Patch-ID# 101515-04 Keywords: helpviewer, xcolor, xwd, xpr, -compact, PostScript xmag_multivis Synopsis: OpenWindows 3.3: xwd/xpr failures w/ xcolor, helpviewer, -compact Date: Aug/01/94 Solaris Release: 2.3 SunOS Release: 5.3 Unbundled Product: OpenWindows Unbundled Release: 3.3 Relevant Architectures: sparc BugId's fixed with this patch: 1152654 1150580 1167573 Changes incorporated in this version: 1167573 Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: 101515-03 Patches which conflict with this patch: Patches required with this patch: Obsoleted by: Files included with this patch: /usr/openwin/bin/xpr /usr/openwin/bin/xwd /usr/openwin/demo/xmag_multivis Problem Description: This patch is a repackaged of 101515-03 with new xwd binary due to incorrect xwd binary in patch 101515-03 before. 1167573 xwd and xwud in s1093 does not have multivisual support on ZX(leo). Incorporated from 101515-01: 1152654 xwd fails with running xcolor or helpviewer 1150580 xwd/xpr ouput file can fail with PostScript errors using -compact Patch Installation Instructions: -------------------------------- Generic 'installpatch' and 'backoutpatch' scripts are provided within each patch package with instructions appended to this section. Other specific or unique installation instructions may also be necessary and should be described below. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- None.