X2 Support Group Game Development Archives
Directory: /pub/msdos/programming/source
What's new on X2FTP
Go back to /pub/msdos/programming Name Last modified Size Description
00index.txt 30-Jun-99 17:41 13.2 kB *** Misc source code
1svga.zip 07-May-95 09:42 335.1 kB lots of good looking (S)VGA utils and source code (pascal)
2balls.zip 05-Oct-97 15:19 14.6 kB Two bouncing balls demo version 1.00alfa (C++)
3d_cube.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 74.9 kB 3D Cube Demo Source in Pascal Pascal
3dscape.lzh 06-Nov-94 19:46 21.6 kB move in 3D fractal landscape by David Hedley - 386+ (asm/C)
3dsco20.zip 05-Jun-96 21:55 13.9 kB 3D Studio .3ds objectfile loader/converter for dos/linux (C++)
3dsrdr14.zip 12-Nov-97 16:12 8.4 kB 3DStudio file format reader v1.4 (C source)
3dwave.zip 07-May-95 09:40 1.7 kB 3D Wave bye Jare/Iguana - no comments (pascal)
abyss.zip 07-Jan-96 17:56 5.1 kB how to make bi-dimensional dots jumping around the screen
asmandel.zip 14-Dec-95 16:51 4.3 kB mandelbrot assembler code
ba_quat.zip 05-Oct-97 16:08 6.1 kB Portable Quaternion Class (C++)
bars.lzh 10-Apr-93 00:00 7.8 kB copper bars by Patch (asm)
bd_2d3d.zip 25-Jun-96 22:11 11.6 kB 2D and 3D rotation by Ash - 386+ (asm)
beepx106.zip 03-May-96 21:54 90.3 kB Planar Mode Graphics Stuff (mode setting,pixel,bob,scroll)(ASM)
bgires.zip 07-May-95 09:43 8.5 kB put .BGI files into a resource file (TP6 source)
bgiutil.zip 06-Aug-98 23:02 4.2 kB Make attractive graphic interfaces for your Pascal Programs
blit.zip 07-May-95 09:40 14.5 kB picture blitting code + theory (C)
blobs.zip 30-Jun-99 16:40 25.0 kB DJGPP+NASM conversion of real mode asm Blob effect
bmscaler.zip 07-May-95 09:42 31.4 kB bitmap scaling trainer by Tumblin (modeX, C)
bob.zip 03-Aug-95 21:23 18.9 kB PeterSoft's Bob - mode 13h sprite demo (C)
bombqb.zip 17-Nov-96 18:17 48.0 kB A sample BASIC program
bthlens1.rar 18-Apr-97 02:55 343.9 kB Lens effect. Full DJGPP source in 640x480x256 svga mode (vesa 2.0)
bump.zip 30-Jun-99 16:44 169.3 kB Pascal Bump Mapping Conversion to DJGPP & Allegro
burn.zip 07-May-95 09:42 19.7 kB excellent fire routine by Frank Patxi (pascal)
burn11.zip 13-Jul-95 14:20 18.0 kB Burn 1.10 - excellent fire routine speedup (asm/pascal)
c_plasma.zip 07-May-95 09:42 53.7 kB plasma - in C this time..
capfont.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 51.0 kB Font's capture TSR +loader + Pascal&Asm sources
cboot.zip 10-Mar-98 11:04 11.4 kB Cool Boot V1.0 - Replace the boot sector on a floppy disk (asm)
ccl110je.zip 17-Jun-95 19:09 32.4 kB Class Coroutine - multiprocess framework + examples (C++)
cfont100.zip 13-Jul-95 14:20 32.8 kB ColorFont 1.00 - mode 13h color font library + demo (C++)
checkvsa.lzh 25-Feb-95 02:02 1.3 kB check if computer is VESA compatible (asm)
coolstuf.zip 17-Apr-97 16:14 28.4 kB source: time37 (asm), runexe (C), fconv (C), mcb (pascal)
cos24.zip 30-Jan-96 18:31 1.2 kB 24 byte Constant Sinus Generator by W. Wilson (asm)
cplasma.zip 07-May-95 09:42 14.8 kB CPlasma 1.0 - Polar-based plasma (pascal)
crappy.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 4.6 kB 1K Intro with source code (asm)
crosfade.zip 07-May-95 09:44 53.6 kB cross fade from one pic to another - mode13h (asm/C)
cscomp30.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 101.9 kB Sprite Compiler V3.0. C++ Source Included.
