Program : 3-Dimensionaler Minensucher 1.0 Autor : Stephan Schild, E-Mail : Mail : Stephan Schild Siegmundstr. 1 38106 Braunschweig Germany Needs : Maus, VGA (?), 80386+, DOS (no Windows/Linux/OS2 supported) Infos/Doku: See file "miner3d.dt" or "miner3d.eng" Freeware I would like to enter the programming contest with this program. Category is 3: New game by one person Source code is included, but modularity, readability, design, ..., are not up to category 2, I believe. I programmed the whole game, user interface included, using only Gnu-C 2.6.0 (DJGPP) and LIBGRX V1.02. The game may be freely distributed and includes no offending material. I do not know about the quality - most of my friends do not like it much though some (and I) do. I began writing the game quite a while ago, but completed (maybe) it only now. Some (about 5) month ago I sent a few beta-test copies (12) to some people, but this is the first release of the new and improved Version 1.0 Stephan Schild Braunschweig, 22 Sept. 1995 Siegmundstr. 1 38106 Braunschweig Germany