Patch-ID# 104272-13 Keywords: security osilogd x400trace Synopsis: Solstice X.400 9.0 Messaging Server Patch Date: Dec/07/2001 Solaris Release: 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.6 SunOS Release: 5.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.6 Unbundled Product: Solstice X.400 Message Handling System (MHS) Unbundled Release: 9.0 Xref: Topic: Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 1237471 1242793 1243518 1247499 1249668 1253507 1257968 1258173 1259166 1263907 1264583 1266599 1266811 1267054 4012911 4013116 4018080 4024639 4026817 4026834 4032787 4038948 4043403 4050269 4051247 4052187 4054189 4059338 4061220 4062442 4062446 4063811 4066998 4077592 4079753 4082407 4091813 4097726 4098939 4102302 4103798 4104833 4107795 4108633 4109742 4129983 4136044 4145810 4151422 4158233 4172505 4190459 4201212 4201249 4207905 4209955 4217684 4242852 4245120 4253577 4370599 4466235 Changes incorporated in this version: 4466235 4370599 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/examples/xapia/README /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/examples/xapia/ex_MAdmain.c /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/include/ximp.h /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/include/xom.h /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/include/xomi.h /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/libxapia.a /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/ /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/osimta /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/osismtpx400 /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/osix400mqa /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/osix400ms /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/snmprelayd /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/snmpx400d /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/x400logd /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/lib/x400timer /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/822orname /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/ /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/osiapf /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/osimsf /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/osimtf /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/shmmgr /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400_genmaps /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400dbrecover /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400decode /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400logd.conf /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400oper /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400start /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400stop /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400tool /opt/SUNWconn/mhs/sbin/x400trace /var/opt/SUNWconn/OSIROOT/mhs/ Problem Description: 4466235 When customer runs x400trace x400 9.0 cores 4370599 X.400 can't start because osilogd is running (from 104272-12) 4245120 several y2k bugs found in gwy code that will result in erros after year 2000. 4242852 delivery report dates are not y2k compliant 4253577 X400 patch 104272-11 may cause xapia applications to fail if not run as root. (from 104272-11) 4217684 x400 9.0 fails to get license in redundant license environment. 4209955 X400 9.0 gateway can produce encoded text without MIME headers. 4207905 X400 9.0 backup config fails with just simple filename. 4201249 long MTA names didn't accepted by x400 9.0. 4201212 security hole after installing x400 9.0 and internet adapter. 4172505 Customer upgraded from 8.0.2 MHS to 9.0 and now has problems with API. 4190459 transform the reply-to Header to RFC822 Format gives the X-Mailer address. (from 104272-10) 4158233 X400 Message Store getting corrupted and crashed every few days. 4145810 x400 tool dumps core when defining p1 gateway with the PRMD field empty. (from 104272-09) 4136044 XMA examples miscellaneous errors 4151422 Duplicate define parameters in x400 api (from 104272-08) 1257968 Psuedo hostname for X.400 gateway cannot be set to "x400". 4129983 "mts set billing extended" & "mts set billing notary" not enabled. 4108633 X400 9.0 Error in s2x_decode_x400 Unix errno = Not owner. 4032787 MS Internal Error - After a x400_genconf MS UA bind is refused by the server. (from 104272-07) 4063811 Bad encoding/decoding rules for ISO6937 BodyPart (missing SET). 4107795 x400tool core dumps when in debug mode. 4104833 SMTP_X400 Gateway is not converting X400 addresses to SMTP address correctly. 4097726 X.400 9.0 backup address doesn't work. 4102302 The use of is described incorrectly. 4109742 X400 9.0 s2xcod_mkspace open: Too many open files messages from gateway. 4103798 Confusing error messages issues by X400 9.0 for licensing problems. (from 104272-06) 4098939 X400 9.0 generates no delivery reports (from 104272-05) 4026834 inbound associations fail over the rk6 driver. 4066998 x400/smtp gateway has hung again with over 800 mails in queue. 4082407 X400 9.0 gateway truncates message-id's. 4091813 x400 9.0 gateway hangs processing bad mail from sendmail. 4079753 delivery report to the distribution list but is not including the originator. 4077592 OSIMTA crashes on 1984 RTS session. (from 104272-04) 4054189 X400 doesn't handle umlaut characters in O/R addresses. 4062446 x400dbrecover should check to see if x400tool is running. 4061220 Purging message crashes mta. 4059338 x400tool 9.0 may corrupt config file when adding a MS-user. 4062442 X.400 gateway fails to convert surnames over 16 bytes long. (from 104272-03) 4052187 Default routing rule implemented in x400tool. 4024639 X.400 Gateway fails to convert address if dda other than rfc-822. 4050269 X.400 processes won't start on solaris 2.6. 4038948 X.400 message lost by smtpgateway. 4043403 x400tool hangs when generating mapping tables. 4051247 osismtpx400 can't decode large messages encoded in constructed indefinite form Year 2000 compliance added. (from 104272-02) 4026817 x400tool corrupts configuration string 4018080 x400decode doesn't accept -p option 4012911 osismtpx400 gateway crash 4013116 osismtpx400 can't decode large messages encoded in constructed indefinite form (from 104272-01) 1266811 Process osismtpx400 is dead. 1247499 mt_wait does not return OM_FUNCTION_INTERRUPTED when signal is received. 1263907 x400tool does not set default mta correctly. 1264583 "use of default MTA" does not work in the 9.0 product. 1237471 xomi.h file incompatible with C++ and strict C-ANSI. 1266599 stdout print functionality added to OMPexamin. 1259166 set the window size to 1 from the UA to the MTA for XMT users. 1249668 missing prototype definition in xom.h 1258173 Password database corrupted when changing UA password 1267054 snmpx400d alarms ignored. 1242793 smtp gateway cannot parse all FreeFormName variants. 1243518 IP Messageid with "_" char will reject the msg indicating a protocol violation. 1253507 general text capability - uuencoded content decoded as a separate bodypart Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Refer to the file for instructions on using the generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts provided with each patch. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be described below as special instructions. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- None. README -- Last modified date: Friday, December 7, 2001