csys20.zip 17-Nov-96 19:39 65.4 kB toolbox for using compressed files, v2.0 (w/ Pascal src)
ct2_080b.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 1.1 MB A strategy combat game called Combat Team II (V0.80) (ASM/C/C++ (DJGPP)
dakit.exe 10-Nov-94 21:06 86.0 kB Programmer's Kit for DeluxePaint Anim by Electronic Arts (C)
danpwsrc.zip 25-Jun-96 22:13 680.7 kB Misc 3D etc. graphics sources from Daniel Vollmer (Pascal/ASM)
dashanim.zip 07-May-95 09:42 62.2 kB mode 13h .DSH animation - player,format,PCX->DSH,386+/XMS (C++)
dbpcxl15.zip 07-May-95 09:43 89.6 kB Dave Boynton PCX library 1.5 for 2/16/256 color pictures + src
dbvgal17.zip 07-May-95 09:43 98.1 kB Dave Boynton (VESA) VGA library 1.7 + src
dcopy.zip 11-May-98 20:03 21.9 kB Single file copier (C)
decode.zip 17-Nov-96 19:41 3.2 kB Decoder for GusDrive ][
demostu2.zip 07-May-95 09:42 97.9 kB gouraud,texture,morph,tunnel,doom,floor,mouse,lbm (asm/pascal)
demostu3.zip 10-Jul-96 16:04 94.3 kB Demo/graphics source code by Bjarke Viksoe (asm/pascal)
demostuf.zip 07-May-95 09:43 78.6 kB lots of demo stuff: stars,rotate,magnify,3D maze (asm/pascal)
dflt19.zip 07-May-95 09:44 154.4 kB D-Flat 19 windowing system (C)
direxe.zip 17-Apr-97 16:15 19.1 kB list/execute your executables - by SAM/TFL (C)
double13.zip 07-May-95 09:40 6.9 kB two (2) pages in standard mode 13h - test program/results (C)
dptools.zip 07-May-95 09:44 131.6 kB dptool - cursor and font utils w/src (Turbo Vision) (C/pascal)
dview.zip 07-May-95 09:42 41.3 kB View - BSP based rendering engine for Id WADs - (C++)
eckelt01.zip 17-Jun-95 21:18 316.3 kB Source code for the book "Thinking in C++" by B.Eckel (C++)
ej_tsr.zip 07-May-95 09:44 3.2 kB small mark/release TSR (asm)
enhdos17.zip 13-Jul-95 14:20 20.4 kB EnhDOS 1.7 - enhanced DOS interface unit for DOS 3.1+ (pascal)
et10.zip 30-May-95 02:17 9.2 kB EasyText 1.0 - create text-based applications (C++)
fade2.zip 12-Jul-95 23:32 3.0 kB Fade2 - GrabPal,Blackout,FadeIn,FadeOut + source (pascal)
fade_tp.zip 07-May-95 09:44 2.7 kB Fade screen out by Mike Schutz (pascal)
fadecode.zip 07-May-95 09:43 31.2 kB FadeCode - palette manipulation intro + source (asm/c) by Esak
fakemode.zip 07-May-95 09:42 123.8 kB FakeMode specs + sample code - 3840 colors w/standard VGA
firecode.lzh 15-Nov-94 19:31 53.0 kB 6 fire/flame programs with source - asm,C,pascal
fireefct.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 1.9 kB Simple Fire Effect in 114 bytes (320*100*256) (ASM)
flames2.lzh 15-Nov-94 19:31 2.9 kB small hires flame and random function - by Errand (asm)
flamoot.zip 17-Apr-97 16:15 9.4 kB FLamoot VGA SetUp 1.0 - do some fast weird resolutions (asm)
flicplay.zip 21-Jul-97 13:49 796.6 kB FLI and FLC player; 320X200X256 and 320X400X256 (BP7+,ASM).
