Patch-ID# 106112-06 Keywords: security dtfile multi screen NFS access huge sdtvolcheck CPU Synopsis: CDE 1.2: dtfile patch Date: Jul/25/00 Solaris Release: 2.6 SunOS Release: 5.6 Unbundled Product: CDE Unbundled Release: 1.2 Relevant Architectures: sparc Xref: This patch available for x86 as patch 106113 BugId's fixed with this patch: 1236640 4087853 4081672 1194724 4195992 4185042 4064399 4059097 4063851 4173370 4278779 4255264 Changes incorporated in this version: 4255264 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: 105669-07 (or newer) Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /usr/dt/bin/dtfile /usr/dt/bin/sdtvolcheck Problem Description: 4255264 sdtvolcheck chews CPU (from 106112-05) 4064399 "su user dtfile" runs as original user 4059097 crash opening folder without NFS access rights 4063851 expand locked folder: tree view closes 4173370 File manager crashes when you try to open a read only folder 4278779 dtfile cannot put in Trash huge directory structures with lots of sub-dirs (from 106112-04) 1194724 Multiheaded CDE puts File Manager on wrong screen 4185042 dtfile crashes when remote displayed to PCs running exceed/NT 4.0 4195992 resolution 1280x800x76Hz with Creator 3D card & 24inch monitor gives errors (from 106112-03) 4081672 update of dtfile causes system to hang for 3 to 5 minutes (from 106112-02) 4087853 .dt/Trash contains a file .trashinfo, which is mod 666 (from 106112-01) 1236640 dtfile won't work with fully qualified hostname:get Invalid folder specification Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Refer to the file for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- None.