REVIEW: CD-ROM - LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD N T C Publishing Group This multilingual dictionary database contains 17 dictionaries in twelve lagluages, including English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Dutch, Danish, German, Japanese, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish. It offers the equivilent of 132 separate dictionaries or language combinations and 7 million words on a single CD-ROM. Amazing! The database contains specialized words from business, science and technology as well as everyday terms. It will easily and quickly provide translations, definitions and synonyms. As a bonus, LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD contains N T C's American Idioms Dictionary. N T C Publishing group produces high-quality travel guides and many language courses, so the LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD CD-ROM is no surprise. It comes in three formats: MS-DOS, Windows and Macintosh. The MS-DOS version search engine can be used as a TSR with a word processor, thus allowing you to paste the result of your dictionary search directly into the document being edited. The Windows version the same feature and can be inserted into any Windows application through the use of the clipboard. In addition, the Windows version offers the option of displaying Japanese and Chinese characters on the screen. Installation was easy. There's a HELP menu, appropriately indexed and hyperlinked to different sections for easy browsing. LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD is not difficult to master using the HELP and pop-up definitions and examples. I found this CD to be quite handy in going back and forth between the various world's major languages, but I am puzzled by the fact that Russian, which is spoken by over 200 million speakers, was omitted. %T Languages of the World %I N T C Publishing Group %C 4255 Touhy Ave Lincolnwood Illinois 60646 %O CD-ROM DOS $129.95 Windows $149.95 %G ISBN: DOS 0-8442-9294-X WINDOWS 0-8442-9250-8 %K disctinaries (C) 1995 Michael Crestohl Nahant Massachusetts USA DISCLAIMER: I have no interest, financial or otherwise, in the success or failure of the book or materials reviewed herewith, nor have I received any compensation (other than a review copy requested by me) from anyone who has. All opinions expressed are strictly my own. Other Internet and Aviation book/software reviews by me can be obtained by anonymous FTP from: in the /pub/books/crestohl directory.