00index.html This file in HTML
00index.txt *** Documentation and text files, general info
2dbump.zip 2d bump mapping tutorial + C++ sources (DJGPP)
3dgpl.zip 3DGPL 1.0 - graphics library and tutors for game programmers
3dgps_1.zip 3D Graphics Programming Series #1 - Intro to 3D Graphics (txt)
aaas13.zip Action Arcade Adventure Set, chapter 13 - sprite animation
aaas5.zip Action Arcade Adventure Set, chapter 5 - tile-based scrolling
act_24.zip Archive Comparison Table 24 - comparing 45 archivers
amiindex.lzh AMI ftp-place index (Ami bios support etc)
ansisys.zip ANSI.SYS's Escape Sequences
antidbg.txt Anti Debugging Tricks by Inbar Raz - Release 5
anti_dd.txt Anti-Anti Debugging Trick by Michael Forrest - release 1
apiref.zip Windows API (3.0) DLLs - Function Names and Windows DLL
aritclip.zip Paper on polygon clipping by Adrian Brown
as_guide.lzh Whizzard's Guide to Text Adventure Authorship v1.0
asm.zip Programming in Assembler (HTML)
asmtutor.arc IBM pc assembly language tutorial (MASM) by Joshua Auerbach
asmtuttx.zip Gavin's Guide to x86 Assembly 0.9b - ascii text document
asmtutwp.zip Gavin's Guide to x86 Assembly 0.9b - word2/word6 docs
avoid_gw.zip how to detect Game Wizard - by Yonghee Lee (C sample)
awe32prg.zip Unofficial SB AWE32 programming document
basicdoc.zip Mode 13h Documentary 1.5 - tutorial by Vulture (asm/pascal)
bindex.zip ftp.borland.com master file index
bumpmap.zip A 2d-bumpmapping tutorial with examples (pascal)
c_prec.zip Operator Precedence and Associativity Rules in C/C++
ca_tsa.zip Computer Adventures, The Secret Art by Gil Williamson (book)
casm.zip How to Create Linkable C/C++ Functions in Assembly Language.
cgda.zip CGDA (Computer Game Developers Association) Report - Premier
chaindoc.zip Chain4 VGA-mode programming document by Vulture - V2.0
cirel.zip Tutorial for simple graphics drawing
cis_game.arj discussions from CompuServe GAMERS forum
copro16a.zip Everything you always wanted to know about math coprocessors
cpptour.arj A HyperText C++ Guide by Bryan Flamig (book author)
cptuts22.zip Coronado Enterprices C++ tutur 2.20 - source
cptutt22.zip Coronado Enterprices C++ tutor 2.20 - text
crc.zip CRC Error Detection Algorithms Guide by R.Williams - long (C)
creative.ind ftp.creaf.com index (19 July 1994) - Creative Technology
cstyle61.zip Indian Hill C Style and Coding Standards 6.1
debugtut.zip Dos Debug tutorial
dma_rti.zip How to program the DMA - by Night Stalker
dosref33.zip Programmer's Technical Reference 3.3 - NOT a tutorial
dpans6ps.zip X3J14 ANS Forth standard draft (PostScript)
drawtut1.zip TUKANIS DRAWING GUIDE - A Complete Guide To Drawing In Windows WordPad Format, ISSUE 1
elyver10.zip Beginner VGA Graphics & Sound Blaster Programming-C++/ASM
ev61.arj EGT View 6.1 - tutorial on building software (asm/BASIC)
faqsys18.zip A collection of 237 FAQS,DOCS,TXTS ++
fire_tut.zip Fire Tutorial - modex, by A.Clemmer (asm/C)
fpgawkii.zip Hypertext tutorial on logic design with EPX780 FPGA
fpt1_rti.zip How to use Fixed Point (16.16) math (1/2) tutorial (asm)
fstscrl1.zip Scroll tiled world (320x200 mode X) - docs and demo (C)
gamfaq.txt The Getting Started Guide to Game Development - version 1.3
genc.zip Coronado C Tutor in HTML
gencsrc.zip Coronado Enterprices C tutor 2.00 - source
genctxt.zip Coronado Enterprices C tutor 2.00 - text
gmouse.doc Programmer's Reference to Genius Mouse
graphcol.zip Legendary M.Abrash Graphics Columns in DDJ 91-93 (256p PS)
graphpro.lzh The Michael Abrash columns from DDJ 91-93 + xsharp21 (!!!)