flogger.lzh 16-Dec-94 15:40 26.4 kB Sort Flogger 0.0 - source to 7 different sort algorithms (C)
fof.zip 07-May-95 09:41 477.0 kB Flights of Fantasy (book) source code - updated 21 Jan 1993
fullr_2.zip 07-May-95 09:43 80.3 kB Fullrot #2 - 320x200x256 rotation, 32bit PM by Scott Deming (C)
gb_autil.zip 05-Oct-97 19:44 9.3 kB Misc text mode utils with asm source
gb_coper.zip 05-Oct-97 19:49 4.5 kB Copper bar effect with asm source
gb_wfire.zip 05-Oct-97 20:00 20.6 kB Fire effect with Full Watcom source (C/ASM)
gemsiv.zip 07-May-95 09:42 338.9 kB Graphics Gems IV - source code (C)
gfxfx.zip 07-May-95 00:00 143.7 kB Lots of graphics source code by Bas van Gaalen (pascal)
gfxfx2.zip 07-May-95 00:00 392.1 kB Even more graphics source code by Bas van Gaalen (pascal)
glbenv11.zip 12-Jul-95 23:33 20.6 kB Global Environment Variable 1.1 - list/set/clear (asm/C src)
gor_flag.zip 07-May-95 09:44 6.4 kB Sine-Flag by P.Geary - sinus flag tester, 386+ (asm)
gor_land.zip 07-May-95 09:44 8.2 kB Land Runner by P.Geary - fake 3D dot landscape, 386+ (asm)
gour.zip 04-May-96 15:14 3.4 kB Triangle filler with a simple gouraud shading by L Mitra (asm)
goushad.zip 07-May-95 09:43 14.8 kB At the end some Gouraud shading code by The Faker (pascal)
graphgem.zip 07-May-95 09:41 302.7 kB Graphics Gems I/II/III books source code
gtcmous1.zip 07-May-95 09:43 15.9 kB 80x25 vga text mode "graphic" mouse (C src)
gurumode.zip 07-May-95 09:40 6.9 kB 12 tweaked 256 color modes (asm)
hobbspr2.zip 07-May-95 09:41 49.2 kB horiz scrolling with Hobbes library (C++)
hsort.c 15-May-94 23:28 4.9 kB general purpose heapsort (C)
hstar_c.zip 12-Jul-95 23:33 17.8 kB Horizontal Stars by Darion - mode 13h horizontal star field (C)
icollide.zip 30-Jun-95 19:10 199.4 kB I_COLLIDE 1.0 - collision detection library, n-body etc. (C)
ilztimer.zip 05-Oct-97 20:28 7.7 kB Long Period Zen Timer v2.31 (IMPROOVED VERSION) (asm/pascal)
inet1_1.zip 05-Oct-97 20:30 926.8 kB Internet Protocol Suite (pascal)
int6.zip 21-Jul-97 13:50 14.9 kB Stop programs that require a higher CPU & uninstall TSRs (asm)
intro5.zip 17-Apr-97 16:16 13.9 kB Copper Bars by Type1/TFL-TDV (asm)
isad2src.zip 07-May-95 09:41 18.5 kB VGA/Adlib loader source (asm)
jclplasm.zip 12-Jul-95 23:33 86.9 kB JCL-Plasma 1.3a - (C)
joke.zip 05-Oct-97 20:54 9.5 kB A TSR example (asm)
jtexture.zip 01-Dec-95 16:06 71.3 kB Constant Slope Texture Mapping by John McCarthy (asm/C (Watcom))
kf_mouse.zip 07-Jan-96 18:24 10.9 kB A small mouse handling routine written in pascal
ks_cwarp.zip 12-Oct-95 03:10 31.1 kB Circle warping/xor - Keith Sibson (C++/ASM)
ks_land.zip 21-Jul-95 17:39 29.3 kB linedrawn plasma landscape effect - K.Sibson (C++)
ks_sp.zip 12-Oct-95 03:28 76.5 kB Speedy sphere texture mapping - Keith Sibson
l640a.zip 30-Dec-97 19:30 2.6 kB demo displaying all colors in mode 5d (asm)
ldpcxtga.zip 30-Aug-97 18:03 130.2 kB Lazebnik Denis's PCX/TGA file viewer with C++ source.
