor when optimized 4132688 C++ 4.2 : destructor not called without -g in a exception 4190043 Test E1166414 times out (x86 only) 4193618 Wide streams (wcout, et al.) not initialized properly 4199857 Missing symbols from (from 106300-05) 4181458 std::nothrow not defined in libCrun 4173766 dynamic cast from private base class allowed ABI1 4103581 xmsg incorrect implementation 4183435 Tagless structs need better demangling. 4187260 Demangler interprets abbreviations wrong. 4187325 demangler crashes on the following name 4191439 missing _ex_dbg functions in libC of C++ 5.0 (from 106300-04) (from 106300-03) (from 106300-02) (from 106300-01) 4079317 C++ code gives a segmentation fault at ex_throw 4082776 dynamic casting ostream() call problem - runtime core dump 4067988 C++ 4.2 copy constructor problem 4100612 strstream not working correctly within 4100882 2.6 C++ 4.2 runtime library prob with strstream. 4089011 Deadlock in IOStream::InitLock while processing .init sections 4050876 dynamic_cast won't let you cast to derived type 4121018 dbx reporting RUA errors against sync_with_stdio 4005413 throw is not thread safe 4022750 C++ multi-threaded code generates a signal fault in critical section 1174107 functions add-vector and check_addr take intensive cpu resources 1193580 Problem with binary data in iostreams 1194462 fstream .open behavior with ios::out worked at 3.0.1, is broken at 4.0.1 1195674 exception lists for shared object are MT-unsafe 1187592 The fstream class does not handle pipes (FIFO) properly. 1180564 istreams get set to EOF when a SIGALRM happens 1184772 ios formatting fails to print floating point numbers as printf() 1182934 Writing to a strstream moves the get (tellg) pointer 1178171 constructors not called for array allocated using (placement) new 1172054 strstream::seekp(val) does not actually change the put pointer 1172379 C++ 4.0 insertion into ostrstream is slow 1173166 C++ dumps core at ostream() call 1160084 When operator new throws an exception, it does not release lock 1161999 Inputting of float values does not work in French/German locales 1165177 streams tellp() method repositions input stream pointer - it shouldn't 1169658 shared-lib dependencies are wrong 1164100 Destructor for some exceptions not called on exit from handler 1166414 Need to have per thread set_terminate and set_unexpected functions 1171426 Exception stack area not properly freed in MT application 1151825 bad slines for try blocks breaks dbx's whocatches 1159647 array destructors are not thread safe in C++4.0.1 1148647 cafe mangled name change invalidates bundled - patch not sufficient 1147044 Memory leak in cafe's libC 1147577 program using cin/cout in static constructor coredumps with -mt 1146175 mt programs linked dynamically with libC don't work 1136478 Need a patch for on s493 1265054 Using C++4.1 on 2.5 strstream gets premature EOF. 1264396 Cfront defines detach() as a member of fstreambase but C++ 4.x compiler does not 1254838 demangler bug: dbx dumps core trying to read C++ source file 1259645 ifstream class doesnt 'or' options with ios::in if options specified in ctor 1262573 Problems with the stream class contructor, c++ 4.1 1232632 Incorrect iostream behavior 1232579 ofstream::setbuf() works differently between SC2.0.1 & SC3.0.1 C++ 1232305 instance of strstream class using istream get() member function doesnt work Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- For Solaris 7 release, refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine: example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02 The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 104945-02 For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- If you are compiling, linking or running executable images that have been compiled using -xarch=v9 or -xarch=v9a, it is strongly recommend that you also install the most recent version of 64-bit patch 106300 and the corresponding Solaris 7 32-bit patch 106327. README -- Last modified date: Tuesday, May 25, 2004