"Why TQM Fails and What To Do About It" by Mark Graham Brown, Darcy E. Hitchcock, and Marsha L. Willard, IRWIN Professional Publishing (1333 Burr Ridge Parkway, Burr Ridge, IL 60521), 1994, 252 pages, $25 (list) A Book Review by Norman C. Frank, PE, CQE, CQA CER Corporation, Washington, DC "Why TQM Fails" discusses both the reasons TQM efforts within a company might fail (root causes) then provides positive approaches to address these reasons (preventive actions) to assure success within your company. Examples of both failures and successes are included to illustrate applications of the approaches and their results. This book is well suited as guidance for management before initiating TQM to allow them to avoid the pitfalls that can lead to failure; during implementation of TQM to guide course corrections and fine-tune the activities; and after implementation to gauge how well they have done. This book is also well suited for quality professionals who must work in or lead a TQM effort. The authors focus on the positive actions to take to turn around a faltering TQM effort so that companies will realize success. The authors stress that integrating TQM as the organizational way of life as key to ultimate success. The book is divided into three phases; start-up, alignment, and integration. Within each phase the potential pitfalls and root causes are identified , discussed, and illustrated . Following the discussion of each root cause for failure, the authors provide positive steps to take and positive actions under "Tips, Tools, and Techniques". Each chapter contains a "Conclusion" and "Suggested Reading". The Tips, Tools, and Techniques and the Conclusions allow you to quickly scan the book for immediate useful information while the Suggested Reading allows the reader to explore each subject in depth. "Why TQM Fails" is comprehensive and insightful in its coverage of the root causes of why TQM fails. This book belongs on the shelf of anyone working in a TQM environment. ---------------- Mr. Frank has over 25 years experience in the field of quality, in the areas of nuclear quality assurance, research and development, and consulting. He is currently in Washington, D.C., with CER Corporation out of Las Vegas, Nevada.