learntmt.zip 06-Oct-97 19:32 146.4 kB Misc Pascal demo source - 'LearnWare'
lenssrc.zip 07-May-95 09:40 39.7 kB lens effect sample, code and info
lensv10a.arj 12-Jul-95 23:02 39.1 kB Lens effect by N.Daniel - mode 13h, 386 (asm)
libdump.zip 07-May-95 09:44 8.5 kB Microsoft OBJ library management - Siering/Downton (C)
linefire.zip 06-Oct-97 19:43 26.1 kB The fire routine with a twist. (C++)
ll_land2.lzh 19-Jul-93 00:00 145.0 kB fractal landscape (asm/c) by Lord Logic
longfn.c 06-Oct-97 19:51 12.5 kB Read long file names under MS-DOS without Win-95 (C)
lspspr.zip 04-Jun-96 20:38 29.8 kB Linear Space Partitioning Sprite Full Source (C)
mathgr.zip 14-Dec-97 14:34 1.6 kB Create any Math Function Graph. (pascal)
melt.zip 07-May-95 09:40 43.4 kB melting screen ala DOOM - Fastgraph mode13h (C)
menu.zip 16-Nov-97 17:04 11.4 kB MENU-engine with scroll & descriptions (C)
mfly0_9b.zip 28-Feb-96 15:45 86.1 kB Mandelbrot Realtime zooming v 0.9b full sourcecode (BC++, Tasm)
mkf.zip 07-May-95 09:42 7.1 kB font file editor by G.Sanford III - Fastgraph (C)
modex32.zip 07-May-95 09:44 26.5 kB Michael Abrash's XMODE routines in 32bit PM by K.Yogaratnam
motionrd.zip 07-May-95 09:40 30.1 kB Motion Reader - smooth vertical scroller by Patch - 386+ (asm)
mtl110je.zip 17-Jun-95 19:09 144.6 kB Class DOSThread - multithreading framework + examples (C++)
nggpt1.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 13.7 kB Simple Physics tutorial (C)
niceplas.zip 18-Nov-96 00:05 9.7 kB Nice Looking Plasma With TP Code (pascal)
ois.arj 28-Feb-98 18:25 39.2 kB OIS pathfinder. V1.5. Commented source code (TASM)
oop_int.zip 30-Aug-97 18:03 1.9 kB TPU for including interrupts in object. Asm/pascal source.