gravity.zip Gravity FAQ by Edgar Roman - jump, space kinetics 29 Dec 1994
hdtech01.txt Technicians' Guide to PC Hard Disk Subsystems - chapter 1
hdtech02.txt Technicians' Guide to PC Hard Disk Subsystems - chapter 2
helpinfo.zip Creating Windows Help Files by T.Kahn
helppc21.zip HelpPC 2.10 - programmer's tech reference, soft/hardware
hexpaper.zip hexpaper.ps - hexagon mapping paper 1.0 by D.Nygren
inter53a.zip MSDOS Interrupt List 53 - part 1
inter53b.zip MSDOS Interrupt List 53 - part 2
inter53c.zip MSDOS Interrupt List 53 - part 3
inter53d.zip MSDOS Interrupt List 53 - part 4
inter53e.zip MSDOS Interrupt List 53 - utility prgs and viewers
inter53f.zip MSDOS Interrupt List 53 - WinHelp utilities
inter53g.zip MSDOS Interrupt List 53 - converters
inter53z.zip MSDOS Interrupt List 53 - HC?? phrases file
inthlp10.zip Interrupt Helper 1.0 - search and display Ralf Brown Int List
intshare.zip IBM's Interrupt-Sharing Protocol by C.Dunford - unhook TSRs
intwin47.zip Interrupt List in WinHelp form with Search Utility
iostutor.zip Tutorial in iostreams by D.Nugent (C++)
iptut001.zip Tutorial on Critical Error (0x24) Handler (C)
iptut002.zip Tutorial on Turbo C++ 3.0 Bugs and what to do with them - 1.2
ipx2.zip How to send IPX packets by Daniel Parnell (pascal)
j4ftut01.zip Part #1 of the Game-creation tutor series (pascal)
j4ftut02.zip Part #2 of the Game-creation tutor series (pascal)
j4ftut03.zip Part #3 of the Game-creation tutor series (pascal)
j4ftut04.zip Part #4 of the Game-creation tutor series (pascal)
j4ftut05.zip Part #5 of the Game-creation tutor series (pascal)
kadfile.zip KADfile - tutorial on appeding files to EXEs, LZARI (C)
keyboard.txt Summary: how to detect key press/release (pascal)
lens.lzh How to do lens effect by Joey/SD
maze_faq.zip Maze FAQ (old) - sources, theory
mindex.zip ftp.microsoft.com Microsoft Software Library index
mod2src.zip Coronado Enterprises Modula-2 tutorial - source diskette
mod2txt.zip Coronado Enterprises Modula-2 tutorial - text diskette
ms_arcad.zip Programming Object Orientated Arcade Games in Turbo C (book)
nlb_fade.zip Fade Routine tutorial by NailBomb - mode 13h, 386+ (asm)
online21.zip The Online World book 2.1 - lots net info and pointers
optimize.zip How to optimize code on a 386/486/Pentium
otface.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 10 - Face Sorting (Pascal)
otfire.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 1 - Fire Routines (ASM)
otflip.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 3 - Page-Flipping (ASM/Pascal)
othires.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 4 - Hires 640x480x16 (ASM)
otmorph.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 6 - 3d Morphing (Pascal)
otmphong.zip Phong Shading approximation based on linear interpolation
otpcx.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 5 - PCX Decoding (Pascal)
otplasma.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 7 - Plasma (ASM)
otpoly.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 9 - Polygons (Pascal)
otsample.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 8 - SB Sound Samples (Pascal)
otstars.zip Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 2 - 3d Starfields (ASM)
pascsrc.zip Coronado Enterprises Pascal tutorial 2.00 - source diskette
pasctxt.zip Coronado Enterprises Pascal tutorial 2.00 - text diskette
pctim003.zip FAQ/App Notes: Timing on the PC under DOS v3.0
povhelp.zip POV-Help 1.0 - help for POV 2.2 raytracer (asm/C)
ps2_info.zip PostScript level 2 - Questions & Answers (Adobe)
ptr_help.zip Understanding Pointers v0.0 (for beginners) by T.Jensen (C)
pxdtech1.zip PXDTECH #1 - XMS handling in TP (Telemachos)
pxdtech2.zip PXDTECH #2 - Hi-/TrueColor in TP (Telemachos)
pxdtech3.zip PXDTECH #3 - Advanced .PCX handling (Telemachos)
pxdtut1.zip PPT #1 - Doom-walls by Telemachos^Peroxide
pxdtut2.zip PPT #2 - EMS-Handling by Telemachos^Peroxide
pxdtut3.zip PPT #3 - 3D vector engine part 1. 3D projections (pascal)
pxdtut4.zip PPT #4 - 3D vector engine part 2. EnvironMap,Gouraud,Phong,Texture (pascal)