os2door.zip 15-Nov-97 16:34 22.8 kB VP/2 1.x BBS DOOR Unit source with demo program (VP/2) pas (Virtual Pascal/2)
otmvoxel.zip 07-May-95 09:44 183.3 kB Voxel landscape explanation and demo by Voltaire/OTM (C++)
outbreak.arj 21-Dec-95 16:40 1.5 MB unfinished isometric game prj (like crusader)
p5.zip 02-Jun-98 12:11 72.1 kB mode 13h plasma with holes (asm)
parallax.zip 07-May-95 09:44 99.4 kB Parallax scrolling engine + demo w/some source (asm/pascal)
pasjpg10.zip 17-Nov-96 19:45 335.6 kB Pascal port the sixth public release of the IJG C source
pasmou15.zip 20-Aug-97 14:02 26.0 kB Mouse Interface for Turbo/Borland Pascal 6.0/7.0
passrc.zip 07-May-95 09:40 8.1 kB Bouncing ball on moving plate by HALi (pascal)
pixelate.lzh 19-Apr-94 21:34 5.8 kB bitmap scaling - two separate routines (asm)
plasexp.zip 12-Jul-95 23:33 3.3 kB plasma - documented, 386+, mode X (asm)
plasma3.zip 19-Jul-95 00:11 16.4 kB Plasma by btf - 386+ hi-res VGA modex (asm)
plaswarp.zip 17-Nov-96 22:33 58.0 kB Full Source Cods for Transparent Plasma (C++)
polinom.arj 28-Feb-98 18:17 2.8 kB Polynomial calculator w/ lexical interpreter (C)
qlv1.zip 30-Jan-99 00:16 77.3 kB Quick Linker v1 -- Makes shortcuts to programs in DOS (C src)
qsort.c 15-May-94 23:28 4.8 kB general purpose quicksort (C)
raster9.zip 17-Apr-97 16:16 25.1 kB raster bars by Type1/TFL-TDV (asm)
rdbase.zip 16-Nov-97 18:01 15.9 kB Shows how a dBase III database is formed (C)
res4dos.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 157.1 kB Resource Binder V1.0 (with Pascal sources: TP6+)
res4dos.zip 18-Apr-97 02:55 157.1 kB Resource Binder V1.1; Add datafiles to .EXE's (ASM/Pascal TP6+)
rfvdemo.zip 07-May-95 09:41 534.6 kB RFV-DEMO 0.1 - Rotate bitmaps/Fractal zooming/Voxelspace (C++)
rotate.arj 15-Nov-94 00:01 9.2 kB bitmap rotation and scaling - by J.D'India (pascal)
rotate.zip 07-May-95 09:40 17.2 kB pan/scale/rotate bitmaps (320x200)
rotscape.zip 12-Jul-95 23:33 126.8 kB Fast 3D landscape - 3-axis rotation, mode X (asm)
rpg_scrl.arj 21-Sep-94 18:58 24.9 kB How to scroll tile-based RPG world - mode 13h (asm/pascal)
rt.asm 25-Apr-94 16:24 17.7 kB commented VGA loader source
rvesa.zip 17-Jun-95 21:19 4.4 kB S-VGA VESA programming routines 1.0 - by Sasquatch (asm)
rvesa.zip 17-Jun-95 21:19 4.4 kB SVGA VESA programming lib 1.0 - mode 100/101h, 386+, A86 (asm)
sal100.zip 07-May-95 09:41 96.0 kB Sort Algorithms 1.0 - 7 algorithms demo (Windows) (C)
sarstick.zip 16-Nov-97 18:17 4.1 kB Joystick interface (asm)
scale.cpp 26-Oct-95 15:51 2.9 kB Bitmap scaling (C++) - by Keith S.
scale.lzh 19-Apr-94 21:34 6.7 kB bitmap scaling in modeX/mode13h (asm) by John A. Slagel
scrasm.zip 07-May-95 09:44 132.2 kB smooth fullscreen tile scroll - modex, 386+ by Steve Eisner
scroll2.zip 07-May-95 09:40 40.2 kB vertical screen scroll in mode X
setverb5.zip 29-Jan-99 22:37 14.8 kB SETVER beta 5 binaries and sources (TASM) with documentation (asm)
sfli10.zip 26-Feb-96 17:06 12.0 kB FLI player with full ASM source by shaitan@proxxi.uf.se (asm)
sfontkit.zip 17-Nov-96 22:59 76.0 kB SaruFONT - Mode-13 font routine + utilities (PAS/BASM)
sfv01b.arj 17-Nov-96 23:05 34.8 kB DOS VGA font remapper and color manipulator (C/asm)
sgraph.zip 17-Nov-96 23:07 142.1 kB A Pascal unit for easy, fast animation (pascal)
shadebob.zip 07-May-95 09:41 6.3 kB ShadeBob source by Nutcracker (asm)
shandy.zip 17-Nov-96 23:10 907.2 kB 3D Studio interactive graphics viewer (VGA,SVGA) C/C++
show_pcx.zip 07-May-95 09:43 7.0 kB show_pcx.pas by ZSoft - show 2/4/16/256 color PCX (pascal)
showfc11.lzh 19-Aug-94 21:06 13.6 kB ShowFace 1.1 - view FaceSaver (FACE) files (asm)
siv.arj 08-May-94 17:48 15.0 kB SenSiv Scrolling Routines - asm, 286+
sjm386_1.zip 07-May-95 09:43 185.7 kB Basic 3D effects demo with source - 386+, xlib, lex, yacc
snip9503.zip 07-May-95 09:41 572.3 kB Snippets Mar 95 - 38000+ lines code in 400+ files (asm/C/C++)
source.lzh 05-Apr-94 16:50 389.8 kB -* LOTS *- of misc source from net - unknown collector
sprites.zip 07-May-95 09:41 42.0 kB mode13h sprite engine w/source (TP6)
spxdemos.zip 07-May-95 09:43 1.4 MB 12 SPX graphics lib demo programs - pascal
srgpsph3.arj 08-May-94 17:48 512.6 kB SRGP(2D) and SPHIGS(3D) libs - source to Foley & van Dam book
strfld.zip 16-Nov-97 18:22 30.3 kB A starfield demo (DJGPP C)
svgapix.zip 10-Feb-97 19:39 95.8 kB PutPixel(), GetPixel() in SVGA. Optimized & non-opt. (C++)
swag9502.zip 17-Apr-97 16:16 607.9 kB SWAG Reader 3.11 + info files - February update 1995
swaga-c.zip 07-May-95 09:42 444.8 kB SWAG files ANSI to CURSOR (pascal) - February update 1995
swagd-f.zip 07-May-95 09:42 1.1 MB SWAG files DATATYPE to FINDREL (pascal) - February update 1995
swagg-m.zip 07-May-95 09:43 1.1 MB SWAG files GRAPHICS to MOUSE (pascal) - February update 1995
swagn-r.zip 07-May-95 09:43 382.2 kB SWAG files NETWORK to REDIRECT (pascal) - February update 1995
swags-z.zip 07-May-95 09:44 882.8 kB SWAG files SAVESCRN to WIN-OS2 (pascal) - February update 1995
tauron30.zip 21-Sep-98 05:32 135.0 kB Tauron VGA Utilities 3.0 (video modes w/o BIOS) (C+asm)
texmpsrc.zip 07-May-95 09:41 47.6 kB "Slimy" (warping) texture mapping by SliQ (asm/C)
text_eng.zip 07-May-95 09:43 226.0 kB Texture mapping in C with comments (djgpp, watcom)
texture.zip 07-May-95 09:41 103.5 kB texture mapping source (asm)
tf_sourc.lzh 23-Apr-94 01:07 72.5 kB mcga/svga/vesa source by AARDVARK (asm/pascal)
tf_texmp.zip 07-May-95 09:41 34.0 kB full screen (320x200) texture mapping by AARDVARK (pascal)
tga320.zip 14-Dec-96 17:55 10.4 kB 320x200x256 Mode 13h GFX Lib
tgasave.zip 07-May-95 09:43 11.0 kB save pics in .TGA (C src)