pxdtut5.zip PPT #5 - SVGA using VESA 1.2. SVGA memory model, bankswitching (pascal)
pxdtut6.zip PPT #6 - Interrupts, Keyboard handler, PIT clock chip (pascal)
pxdtut7.zip PPT #7 - Raycasting, Wolfenstein engine (pascal)
pxdtut8.zip PPT #8 - Advanced Raycasting (pascal)
qbasgdc1.zip Game Design Course by Andre van Wyk (Pacman && RPG - QBasic)
quikshot.zip Computer Assembly Guide - hardware tutorial (MS Word)
rgblist.zip 191 colors by name and RGB values
rlvalue.zip A Brief Tutorial on Pointers, Lvalues and Rvalues by R.Pels
scrl50.zip Semiconductor Cross Reference Library 5.0 (47000 devices)
stderrf.zip STDERRF 1.00 - a STDERR redirection util, well commented (asm)
svgaline.zip VESA SVGA programming tutorial - Bresenham's line (asm)
t1nbuf11.zip Type One's N-Buffering Doc - v1.1
t1svga11.zip Type One's (S)VGA Tricks, Part I - v1.1
tcpintro.zip Introduction to the Internet Networking Protocols (TCP/IP)
teach_c.zip C language tutorial
textps.zip 3 approaches to real-time texture mapping a'la Doom - PS
texttext.zip 3 approaches to real-time texture mapping a'la Doom - Ascii
textwp60.zip 3 approaches to real-time texture mapping a'la Doom - WP 6.0
theref43.zip TheRef 4.30 - pc hardware tech reference
tilefaq.12 Tile-Based Games FAQ by Greg Taylor - version 1.2
tiletech.zip Tile Graphics Techniques for CRPGs v1.0
tjvgatut.tut A basic VGA tutor (pascal)
tut01new.zip VGA trainer in basics (setmode, putpixel) (C++)
tut02new.zip VGA trainer in palette manipulation (C++)
tut03new.zip VGA trainer in Circle and Line algorithms (C++)
tut04new.zip VGA trainer in Virtual Screens (C++)
tut05new.zip VGA trainer in Scrollers (C++)
tut06new.zip VGA trainer in Pregenerated Arrays (C++)
tut07new.zip VGA trainer in Animation (inline asm) (C++)
tut08new.zip VGA trainer in 3D Basics (C++)
tut09new.zip VGA trainer in Polygons (C++)
tut1-9.zip tutorial to make demo effects with TP6/7 w/pascal source
tut10.zip VGA trainer in chain-4 (pascal)
tut10new.zip VGA trainer in Chain-4 (C++)
tut11.zip VGA trainer in cross fading (pascal)
tut12.zip VGA trainer full-screen scrolling (pascal)
tut13.zip VGA trainer 3D starfield (pascal)
tut14.zip glenzing, polygons, fixed point math and asm (pascal)
tut15.zip VGA trainer in plasma (pascal)
tut16.zip VGA trainer in bitmap scaling (pascal)
tut17.zip VGA trainer in Pixel Morph and static effects (pascal)
tut18.zip VGA trainer in File Packing & 256 color PCX (pascal)
tut19.zip VGA trainer in Asm tutorial & Fire (asm/pascal)
tut20.zip VGA trainer in Face Sorting & Hidden face removal (pascal)
tut21.zip VGA trainer in Free direction Texture mapping (pascal)
tut_1.zip Gameprogramming school, sprites and clipping
tutorc.zip Denthor's Asphyxia VGA trainers translated into C - 2,4-16
tweakdoc.zip Tweaking the unchained videomode - by Vulture
two_mice.txt How to connect two mice to a PC
ugprg.zip The Ultimate Game Programmer's Reference Guide v1.0
vbz01.zip VBZ 01 - Visual Basic programming journal (WinHelp)
vgadoc4b.zip register level (s)vga programming info and card tester
vgafx.zip VGA Text Attributes and Special Effects by C.Dunford (asm)
vgamode.zip How to establishish or perserve a 256 colour VGA mode. (asm/C)
vgophong.zip Phong lighting equation, principles and implementation. (txt)
vgoshado.zip Realtime Shadow FAQ V0.70 Beta
vgovbe20.zip Tutorial on setting/using VESA2.0 correctly. (C/C++,asm)
vt100.zip VT100 Escape Codes
vtxxx.zip VTxxx series control and escape sequences by R.Frank
win2vga.zip Summary: Run in Windows but work in vga mode 13h + demo
winer.zip PC Magazine BASIC Techniques and Utilities (book) (Basic)
wintut1.zip MS-Windows Graphics Part 1: Simple Windows Animation (Full C src)
x3j11.zip ANSI C (X3J11) programming language standard (ps 125p)
x3mdmo01.zip X3M tutorial #1 - realtime plasma (mode x) (asm/pascal)
xintro18.zip Introduction to Mode X version 1.8 w/source and pics
zed3d095.zip 2D/3D vector and texture mapped graphics tutorial by S.Loisel
zen10ps.zip Zen and The Art of Internet 1.0 (about 100p PostScript)