tge129d.lzh 05-Apr-94 16:50 191.6 kB old TGE 1.29d beta VGA/SVGA C/C++ library w/source
tileex.zip 07-May-95 09:41 3.2 kB Tile graphics demo in QuickBasic (mode 13h) (basic)
time3.zip 17-Apr-97 16:17 4.0 kB Time 3.x - TSR clock by SAM/TFL-TDV (asm)
time_it1.zip 08-Mar-96 20:27 20.8 kB High precision timing routine (TASM 3.1)
tinifire.zip 03-May-96 21:57 1.6 kB A 76 byte burning fire demo (asm)
tpolygon.zip 17-Nov-96 23:28 16.4 kB C++ example of texture mapped polygon (DJGPP/Linux)
transpar.zip 17-Nov-96 23:31 283.4 kB Transparency Tutorial -good effect for beginner coders (C)
triplas.zip 07-May-95 09:41 23.6 kB plasma based on a triangle by D.Johnston - (C)
tsr_xmpl.zip 17-Apr-97 16:17 30.4 kB transform any asm code in a TSR program - TFL-TDV (asm)
tsrdemo2.arj 18-Sep-94 14:05 13.2 kB Safe approach for writing TSR programs by T.Brandenborg (asm)
tsrfil10.zip 07-May-95 09:41 19.0 kB TSR shell able to handle file i/o by S.Hall (C)
tubesrc.zip 12-Jul-95 23:33 21.5 kB Tubular - tube effect (asm/C)
tweakflc.zip 08-Feb-96 15:41 31.7 kB .FLI + .FLC player. 320x200 + 320x400. (pas+ASM)
txtcol.zip 12-Nov-97 15:35 48.2 kB A qbasic program for multi-coloured text mode animations (basic)
ucf02.zip 24-Feb-99 10:13 31.2 kB Universal Configuration File Library
units.zip 07-May-95 09:44 35.2 kB Units by Ole Westgaard - graphics/fonts/INTs (asm/pascal)
vesates2.zip 07-May-95 09:43 124.5 kB 640x480x256 SVGA VESA demo - graphics/sound/mouse (C++)
vesavga.zip 07-May-95 09:43 5.0 kB basic 256 color svga VESA routines (asm)
vesavox.zip 15-Nov-97 16:19 212.3 kB Vesa 2.0 Voxel Landscape -- C/C++ sources for 640X400 Voxel Landscape.
vga128kb.zip 30-Aug-97 18:03 10.8 kB Address 128Kb VRAM in std VGA Modes (asm/pas) + extras asm/tpascal
vgamode.pas 30-Aug-97 18:11 4.1 kB Turbo Pascal source for setting VGA mode 13h WITHOUT the BIOS.
vgascrol.zip 07-May-95 09:41 275.9 kB 640x400 image link/scrolling + utils - mode X (asm/pascal)
voxel.zip 14-Oct-95 15:02 9.3 kB Commented source code of a voxel landscape generator. (C)
vr386.zip 07-May-95 09:44 755.0 kB VR-386 - Virtual Reality kit by David Stampe - 386+ (asm/C)
vr386doc.zip 07-May-95 09:44 33.4 kB The rest of the VR-386 files - including manual
vr386vid.zip 07-May-95 09:44 505.9 kB REND386 and VR-386 video drivers 26 Dec 1993 (asm)
wormhole.lzh 19-Apr-94 21:34 128.1 kB wormhole effect with asm/C code
x_mas.zip 01-Oct-98 19:04 175.6 kB X-mas demo (Pascal)
xcode.zip 07-May-95 09:41 16.7 kB "wrapped sprite code" - pcx/pcc, sprites, scrolling, modex
xscalebm.zip 07-May-95 09:42 5.6 kB bitmap scale/clip by John Slagel - 386, mode X, Xlib, asm
xsharp22.zip 07-May-95 09:44 104.5 kB X-Sharp 3D animation package #22 by Michael Abrash
zendisk1.zip 07-May-95 09:41 63.3 kB Zen of Assembly Language by Michael Abrash - source part 1
zendisk2.zip 07-May-95 09:42 106.1 kB Zen of Assembly Language by Michael Abrash - source part 2
Compilation Copyright 2002
by X2 Support Group
Index2html V1.4 PL 01 (17 Jun 1998) by X2 Support Group (x2ftp@x2ftp.oulu.fi.NO.SPAM)